Remee/雷米眼罩戴上后即可体验盗梦空间的清醒梦清明梦超酷! remee官网中文


-- 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦















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■ Inspirational words from famous LucidDreamers 名言

“There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is amiracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.”
Remee/雷米眼罩戴上后即可体验盗梦空间的清醒梦清明梦超酷! remee官网中文
- Albert Einstein

你有两种活法:一是生活没有奇迹,二是一切皆为奇迹! --阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦

What is a television apparatus to man, who hasonly to shut his eyes to see the most inaccessible regions of theseen and the never seen, who has only to imagine in order to piercethrough walls and cause all the planetary Baghdads of his dreams torise from the dust.
– Salvador Dali

Imagination is a force that can actually manifesta reality. … Don’t put limitations on yourself. Other people willdo that for you. Don’t do that to yourself.
– James Cameron

■ 5 Best Things to Do in a Lucid Dream(清明梦中最值得做的5件事)

You might already know what Lucid Dreaming is, oreven had some lucid moments. Or maybe you are one of the luckynaturals who experience Lucid Dreams without making any effort atall. But what are the best things to do in a Lucid Dream? Here issome inspiration:

1. Fly (飞翔)
It’s obvious. Flying is great fun! The feeling it creates in yourtummy is awesome, and so is the view. Generally speaking, tryflying upwards. The ancient Yogis say it’s more beneficial to flyupwards than to fly downwards. Also the view is usually better upthere!

2. Make Love (做爱)
Let’s face it: a lot of people would even put this at number one.And that’s totally ok. Dreams are a great way to live out yourphantasies. Try to do it in a nice and healthy way. Make love in aromantic space, and focus on pleasing the other. Take your time. Asin real life, that’s usually a guarantee for a lovelyencounter.
Make love not war!

3. Learn something new (学习新知识)
Are you keen on learning a new language? Playing the piano? Anyother skills? Try finding teachers in your dreams. They’ll teachyou. It’s amazing what your mind has to offer you. Consciously weare only using 10% of our brain capacities – Lucid Dreaming canhelp you gain access to the other 90%!

4. Invent something (发明)
Want to be an inventor? Or have a great business idea? ThomasEdison, the famous inventor of the light bulb, is supposed to havedreamt 90% of his inventions. If you set the right intentions, youcan also come up with original ideas during your dreams.

5. Meditate (冥想)
After all, this is the main reason why the Yogis and TibetanBuddhists were interested in Lucid Dreaming. They were constantlytrying to solve the mysteries of the universe through meditation.If you’re a meditator in real life, try it during a Lucid Dream.It’s awesome. But take care to stay focused enough – it’s very easyto “fall asleep” again during a meditation.

If you have any other ideas, share them with usin the comments below!



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