“停电/停水”英语怎么说? 停水停电通知网


“停电/停水”英语怎么说? 停水停电通知网

outage / autidʒ / n.(AmE) aperiod of time when the supply of electricity, etc. is not working(电、瓦斯、水等的) 停止供应

停电 electricity failure, a poweroutage

停水 water supply failure, water outage

停电了!The power is off. /The power is gone. /There is a poweroutage.


In this remote college, we have to brace ourselves for powerfailure when storm comes.

brace ~ oneself (for sth)steady or prepare oneself for sth difficult or unpleasant(针对困难的或令人不快的事物)稳住情绪或做好准备

供水系统water supply system

main [C] (a) principal pipe bringing wateror gas, or principal cable carrying electric current, from thesource of supply into a building (自来水﹑ 煤气等的)总管道; (电流的)干线:

e.g. a burst water main 爆裂的自来水总管道

e.g. The gas main exploded and set fire to thehouse. 煤气总管爆炸引起房子失火.


雨季 rainy season

自然灾害 natural disasters

雷暴雨thunderstorm: a storm with thunder and lightning andusually very heavy rain

暴雨 rainstorm: a heavy fall of rain

中/大雨moderate / heavy rain

广州市气象台The Guangzhou MeteorologicalStation

突发洪水a flash flood (sudden destructive floodof water)

红色暴雨预警a Red Rainstorm Alert


The Meteorological Station (气象台) issued(v.发布) a Red Rainstorm Alert (红色暴雨预警).Torrential rain(倾盆大雨) struck this area, triggering aflash flood (突发洪水). The flash flood damaged the principalpipe(主管道) of the water supply system (供水系统) in thisarea. The week-long water supply failure (停水) dramaticallyaffects the life quality of students and faculty(师生) oncampus. It is reported that the water outage (停水) is likelyto persist (持续) because the restoration(修复工作) ofdamaged pipes is hindered(阻碍) by the continuous heavy rains.The school authorities haven’t given any instructions for thefaculty and students to go home. They are making everyeffort (尽全力) to supply water by fire trucks(消防车) and alternative water networks.

torrential /təˈrenʃəl/ adj. (of rain)falling in large amounts 倾盆 [如注] 的(雨)




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