Hip pain in runners !
One of the most common runninginjuries.
"Hip injuries, bursitis, ITBS,snapping hip explained :) "
"髋关节损伤,滑囊炎, 髂胫束综合症, 髋关节声响的解释 :)"
There is no doubt about it: runners aresusceptible to hip injuries,hip pain and long term hip conditionswhen running. Hip pain in runners are such conditions as hipbursitis, snapping hip and ITBS. These can be painful, evendisabling - and they can create havoc for your runningcareer!
So, knowledge is power - and one of thebest ways to protect yourself from these hip injuries is to learnabout them.
Find out,
Main thing for hip injuries and running isto find out the cause for the problem.
Ok, lets go ;)
Ok, 让我们开始吧;)
Let's have a closer look as some of themost common hip injuries from which runners, even well practicedand experienced runners - may fall victim to:
Hip bursitis, the snapping hip, ITBS and"the dark horse" : upper hamstring injuries.
Ⅰ.Hip Bursitis. A cause of hip pain inrunners that often can be easily fixed.
Hip bursitis is a common problem. Itcreates pain around the outside of the upperthigh.
Basically, this painful condition gets itsname from the "bursa" - sac filled with fluid that we all havearound our joints.
基本上,这种疼痛得名于" bursa " – 一种充满液体的囊,位于我们关节的周围。
This bursa is a good thing to have as thefluid allows for the smooth movement between two uneven surfaces -i.e. your bones.
We all have a bursa between the two bonybits over the outside of the hip - the greater trochanter and thehard tendon that passed over this bone.
Your pain will thus be :
Ordinarily, all is well with this bursa,but if it becomes inflamed, you're in for a painful jolt each timethe tendon slides over the bone - which is basically every time youmove your hip of your leg : a regular occurrence forrunners!
I have seen it myself with many runnersthat could have been quite easily treated. Instead they havecontinued for months with the same kind of nagging pain in eachstride.
Hip bursitis may be diagnosed by pain orswelling over the bones you can feel at the top of your hip. Anygood physiotherapist (not always good to trust the doc ! ) will beable to palpate this.
From there, an x-ray will ordinarily becarried out to confirm the diagnosis and discount bone spurs orcalcified growths.
If you, a runner, get a diagnosis ofhip bursitis, this is what you can do :
The first course of treatment is tocontrol the inflammation, through rest and anti-inflammatorymedication;
如果您,普通的跑步者,要诊断髋关节滑囊炎,您应该做的是 :
A course of cortisone injections may alsobe prescribed.
You should not be afraid of cortisoneshots in the bursa. This is a "sac", so an injection into the sackis only positive - no negative effects (as long as the doc has asteady hand!) as no tissue outside it is affected (liketendons,muscles).
So cortisone shots are often discussed,but for bursitis, it is a "common" understanding that is isperfectly ok.
To prevent the injury recurring, once thisbursitis attack has been alleviated, you will need to undergophysical therapy which strengthens and stretches the muscles andtendons in this area of the iliotibial band.
Plus, main thing :
- Know what caused it (usually too intensetraining/too much running combined with strength work in a shortperiod of time)
- Try and massage up the muscles with crossfriction massage on the outside of the hip. This is often much moreeffective than strength work and stretches.
1. 了解导致髋关节滑囊炎的原因(通常是,训练强度过大/ 跑步结合力量,短期内过多)
2. 试着用十字摩擦的按摩手法,舒缓髋关节外侧的肌肉。通常,摩擦比力量训练和拉伸更加有效。
Better toned muscles and tendons shouldthen glide more easily and not cause hip bursitis to flare up againin the future.If you follow this advice, surgery to remove thebursa should not be necessary except in extremecircumstances.
Ⅱ.Snapping Hip. Unpleasant andsometimes painful!
Second of the hip pain injuries in running: snapping hip
In this unpleasant condition, a snappingsensation, and maybe even an audible popping noise from the hip maybe experienced. Usually, this snapping hip syndrome is caused bytendons catching on bones protruding at the hip. This can be due tothree main causes:
1. As a result of the Iliotibial Bandsnapping
This wide, thick tendon covers outside ofthe hip joint. This can unfortunately lead to hip bursitis, asdiscussed above.
2. Iliopsoas Tendon Snap is lesscommon
It is caused when the tendon which shouldslide over the front of the hip joint catches on the pelvis.Thiscan be annoying but is not usually as problematic or as painful asthe above cause of snapping hip syndrome.
3. A hip labral tear is the least commoncause of snapping hip syndrome.
It is a tear of the cartilage within thehip joint, which can then become loose and cause a snappingsensation when the hip is moved. Usually, a pop can't be heard, butthe person suffering it may experience instability within the hipand so feel uneasy on their feet.
Snapping hip syndrome - whatever thereason for it - is usually diagnosed by way of x-rays to seewhether there are any bony growths or bones sticking out around thejoint which may be rubbing and causing the popping. However, theseare usually normal.
Diagnosis may later involve an MRI scan ifa tear in the hip cartilage is suspected, but this can be difficultto ascertain.Thererfore, to find a good clinical doctor and see thecommon signs of the injury is always important.
How can I treat snapping hip syndrome?
Often, treatment of snapping hip syndromeis not needed.
It could be that once the person isreassured that there is nothing seriously wrong with them that theyare happy to put up with a bit of musical accompaniment to theirmovements! However, anti-inflammatory injections and possiblycortisone injections can help. Stretching the muscles and tendonsthrough physical therapy can also be useful in alleviating thesymptoms of a snapping hip.
It is rare that surgery is needed for thiscondition, but if the pain is severe and last a long time, thensurgical procedures to relax the te ndons or to remove the torncartilage can be carried out.
Moving forward. To Illibitial BandSyndrome. One of the major running injuries in general.
Ⅲ.ITBS -Itiotibial band syndrome andhip pain in runners.
ITBS -髂胫束综合症和跑步者的髋关节疼痛
Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) is causedby an inflammation of the iliotibial band, the tendon that runsaround the outside of the hips on both sides of the body.The iliotibial band also runs down theoutside of the leg.The iliotibial band runs from the hip to theshin, finishing just below the knee joint. Together with several ofthe thigh muscles, the iliotibial band acts to provide stability tothe outside of the knee joint.
髂胫束综合症 (ITBS)是人体两侧髋关节附近的筋腱,髂胫束发炎引起的。髂胫束沿者大腿外侧向下延伸,从髋关节至小腿骨,刚好止于膝关节的下方。髂胫束的作用是结合数块大腿肌肉,提供膝关节外侧的稳定性。
ITBS occurs when this band becomesinflamed or irritated. The pain is usually felt at the knee,around the end of the thigh bone where the iliotibial band crossesover the bone and the muscle. There should be a bursa here, whichmakes it easy for the iliotibial band to slide and the leg to moveeasily. However, if there is inflammation, it can't do that andpain ensues.This pain usually gets worse with exercise and improveswith rest.
Causes of ITBS in runners andtreatment.
ITBS is commonly developed in runners whenthey seek to increase the number of miles that they run. Or runthem too intense at a pace that does not have enough variation. Itcan also occur in those who have an awkward gait, such as in peoplewho are bow-legged.
In addition to this get some crossfriction massage on the muscles. If done correctly, this canrelease much of the stress in the area and resolve the problemcompletely ! Once you are "healed" from the injury, remember to domore variation in your training paces to prevent this injuryto re-occur.
We are now approaching the end of thearticle about hip pain in runners.Wish you all the best withthe injury prevention, treatment and future running!