笔者是IT科班出身,看着因特网发展壮大,在处理社交网(SNS)方面向来比较谨慎,自信不会惹来什么麻烦。检点自己的SNS,已经作废或不怎么使用的有MSN,Yahoo。使用中的SNS,大致有这么几个: Skype(主要用来通话,都是熟悉的朋友或者家人),FaceBook(由朋友的朋友形成的松散的圈子,不认识的大于认识的),LinkedIn(工作上有往来,或者是科技圈的朋友),QQ(跟国内交往的工具),微信(也叫WeChat,同胞通用的比较私密的朋友圈)。
客观地看,LinkedIn里的人层次较高,都是业界学界的知名人士。至少在我的LinkedIn里是这样的。但是,由于并没有直接的业务联系,一般很少一对一地通讯。偶尔有些猎头公司的人会发几个邮件过来,推荐一些单位等等。笔者就曾经收到过这样几封信,偶然也会接一两个电话。所以,当今年盛夏的某一天,收到MsIrene Lee Yun Lien的一封电子邮件,说有一个重要的机会希望尽快与她联系时,我想她一定又是猎头公司的职员了。
Ms Irene Lee YunLien在LinkedIn上的账号显示她是香港恒生银行的董事。以前来函的一般都是与IT有关的公司,难道恒生的IT部门要招人吗。怀着满腔好奇,回复了Lee女士的信。不久,接到她如下回信。
Dear David
Thanks for accepting my connection in Linkedin and I will formallyintroduce myself to you. I am Ms Irene Lee Yun Lien, Non-executiveDirector at the Hang Seng Bank Plc. I am contacting you concerningan abandoned sum of $22,500,000.00 USD. In June 2004, A customercalled Fernando Wei a foreign contractor with Royal Dutch Plc cameto our bank for business discussions and investment, As the officerin charge of his transaction then, I encouraged him to considervarious growth of funds with prime ratings. Then he investedNineteen Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars only.Based on my advice, we were able to spin the initial deposit withprofit and interest to 22.5 million U.S Dollars. After few months;my bank (Hang Seng) sent several notice to him without response andunfortunately, my client died in a car crash along with his nuclearfamily at France while on sabbatical in the summer of 2007, maytheir soul rest in peace. He died without leaving a Will andseveral efforts were made to find his extended family through yourembassy without success. Because of the sensitive nature of privatebanking, most customers don’t nominate next of kin in theirinvestment, also usually in most cases leave their WILLS in ourcare, in this case; our now deceased client died in-testate.

It is quite clear now that our dear client died with no known oridentifiable family member. According to practice, the Privatebanking sector will by the end of this year broadcast a request forstatement of claim to Hang Seng Bank Ltd, failing to receive viableclaims they will probably revert the deposit to the Management ofHang Seng Bank Ltd. This will result the money entering the HangSeng accounting system and the portfolio will be out of my handsand out of the private banking division. What bothers me most isthat according to the laws of my country at the expiration of Ten{10} years the funds will revert to the ownership of the Hong KongGovernment if nobody applies to claim the funds.
Now, I am prepared to give the necessary details to you as theclosest surviving relation of our deceased customer (Fernando Wei).I am also proposing that after a successful execution of thebusiness deal, the funds will be shared in the ratio 40/60. Youwill get 40% and I will be entitled to 60% as the initiator of thedeal. You know that I must have done my home work already beforecontacting you. Although the project is capital intensive, I know Iwill be able to pull it through following proper banking and legalchannels with your assistance at your end. I will tidy up the legalaspect with the assistance of a lawyer who will prepare all thedocuments that will be needed to transfer the money from Hong Kongto your country. Once more, I ask that if you find no interest inthis project that you should discard this mail and forget I evercontacted you, I ask that you do not be vindictive and destructive;do not destroy my career. Opportunities like this only comes oncein a lifetime. I am a responsible woman and this is an opportunityfor me to give my family the best in life. I would want you tothink about this and let me know your decision. If you give me apositive response, I will give you the relevant INFORMATION for thesuccessful transfer of these funds and we both enjoy it inpeace.
If you give me positive signals on my email irenelyl770@gmail.com ,I will initiate this process towards a conclusion. I wish to informyou that should you not contact me via official channels becauseour calls are being monitored at the bank. You can also check on myBiography from this link as well(http://bank.hangseng.com/1/2/about-us/directors-organisation/board-of-directors). You can also call our official line +852-2822-0228 but do nottalk about this transaction or I may deny knowing you, when youcall? Ask of Ms Irene Lee Yun Lien (Hang Seng Bank【】) and if I am onseat, then your call shall be transferred to me, what I will wantyou to do is to abolish the call before I talk because my officialline are not secured means to reach me bearing in mind, the natureof this transaction, because they are periodically monitored toassess our level of customer care in line with our Total QualityManagement.
I await your response.
Ms Irene Lee Yun Lien