会长 李兆良 2014年12月26日
(www.zhenghe.org, Email: contact@zhenghe.org)
美国History Channel 2的AmericaUnearthed节目在12月20日介绍了美国出土的宣德金牌与《坤舆万国全图》,是西方媒体首次对此公开报导,虽然报导不长,意义深长。以下用英文比较方便。
The premiere was shown on Saturday December 20th at 9PM EST/8PM CSTon the History Channel 2 network.
Marco Polo Discovers America
Premiere Date:December 20, 2014 - 09:00-10:00PM ET
Just east of the San Francisco Bay Area are the Berkeley HillsWalls–remnants of a massive, stone wall that stretches a distanceof over fifty miles. The wall segments are up to six feet high insome places and are constructed of tightly fit limestone boulders.Scott is in intrigued by the fact that nobody knows who built thewall or even what purpose it serves. The only historical precedentfor a miles-long, manmade, ancient wall is the Great Wall of China.Could ancient Asiatic explorers have made it all the way to theNorth American West Coast? In investigating the theory, Scottuncovers other evidence that could suggest the Chinese with theirmassive maritime fleet made it to the New World, using maps thatwere in the possession of Kublai Khan. He also discovers evidencethat European explorers knew about China’s epic voyages, includingItalian explorer Marco Polo.
If you have not watched it yet, the follow is a schedule for thereruns.
Upcoming Airings:
December 27, 2014 - 08:00-09:00PM ET
December 28, 2014 - 12:00-01:00AM ET
This episode also features Professor Gunnar Thompson introducing afew other important maps that worth mentioning. In particular asimplified Chinese world map 山海舆地全图shows two hemispheres with the"Pacific Ocean" labeled in Chinese as 沧溟宗 "the ancestor of alloceans", meaning the biggest ocean of all. This name, absent in themaps by Ortelius and Mercator, implies that Ming Chinese hascrossed and surveyed all the major oceans.
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