Office Word已经标示出了句子错误所在,即绿色波浪线那部分。点击右键,软件会提供改进建议:将degradation后面的逗号更换为分号。调整以后,分号前后各是一个独立的句子。这与调整前有何不同?之前,however居在两句中间,貌似起到了连接两个句子的功能。调整后,however便不再扮演连接的角色。这有道理吗?翻阅词典便知道,however作“然而、但是”讲时只是个副词,副词怎能连接两个句子呢?所以,Word给出的改进建议是对的(但有极个别副词可以连接句子:IcamedirectlyIgot your message.)。故请牢记:

These calculations suggest that a period of about one million yearswould have been required.However,other reliable evidencesuggests that the deposition of the boundary clay could not havetaken one million years. [TPO8EXTINCTIONOF THE DINOSAURS]
The question of ecosystem stability is complicated,however.The first problem is thatecologists do not all agree what “stability” means. Stability canbe defined as simply lack of change. [TPO3TheLong-Term Stability of Ecosystems]
那么,插入语能否在句子中间呢?当然可以,且至少对于however而言大部分情况下都是在句子中间的。粗略统计刘文勇所编辑的黄金阅读6.0版本(由于文章下面还有试题,故某些文字会重复,本次统计没有排除重复的情况,故曰“粗略”),单独搜索“however”结果为122处(其中1处为刘文勇自己所做英文前言里的,下同),搜索“, however,”结果为80处,可见多数情况下however是用在句子中间的。
①My uncle has a huge collection of books; however,he never reads a single one.
②After graduation, some of my classmates studiedfor master degrees; however, others got jobs and started theircareers.
In America, the school day ends at 2:30 pm, followed by threehours’ sports; in China,however,students have to worktill 9:30 pm.
由于是在中美之间做对比,所以however置于in China后凸显对比对象。照此道理,句子②就可以修改为:
After graduation, some of my classmates studied for master degrees;others,however,got jobs and startedtheir careers.
③About 400 million years ago, when the present-daycontinents of North America and Europe were joined, the Caledonianmountain chain was the same size as the modern Himalayas.Today,however,the relics of theCaledonian orogeny (mountain-building period) exist as thecomparatively low mountains of Greenland, the northern Appalachiansin the United States, the Scottish Highlands, and the Norwegiancoastal plateau. [Official GuideGEOLOGYAND LANDSCAPE]
④Many have been attempting to conserve water byirrigating less frequently or by switching to crops that requireless water. Other,however,have adopted thephilosophy that it is best to use the water while it is stilleconomically profitable to do so and to concentrate on high-valuecrops such as cotton. [TPO3Depletionof the Ogallala Aquifer]
不难理解,③中对比的是“about 400 million years ago”和“now”;④中对比的是“many”和“others”。