新加坡国花--卓锦万代兰组图 万代兰新加坡餐厅



摄影/ 夏花于新加坡万里胡姬园、国家胡姬园


新加坡国花--卓锦万代兰(组图) 万代兰新加坡餐厅

Vanda Miss Joaquim

Vanda Miss Joaquim was chosen as Singapore's national flower in1981. The designation of a national flower was part of an overalleffort to foster national pride and identity.
Singapore has the unique distinction of being the only nation tohave a hybrid as its national flower.

The choice of an orchid as Singapore's nationalflower is most appropriate because orchids have long beenidentified with Singapore.
And no orchid is more worthy of being Singapore's national flowerthan Vanda Miss Joaquim as it is the first registered plant hybridfrom Singapore.


This orchid, a hybrid between Vanda hookeriana and Vanda teresis hardy and free flowering. It was described by the first directorof the Singapore Botanic Gardens Mr H.N. Ridley in 1893, who namedit after Agnes Joaquim. Ridley wrote that the plant was the resultsof a cross made by Miss Joaquim.

Features Of Vanda Miss Joaquim

A strong inflorescence of Vanda Miss Joaquim may carry up to 12buds, usually with four flowers open at a time. Each flower isabout 5 cm across and 6 cm tall, and as is the case with itsparents, the petals are twisted around so that the back surfacefaces front. The two petals and the top sepal are rosy-violet, andthe lateral sepals are a pale mauve. The lip is very large andbroad and the middle lobe extends out loke a fan. It is colouredviolet- rose, merging into a contrasting fiery orange at thecentre. Over the orange patch, the lip is finely spotted with darkpurple. It is free-flowering.

Growing The National Flower

Vanda Miss Joaquim requires full sunlight, free air movement,high humidity and heavy fertilising to achieve optimum growth andflowering. It needs support to grow straight and tall but itflowers only when the top of its stem rises above the support. Itis a robust, sun loving plant with slender stems best grown in bedsagainst post supports.


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