大家都知道中国都被叫做礼仪之邦哈,英文就是"the country of etiquette"
先说说请客 Receiving Guests
客人来了,第一件事呢,当然是上茶了,英文叫做offering tea
It is customary to offer a cup of tea to your guest. Whatever yoursocial class, whether you are at a function, at work, at home, on atrip or in any other situation, tea is served whenever youentertain a guest.
When the host offers tea, he should do so with both hands to showrespect. the cup should be three-quarters full, not filled to thebrim. The guest then accepts the tea with both hands and takes afew sips, whether he is thirsty or not. This is to show respect andappreciation.
一般现在来家做客,都没有空手来的,都会带礼物。那下面就是接礼了,英文是 accepting gifts
When a guest comes for a visit, he will usually bring with him agift. The host should thank him and accept it graciously. The guestwill be embarrassed if his gift is not accepted. Never open thegift before the guest as this is considered extremely rude.
茶也喝了,礼也收了,事也谈完了(怎么听起来这么像走后门的呢)。最后,当然是送客啦,英文呢就是 Seeing the guestsoff
When the guest leaves, ask him to stay a while longer. Or invitehim to visit again. The host should stand up and see him to thedoor.
When seeing him out, watch him go until he is some distance away.Never turn your back as soon as you have said goodbye as this isrude.
Han, Y. N. & Chay, G. (2003). Gateway to Chineseculture. FuIsland Offset Printing: Singapore.
如何用英语表示时间、数字、日期、 用6个数字表示日期
如何用英语表示时间在口语中或朗读英文时,经常有需要表达时间的情况出现。如何准确地用英语表达时间呢?总的来说,有两种表达方法。一、直接读数字。如:7:00 读作:seven或seven o”clock8:30 读作:eight thirty9:15 读作:nine fifteen
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