/D(PreprocessorDefinitions) preprocessor macros

Open the project's Property Pages dialog box.
Click the C/C++ folder.
Click the Preprocessor property page.
Modify the Preprocessor Definitions property.

/D(PreprocessorDefinitions) preprocessor macros
Youcan use this symbol with#ifor#ifdeftocompile source conditionally. The symbol definition remains ineffect until a redefinition is encountered in source or the symbolis undefined in source by using the#undefdirective.

/Dhas muchthe same effect as using the#definedirectiveat the beginning of the source file.However,/Dstrips[]quotes on the command line and#defineretainsthem.

vs 中的Preprocessor Definitions选项,是用来定义编译条件的,相当于在sourcefile的顶部使用#define一样。

The preprocessor definitions are usefor global pre-processor definitions for the current project;usually system or compiler pre-processor defintion.

for example, when in debug mode, oneof the definition will _DEBUG this will be used when compiling thecode if the user (programmer) wants to do something different whenbuilding in debug mode :

#ifdef _DEBUG
/// do something ONLY in debug mode


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