put (down) 和 take(down) 之辨
—— 由2004年高考全国卷II·英语的一道试题谈起
I wanted to write about that, but I wanted to45it down simply for my own joy①, notfor Mr. Fleagle, my composition teacher.
45. A. settleB. putC. takeD. let
命题者提供的答案是B。让人生疑的是:选项C为什么不对呢?take down和putdown不是都可以表示“写下,记下”的意思吗?
put down:to record in writing 写下,记下:Let me put down yourtelephone number.让我把你的电话号码记下来。
take down: to write down记下,写下: The policeman took (down)my name and address.警察记下了我的姓名和住址。
put down: write sth down; make a note of sth把某事物写下来;记下某事物:I’m having a party next Sunday; put it down in yourdiary so you don’t forget.本星期六我有个聚会;把这事记在你的日记里吧,以免忘了。
take down: write sth down in order to make a record of it记下某事:Anything you say may be taken down and used as evidenceagainst you.你说的每句话都可能记录下来用作指控你的证据。The reporters took down thespeech.记者把讲话记录下来了。
《柯林斯精选英语词典》(中国对外翻译出版公司, 1998):
take down: If you take down what someone is saying, youwrite it down. EG The postmistress began to take down themessage.
put down: 写下来,写出来:Please put down the followingfacts.请把下面这些事实记下来。Everything he said was at once putdown.他所说的一切马上被记了下来。If there’s damage done, put it down in the bill.如果有损失的话,请记在这个单子上。I will put the particulars down in my notebook, sothat I shall not forget them.我要把这些细节记在我的笔记本里,这样就忘不掉了。They asked forthe proposals to be put down on paper, so that they might studythem at leisure.他们要求把提议写在纸上以便闲暇时可以再研究。
take down: 记下来:The policeman took down all particulars ofthe accident.警察把事故的所有细节都记录下来。He read out the names and hissecretary took them down. 他念出那些名字,秘书把它们记了下来。The typist took downthe letter in shorthand. 打字员把那封信速记了下来。Part of Helen’s duties is totake down the minutes of the directors’ meetings. 海伦的职责之一是做董事会议的记录。The pupils took down the notes which the teacher had written on theblackboard.学生们把老师写在黑板上的解释抄了下来。I will tell you how to get to theplace; you had better take it down.我告诉你往那儿怎么走,你最好把它记下来。
Put: If you put written information somewhere, you writeor type it there. EG Put all the details on the card… He couldn’tread what Ken had put for his address… For profession he put downsimply “business man”.
put: to write down; make (a written mark of some kind)写下;标上(记号):Put a cross opposite each mistake. 在每个差错的前面打个叉。“Whatshall I put at the end of the sentence?”“Put a question mark.”“在这个句子的末尾我应该用什么标点?” “用问号。”
take (down): to write down记下,写下:The policeman took (down) myname and address.警察记下了我的姓名和住址。Will you take notes on the meeting,please? 请你做一下会议记录好吗?
put: write or mark (sth) on sth在某物上书写或标上(某事物):put one’ssignature to a document在文件上签字 Put a cross against sb’sname在某人的名字上打叉
take: find out and record (sth); write down (sth)找出并纪录(某事);写下,记下(某事):Did you take notes at the lecture? 你听课时做笔记吗?Shehates taking letters.她不喜欢记录口授信函。
put:表达(某意思),写出来,说:He couldn’t put it (the feeling) intowords.他无法用语言表达它(这种感觉)。 Can you put that in simpler words?你能用更浅显的文字把那个意思写下来吗?They made us various proposals orally, but Isuggested that it could be better if they put everything in blackand white.他们为我们提出了各种各样的口头建议,可我认为,如果他们把所说的都写下来会更好。
take: 记录,写下
The policeman took my name and address.警察记下了我的姓名和住址。

In the referenced paragraph I am putting the information down onpaper. In essence we are just using a different word for the wordwrite. We do this a lot with what we callslang.
Take down is normally used in the context of copyingsomething someone said. Put down is writing something you haveproduced.
2.有6个人认为take是最佳选择。其理由是:put down指“放下某物”或“贬低某人”,只有takedown才能用来指“写下”之意。
Personally,I would see nodifference----what is proper I do not know!
4.有2个人认为四个选项都不恰当,虽然take和put可以理解,但都不是地道的英文表达。21stCentury报社聘请的语言专家Roger Bradshaw这样表述了自己的看法:This passage seems tohave been written by a Chinese English teacher because, although itis clear, logically correct, and grammatically correct, it doesn'tseem perfectly idiomatic. For example, I would have said "I wantedto: record it, write it down, jot it down, get it down, ordescribe it" instead of any of the choices.
还有一位Simon Wright先生也表达了类似的看法:I don't think put downwould ever be used in the context of writing something down;certainly not in England anyway, it would be an incorrect use ofthe word. Take down is just about acceptable in thiscontext; but again not strictly correct. I looked in my dictionaryand neither word mentions use in this context. I think I wouldrewrite the last section to say something like: Suddenly Iwanted to write about it, but I wanted to record it simply for myown joy。
综上所述,我们可以对这个问题作如下总结:1.在put和take之间,put被多数人认可,将put确定为最佳选项应该是有充分理由的。但是,鉴于对它们的用法人们还存在较大的分歧,在重大考试中尽量避免考查它们在这一意思上的区别。例如,本题中如果把take替换为make,就可以避免关于测试信度的争论。2。完形填空的立意是在语篇的层次上测试考生的语篇能力,但是,据笔者推测,绝大多数考生不会把此空的信息错误地理解为除“写”之外的其他意思(因为本空前有很显然的信息:Iwanted to write aboutthat),这就意味着take并没有从语篇的层次上起到干扰作用。本空的立意只是考查put(down)和take(down)在“写下,记下”这层意思上的用法区别,因此,笔者认为,take这个干扰项的设置确实值得商榷。3.关于putdown和takedown的用法之辨,我们不必及早下结论。它们可能有地域用法之别,也可能有语体风格之异,但愿本文能起到抛砖引玉的作用,引起大家对他们的更加细致的探讨。
① 原题中此处设空:46. A. work B.story C. luck D. joy