- select, choose, collect,elect, pick, single
- 这组词都指从若干事物或人中间“挑选出”适合要求、满足需要的事物或人。其区别在于:1.pick可用于表示无需特别仔细的挑选、辨别的某种情况。例如:My wife is going with me to help me pick out a newsuit.我妻子和我一起去以帮我挑选一件新西装。2.collect指有计划、有选择地“精选”。例如:I like collecting stamps very much, and I've also collectedmany foreign stamps.我非常喜欢集邮,我还收集了许多外国邮票。3.choose指判断和进行实际挑选,该词强调做决定过程中所下的决心,侧重于意志或判断。例如:It is highly important for us to choose and trainsuccessors.对我们来说,挑选和培养接班人是十分重要的。The students chose him as their monitor because they likedhim.学生们选他做班长,因为他们喜欢他。The greedy boy chose the largest apple in thedish.那贪心的孩子从盘中挑了一个最大的苹果。You may choose from them the one you likebest.你可从它们中间选出你最喜欢的一个。They chose her a secretary.他们选择她做秘书。He was chosen our team leader.他被选为我们的队长。4.select强调在进行认真的考虑后,从很多的人或物中精选出最好的、最中意的。这是书面用语,有时具有庄严、正式的感情色彩。例如:They selected a diamond engagement ring.他们挑选了一枚钻石订婚戒指。Why didn't you select a nice subject?你为什么没选一个好题目?Select the book you want.选你需要的书。We selected her to represent us.我们选她作为我们的代表。He selected the village as a base ofoperation.他选择了该村为试验基地。He selected a pair of socks to match hissuit.他为配他的那身衣服选了一双袜子。5.elect所含的意思主要是指在一定的范围内,在有限的数量中,遵照一定的规章或法则,用投票或举手等表决方式,以多数为标准,选出代表或负责人。例如:We elected the captain of our football team by a show ofhands.我们举手选举我们的足球队长。Only someone born in the United States can be elected asPresident.只有在美国出生的人才可以被选为美国总统。The committee is made up of men and women elected by thepeople.委员会是由人民选出的人员组成。6.single强调从若干人或物中慎重地挑出适合要求的人或物。例如:He was singled out to succeed his uncle.他被选出来继承他叔叔的产业。
- choose selectelect pick prefer opt
- 这些动词均含有“选择”之意。