鬼胎 sinister design;ulterior motive
鬼火 elffire;fenfire;friar'slantern;jack-o'-lantern;wildfire
鬼子 devil
鬼魂 soul
鬼混 fool around
鬼神 ghosts andgods;spirits;supernatural beings
鬼话lie;deceptive remark;nonsense;outright lies
鬼才 wizard
鬼脸 grimace;mop;wry face
鬼怪 apparition;spirit
鬼 点 子wicked idea;trick;andevilishly clever idea
鬼 把 戏 sinister plot;dirty trick
鬼 门 关the gate ofhell;dangerspot;a tryingmoment;the jaws ofdeath
鬼哭狼嚎 wolfcreek;brotherhood of thewolf;underworld;rise of the lycans
鬼斧神工 the wonderfulness of the nature;the hand that acts;divine inspiration;
the work ofdeity

鬼鬼祟祟sneaking;furtive;stealthy;lurk and sneak around like a ghost;
be furtive in one'smovements;be up to some hanky-panky;
act secretively;like a thief in the night; in a very sneaky way;
with a hangdog expression;surreptitious
鬼使神差doings of ghosts andgods; unexpectedhappenings;
a curiouscoincidence; messengers of the gods andspirits;
at the behest ofsupernatural p owers