Non-Compete,Non-Disclosure,andNon-SolicitationAgreements竟业 non solicitation


By Jean Murray

Question: Non-Compete, Non-Disclosure, andNon-Solicitation Agreements

Employment contracts often contain restrictiveagreements, and there is much confusion about the differencesbetween these agreements. They are sometimes called "restrictivecovoenants" because they involve a covenant (promise) not to dosomething or restricting someone from doing something. Sometimes,but not always, the agreement includes compensation for the partywho agrees to refrain from the act. There are three general typesof restrictive agreements or covenants.


Non-compete Agreements 竟业禁止协议

These agreements are used in twocircumstances:一般在以下两种情形中使用:

For employment situations in which an employerwants to restrict an employee from leaving the company and settingup a competitor business next door. Most often non-competesrestrict the employee from working in a similar business, within adefined time (one year, two years, or more), and within a definedradius from the original business. Non-compete agreements aredifficult to enforce, and several states have said they are notenforceable because they restrain trade. Other states will enforcea non-compete if there is adequate consideration (money or otherbenefits) to balance the loss of income.


In business sales agreements, in which theoriginal owner agrees not to compete with the new owner over aspecific time and area and in a similar business. In thissituation, the seller receives specific compensation for theagreement not to compete.


Non-Solicitation Agreements


A non-solicitation agreement restricts someonefrom soliciting employees or customers of a business. In a commoncase, an employee who leaves a company agrees not to solicit otheremployees to work for him or her. For example, Joe leave XYZManufacturing and he wants to take Sally, his fantasticadministrative assistant with him. If he had signed anon-solicitation agreement, he would not be allowed to take heralong. Non-solicitation agreements are common in professionalpractices, and in many cases the professional who is leaving isalso restrained from soliciting clients, customers, or patients ofthe practice.


Nondisclosure (Confidentiality)Agreements


A nondisclosure or confidentiality agreementis designed to keep someone from talking about or stealingproprietary information, trade secrets, inventions, or otherinformation that has competitive advantage to the owner.


All three types of agreements have the purposeof trying to prevent someone from taking something f————rom a business- customers, employees, business in general, proprietary productsor trade secrets. The problem with all three is enforcement; oncethe employee or trade secret has been stolen, it takes a lengthyand costly legal process to recover damages and put the genie backin the bottle, so to speak. In these cases, no one benefits but thelawyers.


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