天王盖地虎 宝塔镇河妖(林海雪原)ten years hardtraining, now it is the time!
十年苦练……今天终于能上场了!(国产凌凌漆)evil USA!
万恶的美帝!(?)You must succeed, youmust not lose!

你只能成功,不能失败!(?)You foolish! I orderyou no matter what you do, you must get it, otherwise you will besent to USA to suffer!
你这个饭桶!我命令你,不惜任何代价,都要拿到它!否则我就会把你流放到美国去过苦日子!Our technique has along way to improve!
看来我国的科技水平必须要提高!(大史记)The world is dangerous,I never left my name.
江湖险恶,我从来都不轻易留下我的姓名!(大话西游)You never leave yourname, then leave your head!
既然不肯留下你的姓名,那就留下你的人头!It’s you who made mekill you!
是你逼我出手的!The same day next yearis your fate day!
明年的今天就是你的忌日!The day next week isyour first seven!
一个礼拜后的今天就是你的头七!It’s not true, it isnot true….