NOTE: 1. Without limitation to the terms and conditionscontained herein, all call deposits offered by HSBC Bank (China)Company Limited (the ‘Bank’) in the People’s Republic of China (butexcluding Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan (the “Mainland China’) aresubject to the General Terms and Conditions applicable to allaccounts in the Mainland China
2. This English version is for reference only. In case ofany discrepancies between the Chinese and English versions, theChinese version shall apply and prevail
3. The customer shall refer to account holders whereappropriate.
1. The Bank’s acceptance of the customer’s application foropening a call deposit account with the Bank in the Mainland China(the ‘Account’) is based on the customer having read and agreed tothe following terms and conditions.
2. A call deposit mentioned in these terms and conditionsrefer to a deposit denominated in Renminbi (“RMB”) or foreigncurrency, in respect of which the customer does not specify thetime period of deposit at the time of placement but the customermust notify the Bank of the proposed withdrawal date and amountprior to the withdrawal.
3. An account may be opened in such currencies and withsuch minimum deposit amount and minimum withdrawal amount asdetermined by the Bank, which may, at the Bank’s sole discretion,be changed from time to time. At present, the minimum depositamount for a call deposit (whether denominated in RMB or otherforeign currency) as required by the Bank is RMB50,000 (or itsequivalent in relevant foreign currency) for a personal customerand RMB500,000 (or its equivalent in relevant foreign currency) foran entity customer, and the minimum amount of each withdrawal isRMB50,000 (or its equivalent in relevant foreign currency) for apersonal customer and RMB100,000(or its equivalent in relevantforeign currency) for an entity customer.
低起存金额为:个人:五万元(或其等值有关外币 金额),单位:五十万元(或其等值有关外币金额);最低支取金额为:个人:五万元(或其等值有关外币金额),单位:十万元(或其等值有关外币金额)。
4. The customer must place the call deposit with the Bankin one lump sum in accordance with the
requirement by the Bank or law in respect of the minimumdeposit amount. In the meantime, the customer must select the typeof call deposit (i.e. 1-day call deposit or 7-day call deposit),which
selection cannot be changed without the Bank’sconsent.
5. A call deposit can be withdrawn in one lump sum or byinstalments. The customer must notify the Bank of a proposedwithdrawal by no later than the time period of prior notice forwithdrawal as agreed at the time of placement of the deposit (i.e.1day or 7 days) (the “Period of Notice”), and the format of suchnotice shall be in accordance with the Bank’s requirement. If theBank receives two or more instructions from the customerprescribing for the same proposed date of withdrawal (whether ornot the customer gives such instructions by the same means), theBank will act on all such instructions, unless otherwise expresslyprovided in such instructions. All the notices given by thecustomer must be made by the means as prescribed for or adopted bythe Bank from time to time; otherwise, the Bank shall have theright to refuse to act on such notices without notice to thecustomer.
6. Unless otherwise provided herein, a call deposit shallaccrue interest on a daily basis at the rate adopted
7. Subject to other provisions herein, if the customerrequests for partial withdrawal of a call deposit, the Bank willagree to such request, provided that the amount of such partialwithdrawal shall not be lower than the minimum amount of withdrawalrequired by the Bank or law. If the remaining balance of a calldeposit after the withdrawal is lower than the minimum depositamount required by the Bank or law, such remaining balance will beconverted on the same day into a savings deposit account, whichshall be subject to any terms and conditions applicable to savingsdeposit accounts. The customer may also instruct the Bank toconvert such remaining balance into other types of deposits. If theremaining balance of a call deposit after the withdrawal is higherthan or equivalent to minimum deposit amount required by the Bankor law, such remaining balance will be retained as a call depositand the time period of such call deposit shall be calculated fromthe date of placement of the original call deposit.
8. In any of the following events, the Bank shall have theright to re-compute the actual interest amount payable for therelevant amount withdrawn (i.e. the interest payment on the amountso withdrawn for the period from the Initial Value Day to one daybefore the withdrawal date shall be calculated on the basis of theBank’s prevailing current account interest rate on withdrawal day),and determine the discrepancy between actual interest paymentamount and interest which have been paid to the customer beforeactual withdrawal day for the relevant amount withdrawn and thensettle the discrepancy from the withdrawal amountaccordingly:
(a) the actual time period of deposit is shorter than thePeriod of Notice;
(b) the customer fails to notify the Bank of anywithdrawal by no later than the Period of Notice prior to suchwithdrawal;
(c) the customer notifies the Bank of a proposedwithdrawal by no later than the Period of Notice prior to suchwithdrawal, but withdraws in part or in whole the relevant amountprior to or after the notified withdrawal date;
(d) the amount of withdrawal is lower than or exceeds theamount stated in the withdrawal notice, the actual interest amountpayable due to the discrepancy of actual withdrawal and noticewithdrawal amount will be re-computed according to above mentionedprinciple;
(e) the amount of withdrawal is lower than the minimumwithdrawal amount required by the Bank or law.
1. 实际存期不足通知存款存入时约定的通知期限的;
2. 未按通知存款存入时约定的时间提前通知而支取的;
9. If thecustomer does not withdraw in whole or in part a call deposit afterservice of the relevant
withdrawalnotice to the Bank, or if the customer cancels part or all of awithdrawal notice within the Period of Notice but prior to theproposed withdrawal date, the relevant withdrawal notice shall bedeemed to have expired or have been cancelled. If the customerdesires to withdraw any of the call deposit, a new withdrawalnotice will be required to be made pursuant to the terms andconditions herein.
10. Anyplacement, renewal or withdrawal of a call deposit will beprocessed by the Bank on its business days.
11. If anynotice is received by the Bank on a day other than the Bank’sbusiness day, it shall be deemed as having been received by theBank on the following business day. If the notified date ofwithdrawal is a day other than the Bank’s business day, suchwithdrawal shall be processed on the following business day,provided that the Bank shall have the discretion to process thewithdrawal on the business day preceding to such notified datewithdrawal.
12.Account statements are sent at monthly intervals, unless otherwiserequested. If there is no account activity within one or moremonths after the period covered by the most recent accountstatement, the Bank need not send the monthly account statement(s)for that/those month(s).
The customeragrees to examine each statement of account received from the Bankto see if there are any errors, discrepancies, unauthorized debitsor other transactions or entries arising from whatever cause,including, but without limitation, forgery, forged signature,fraud, lack of authority or negligence of the customer or any otherperson (the ‘Errors’).
Thecustomer also agrees that the statement of account shall, asbetween the Bank and the customer, be conclusive evidence as to thebalance shown therein and that the statement of account shall bebinding upon the customer, who shall be deemed to have agreed towaive any rights to raise objections or pursue any remedies againstthe Bank in respect thereof unless the customer notifies the Bankin writing of any such Errors within 90 days after personaldelivery of such statement of account to the customer or, ifposted, within the same period after the Bank has posted suchstatement of account or, if the customer agrees with the Bank tocollect such statement of account at the counter of the Bank,within the same period after the date when such statement ofaccount is generated in the Bank’s system (whether or not, andregardless when, the customer has collected such statement ofaccount during that 90-day period).
13.Accounts with zero balances or Accounts which remain inactive(other than the Bank’s debit of the Accounts for accrued bankcharges, if any) for a continuous period of two years or more (orsuch shorter period as required by laws, regulations and rules) areliable to be closed by the Bank, in the absence of the customer’sspecific instructions to the contrary within the period specifiedby the Bank.