anyhow:(1) carelessly; unsystematically,意为“随随便便地”;“杂乱无章地”。如:
The bookswere lying on the shelves just anyhow.
He madenotes anyhow across the page.

(2)whatever the facts may be; in spite of this; atleast,意为“不管怎样“、“无论如何”、“即使如此”。此时也可用anyway。如:
Anyhow Idon’t like it.
We managedto get what we wanted, anyhow.
It mayrain, but anyhow I shall go out; I don’t mind the rain..
(1) insome way; by some means,意为“以某种方式”、“通过某种途径”。如:
We muststop him from seeing her somehow.
We mustcelebrate the great occa sion somehow tonight..
(2) for areason that is unknown or unspecified,意为“不知怎么搞的”、“也不知是什么原因”。如:
Somehow, Idon’t feel I can trust him.
I thoughtI knew the way, but somehow I got lost.