fabulous ['fæbjuləs] 极高的赞美;
gorgeous ['ɡɔ:dʒəs]也是很高的赞美带点“华丽丽”的意思
还有beautiful太常见了,少用,我还是用good-looking,还有good-looking boy【帅哥】。
1、good-looking ['ɡud'lukiŋ] adj. 好看的;美貌的
Do you think she is good-looking?
He is a good-looking boy.
He is not really good-looking, but he is attractive.
She is keen on every good-looking boy in our school. What aflirt!
2、beautiful 漂亮的
3、pretty adj. 漂亮的;可爱的;优美的
He sat next to a pretty girl.
4、lovely adj. 可爱的;令人愉快的
he is a lovely little boy
5、cute(这个好)adj. 可爱的;漂亮的;聪明的,伶俐的
The cute cat became sicker.
6、hot 热火的 这个不要乱用哦,不然搞不好人家生气
adj. 热的;辣的;热情的;激动的;紧迫的
I look for a friendly andhot woman.
7、fabulous ['fæbjuləs] 极高的赞美
adj. 难以置信的;传说的,寓言中的;极好的
He owns fabulous wealth.
A girl should be two things: classyand fabulous.

8、attractive 吸引人的
9、gorgeous ['ɡɔ:dʒəs]也是很高的赞美 带点“华丽丽”的意思
adj. 华丽的,灿烂的;极好的
He noticed the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen behind thecounter.
10、stunning 也是漂亮的意思
adj. 极好的;使人晕倒的;震耳欲聋的
She had been a stunning girl.
11、charming 有魅力、有吸引力的,迷人的
Her almond ['ɑ:mənd] eyes-- are verycharming.
12、enchanting [in'tʃɑ:ntiŋ, en-]
adj. 迷人的;妩媚的
She has the most enchanting smile.
If you don't mind my saying so, yoursmile is quite enchanting.