MyLovelyHometown演讲稿 my hometown

Hello,everybody. My name is Hu Mengyao. I am studying in Number Nine Middle School and I’m from Class Four, Grade Eight. Thetopic of my speech today is My lovely Hometown.

My LovelyHometown

My hometown,Bengbu, is a beautiful city. There is a lot of beautiful sceneryhere. As we know, flower-drum-lantern dance, a kind of traditionaldance, is quite well-known in China. The moving story that HuaiRiver was under effect ive control by Dayu in ancient times havebeen told from generation to generation. The famous ancientbattlefield called Gaixia was also here.

All of these are the pride of Bengbunatives. Bengbu is rich in pearls, so it is also called Pearl City.Since we carried out the policies of reform and opening up, myhometown has been more beautiful, and more rapid changes have takenplace here.

I love Pearl Citybecause of her beautiful scenery. When you walk in any street, youwill notice several rows of green trees, which are across thestreets in the city. Different kinds of parks are located in thecity and bright-colored flowers come out proudly and thegreen grasses stand straightly. Every time when people pay a visitto the parks, people speak highly of the beautifulscenery.

The memoriesof childhood make me have a deep feeling toward Pearl City. I oftenplayed with my pals near the Huai River.At that time, Huai River seemed to be morebeautiful in the setting sun. I hoped I can take one of the shipsaround the world when I saw the ships which come andgo.

I love PearlCity because of her snacks. There is a street downtown with variouskinds of snacks. The food there are so delicious that Ican’t help drooling, especially sesame seed cakes with pork, whichare called Chinese hamburgers, are Bengbu natives’ favorite.Otherwise, Bengbu is famous for a special kind of lobster. It issaid that many people often drive to my hometown to have a tryevery summer.

I love PearlCity because she is plain. As time went on, my hometown has becomemore pleasant. People livinghere make great efforts to work every day. They cherish every day,and they live a happy life. If you come to my hometown, localpeople will make you feel at home with their hospitality. Ofcourse, they are enthusiastic about helping others. For example,whenever I am lost in the street, the warmhearted local people willalways show me the right direction. Everything in my hometown hasdeveloped rapidly. The transportation here is very convenienttoo.

As a Bengbu native, I always feel proud of mylovely hometown. I love my hometown deeply and love everythinghere. Do you love her? Thankyou for your listening.


MyLovelyHometown演讲稿 my hometown


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