转载 微电影拍摄制作完整案例全套流程系列《晚餐约会》中文字幕 yzm全套完整图百度云


享受一个热闹的短喜剧“晚宴日期”,然后学习是怎么做的。DVD的详细指示如何做一个短片,很少或根本没有钱。这种全面的电影制作教程涵盖了从概念开发,预生产,故事板和设备的选择到了实际拍摄,编辑和声音效果。这是一个伟大的工具,任何有抱负的电影制片人。主持人汤姆Antos的是一位多才多艺的电影和音乐视频导演用了十多年的经验和多个奖项以他的名字。他的YouTube电影制作教程有一个大型的国际以下。通过此DVD,你会看到他怎么一步一步创造了他的短喜剧,受理在各种国际电影节的观众。评语:“我刚收到我的DVD,它的所有信息,我曾经一直在寻找可以回答。”亚历克斯 - 维勒加斯 - 摄影师 - 独特的视觉工作室“这是非常丰富和非常非常有趣!”~马可波罗博瓦迪利亚“在HDDSLR作为一个初学者,我真的很喜欢它!你目前..拉希德· - 努沙媒体屋只是让我感觉就像坐在你的面前。“~“您的短片”晚宴日期'是一个字,太棒了。 DVD,内容非常丰富。我已经看到了它的3倍左右。“鲁迪·富兰克林Haakmat- 图像制作“这是最好的$ 72我曾经花了录像研究。我强烈建议你获得这个DVD。他把你从一开始的过程中一路观看。 BESTBUY在网络上!手了!“~LUV生活娱乐“这是非常值得的钱......我喜欢短,尤其是教育部分教程”。~基督教B.导演:汤姆Antos的演员:杰夫Sinasac,基思·库珀,4月摩根的Tonya兹电影节:CFC全球短片电影节,卡尔加里国际电影节,密西沙加独立电影节,国家电影局特别展映格式:NTSC DVD没有区码CODE(全球)或数字高清720p的MP4视频文件下载(大约3.9GB的数据)总运行时间:1小时47分钟。光盘内容介绍“晚餐约会”短片剧本创作故事板摄影风格地点侦察铸件设备清单与演员工作配售相机录制注意到采光数据管理编辑色彩校正声音你的电影首映


Enjoy a hilarious short comedy "Dinner Date" and then learn how itwas made. The DVD presents detailed instructions on how to make ashort film with little or no money. This comprehensive filmmakingtutorial covers everything from the concept development,pre-production, storyboarding and equipment choices to the actualfilming, editing and sound FX. It is a great tool for any aspiringfilmmaker.

The host Tom Antos is an accomplished film and music video directorwith over ten years of experience and several awards to his name.His YouTube filmmaking tutorials have a large internationalfollowing. With this DVD, you will see step-by-step how he createdhis short comedy that entertained audiences at variousinternational film festivals.


“I just received my DVD and it’s all of the info I ever was lookingto be answered.” ~ Alex Villegas – Cinematographer – Unique VisionsStudio

“It is very informative and very very VERY funny!” ~ MarcoBobadilla

“As a beginner in HDDSLR I really love it! The way you present it..just make me feel like sitting infront of you.” ~ Rashid R. – NusaMedia House

“Your short movie ‘Dinner Date’ is in one word, FANTASTIC. The DVD,was very informative. I already saw it about 3 times.” ~ RudyFranklin Haakmat – Image Productions

“It’s the best $72 I ever spent on video study. I highly recommendyou get this DVD. He takes you from the beginning of the processall the way to the viewing. BEST BUY ON THE WEB! HANDS DOWN!” ~ LuvLife Entertainment

“It was well worth the money… I enjoyed both the short andespecially the educational portion with the tutorials.” ~ ChristianB.

Directed by:Tom Antos
Cast:Jeff Sinasac, Keith Cooper, AprilMorgan, Tonya Dodds
Film Festivals:CFC Worldwide Short FilmFestival, Calgary International Film Festival, MississaugaIndependent Film Festival, National Film Board SpecialScreenings
Format:NTSC DVD with NO REGION CODE(worldwide) or a digital download of HD 720p MP4 video files(roughly 3.9GB of data)
Total Running Time:1 hour and 47 min.

Disc Contents


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/25101014/237432.html


美国电影《性感保姆》中文字幕 美国队长3中文字幕

保姆的剧情简介   高中生雪莉靠给孩子当保姆来攒大学学费。某天她的雇主迈克尔因为心情糟糕,想找个人安慰,结果吻了雪莉。出于内疚,迈克尔给了雪莉一些钱,比她平常当保姆的酬劳要多得多。后来迈克尔的朋友知道了这件事,也想有类似的体

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