《Love Will Keep Us Alive》选自老鹰乐队(Eagles)的专辑《1972-99-SelectedWorks》,为Eagles的经典抒情歌曲,由乐队的贝斯手TimothyB.Schmit主唱。老鹰乐队(Eagles),聆听杂志曾介绍过Eagles的《Waiting In TheWeeds》。柔情的节奏,歌中的誓言让人感动,When we’re hungry love will keep usalive,歌曲旋律优美,尤其是多重吉他的和弦更为出色,是很多老鹰迷欣赏的演唱方式。几个人坐在一起,淡淡的旋律在他们手指的弹拨下如涓涓小溪轻轻地流淌。我喜欢在夜深人静的时候戴上耳机听这首歌,此时,TimothyB.Schmit仿佛就坐在面前,以老朋友的身份和你促膝长谈,生活的艰辛,人生的磨难,没有海誓山盟,没有信誓旦旦,旅途漫漫,只有你的爱人与你携手,互相扶持着共赴人生的终点。这是否就是爱的真谛?
<Love will keep usalive>的曲与词都很经典,完全可以与任何一只经典情歌媲美,所有听过的人都会立刻被它感染,让柔情充满身上的每一个细胞久久不散。我一直认为这首歌是真正的音乐鸦片,听一次就会上瘾再无法戒掉。另外,从歌唱技巧上来说,这歌的和声堪称完美。
Eagles (band)老鹰乐队介绍
Eagles are anAmerican rock band formed in Los Angeles, California in 1971 by Glenn Frey, Don Henley, BernieLeadon and Randy Meisner.
With five number onesingles, six Grammies, and six number one albums, the Eagles wereone of the most successful recording artists of the 1970s. At theend of the 20th century, two of their albums, Their Greatest Hits(1971–1975) and Hotel California, ranked among the 20 best-sellingalbums in the U.S. according to the Recording Industry Associationof America. Hotel California is ranked 37th in Rolling Stone's 500Greatest Albums of All Time, and the band was ranked #75 on themagazine's 2004 list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time.[2]They also have the best selling album in the U.S. with TheirGreatest Hits (1971–1975), which sold more than 29 millioncopies.
The Eagles broke upin July 1980, but reunited in 1994 for Hell Freezes Over, a mix oflive and new studio tracks.They have toured intermittently sincethen, and were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in1998. In 2007, Eagles released Long Road out of Eden, their firstfull studio album in 28 years. The album would top the albumcharts, release five singles on the Adult Contemporary Charts andwin the band two Grammies. The next year they launched The LongRoad out of Eden Tour in support of the album.
老鹰乐队(Eagles)是20世纪1970年代早期成立于美国洛杉矶的一支摇滚乐团体。拥有7张专辑与29支单曲。依RIAA统计,Eagles1976年发表的精选辑EAGLES/THEIR GREATEST HITS 为美国史上销量最高专辑,超过2900万。而在滚石排出的史上最伟大500张专辑,他们另一张专辑《加州旅馆》(Hotel California)位于第37位。1998年,老鹰乐团被迎入摇滚名人堂。乐团于1980年一度解散,而于1994年重组,发行了Hell Freezes Over,并开始在各地进行巡回演唱,依然获得了大量乐迷的支持。