….Like the girl, students were moved while recalling their fadingmemories. The meeting turned out well. Its aim was topromote understanding and narrow the generation gap. betweenteenagers and their parents.
“I think of my parents______when I am hungry or my clothes are dirty or I have injuredmyself playing sports. They always support me.”
A.mostly B.mainly C. partly D.hardly答案用A

学生疑问,mainly 与mostly 都解释为‘主要地”.怎样辨异.?
答 *:mostly 是全部中的大部分.1.主要强调时间.如本题...2.强调主要的场合.如,Green teas are mostly from China or Japan..3强调一组人员的大部分成员. 如.There were about fifteen people in the lounge ,mostly women在这个意义上相当于mainly.
*mainly一般强调1.主要成分或主要组成部分.如:This kind of drink is mainly made of water andsugar.这一意义和mostly相同如,the workforce ismainly/mostly made up ofwomen);2.强调某事发生的主要原因或对某事解释的主要理由.如.I don’t go out much, mainlybecause I have to look after the kids. /Her illness was causedmainly by stress.