直流电力牵引制 DC electric traction system
电力牵引供电系统 power supply system of electric traction
电力牵引远动系统 electric traction telemechanical system; electric tractionremote control system
牵引网 traction electric network
视在单位能耗 specific apparent energy consumption
列车带电运行时分 train running time on load
直接供电方式 direct feeding system
带回流线的直接供电方式 direct feeding system with return wire
吸流变压器供电方式 booster tansformer feeding system
自耦变压器供电方式 autotransformer feeding system
单回路供电 single circuit power supply
双回路供电 double circuit power supply
分支接线 branch connection
桥形接线 bridge connection
换相联接 exchange phase connection; phase alternatingconnection
牵引变压器 traction transformer
三相YN;dll接线牵引变压器 traction transformer of three-phase YN; d11connection
三相三绕组接线牵引变压器 traction transformer of threephase three windingconnection
单相V/V接线牵引变压器 traction transformer of singlephase V/Vconnection
单相接线牵引变压器 traction transformer of singlephaseconnection
斯柯特接线牵引变压器 traction transformer of Scott connection
伍德布里奇接线牵引变压器 traction transformer of Wood Bridgeconnection
三相十字交*接线牵引变压器 traction transformer of cross connection withthreephase
单边供电 one way feeding
双边供电 two way feeding
越区供电 over-zone feeding
集中供电方式 centralized power supply system
分散供电方式 diversified power supply system
移动备用方式 movable reservation system
固定备用方式 fixed reaservation system
串联电容补偿装置 compensator with series capacitance
并联电容补偿装置 compensator with parallel capacitance
有载自动调节 autoregulation on load
补偿装置的电抗比 reactance ratio of compensator
滤波装置 filter
电压自动补偿装置 autoregulation voltage compensator
滞后相供电臂 laging phase feeding section
引前相供电臂 leading phase feeding section
分相装置 neutral section
电分段装置 section point
供电线 feeder
自耦变压器供电线 AT-feeder
载流承力索 current-carrying catenary
牵引回流电路 traction return current circuits
回流线 return wire
分相回流线 split return wire
保护线 protective wire
保护线用连接线 crossbond of protective wire
吸流变压器 booster transformer; BT
自耦变压器 autotransformer; AT
吸上线 boosting cable
列车平均电流 average current of train
列车有效电流 effective current of train; r.m.s. current oftrain
列车带电平均电流 average current of charging train
供电臂平均电流 average current of feeding section
供电臂有效电流 effective current of feeding section
供电臂干扰计算电流 disturbing calculation current of feedingsection
供电臂短路电流 short-circuit current of feeding section
供电臂瞬时最大电流 instantaneous maximum current of feedingsection
供电臂最大负荷电流 maximum load current of feeding section
牵引变电所标称电压 nominal voltage of traction substation
接触网最高电压 maximum voltage of overhead contact line
接触网标称电压 nominal voltage of overhead contact line
接触网最低电压 minimum voltage of overhead contact line
事故状态的接触网最低电压 minimum voltage of overhead contact line at accidentcondition
牵引网阻抗 impedance of traction electric network
电分段装置 sectioning
牵引回流轨 traction return current rail
钢轨对地电位 rail potential to ground
钢轨连接器 rail joint bond
火花间隙 spark gap
接地保护放电装置 earth protection discharger
牵引变电所 traction substation; SS
直流牵引变电所 DC traction substation
交流牵引变电所 AC traction substation
移动牵引变压器 movable traction transformer
移动牵引变电所 movable traction substation
开闭所 sub-section post; SSP
自耦变压器所 auto-transformer post; ATP
分区所 section post; SP
接触网 overhead contact line equipment
接触网悬挂 overhead contact line; catenary
链形悬挂 overhead contact line with catenary; longitudinalsuspension
简单悬挂 tramway type suspension equipment
弹性简单悬挂 stitched tramway type suspension equipment
斜链形悬挂 inclined catenary; srew catenary
直链形悬挂 polygonal catenary
弹性链形悬挂 stitched catenary equipment
全补偿链形悬挂 auto-tensioned catenary equipment
半补偿链形悬挂 semi-auto-tensioned catenary equipment
双链形悬挂 compound catenary equipment
承力索 catenary
辅助承力索 auxiliary catenary
横承力索 headspan wire
定位索 registration wire
接触线 contact wire
附加导线 additive wire
加强线 line feeder
承力索终端锚固线夹 termination fitting for catenary
接触线终端锚固线夹 termination fitting for contact wire
承力索接头线夹 catenary splice
接触线接头线夹 contact wire splice
横承力索线夹 headspan wire clamp
吊环 suspension ring
电连接 electrical connector
电连接线夹 electrically connecting clamp
接触线电连接线夹 electrically connecting clamp for contact wire
接触网架空地线 overhead earth wire
接地线夹 earth clamp
棒式绝缘子 strut insulator; rod insulator
双重绝缘棒式绝缘子 double strut insulator; double rod insulator
腕臂 cantilever
旋转腕臂 hinged cantilever
腕臂底座 cantilever base
拉杆[压管] upper cantilever
拉杆底座 bracket base
调节板 regulating plate
套管铰环 sleeve with clevis and ring
钩头鞍子 hook-type saddle
杵座鞍子 socket-type saddle
定位装置 registration device
定位管 registration arm
定位器 steady arm
软定位器 pull-off arm
定位环 steady ring
定位线夹 steady ear
正定位 pull-off mode
反定位 push-off mode
支持器 supporter
杵环杆 bar with ball and eye; ball-socket bar
拉出值 stagger
吊弦 hanger
吊弦线夹 hanger ear
吊索 dropper
线岔 overhead crossing
硬横跨 portal structure
软横跨 headspan suspension
中间柱 single suspension mast
转换柱 transition mast
绝缘转换柱 insulatid transition mast
非绝缘转换柱 uninsulated transition mast
中心柱 center mast
锚柱 anchor mast
道岔柱 turnout mast
定位柱 registration mast
分段绝缘器 section insulator
分相绝缘器 neutral section insulator
接触网故障探测装置 fault locator for overhead contact lineequipment
悬吊滑轮 suspension pulley
补偿滑轮 tension pulley
定滑轮装置 fixed pulley
坠铊 balance weight
坠铊补偿器 balance weight tensioner
弹簧补偿器 spring tensioner
锚段 tension length
中心锚结 mid-point anchor
中心锚结线夹 mid-point anchor clamp
防窜装置 anticreeping device
锚固装置 anchor fitting
锚段关节 overlap
绝缘锚段关节 insulated overlap
非绝缘锚段关节 uninsulated over-lap
同侧下锚 same-side anchor
异侧下锚 different-side anchor
限界门 warning portal
导线安装曲线 wire installation curve
当量跨距 equivalent span length
张力增量 tension increment
绝缘间隙 insulation gap
支柱侧面限界 mast gauge
冷滑 cold-running
热滑 hot-running
硬点 hard spot
铅锤弹性 vertical elasticity; vertical resilience
横向弹性 lateral elasticity; lateral resilience
受电弓上抬力 pantograph upthrust; pantograph static contactforce
受电弓空气动力效应 aerodynamic effects of pantograph
离线 contact loss
离线率 contact loss rate
承力索弛度 catenary sag
接触线弛度 contact wire sag
接触线预留弛度 contact wire pre-sag
接触线最大水平偏移值 maximum horizontal displacement of contactwire
结构高度 system height; encumbrance
供电段 section for power supply
供电领工区 fore work district for power supply
接触网工区 maintenance gang for catenary
远动工区 work district for telemechanical system
公铁两用检修车 road-railway repairing vehicle
接触网测试车 measuring car for overhead contact lineequipment
接触网检修车 repairing car for overhead contact lineequipment
变电所测试车 srbstation testing car
绝缘子清洗车 insulator cleaning car
绝缘梯车 insulated ladder trolley

危险影响 dangerous influence
磁感应 magnetic induction
电感应 electric induction
地电流影响; 属于阻性耦合 influence of ground current
影响电流 influencing current
静电感应电流 electrostatic induced current
漏泄电流;迷流 leakage current
纵电动势 lingitudunal electro-motive force
对地电压 voltage to ground
互感系数;磁耦合系数 mutual inductance coefficient
互感阻抗 mutual inductive impedance
视在大地导电率 apparent earth conductivity
大地电阻率 earth resistivity
屏蔽系数 shielding factor
综合屏蔽系数 combination shielding factor
钢轨屏蔽系数 shielding factor of track
桥隧屏蔽系数 shielding factor of bredge and tunnel
电缆屏蔽系数 shielding factor of cable
架空底线屏蔽系数 shielding factor of aerial earth wire
终端效应 terminal effect
接近长度 approach length
接近距离 separation distance
平行接近 parallelism approach
斜接近 oblique exposure
斜接近段长度 oblique exposure length
斜接近段的等效距离 equivalent distance of the oblique exposure
交*跨越 crossing
电气化干扰 electrification interference
干扰影响 disturbing influence
等效干扰电源 equivalent disturbing current
敏感系数 sinsitivity coefficient
中和变压器 neutralizing transformer
幻通谐振变压器 phantom resonant transformer
屏蔽变压器 reduction transformer
杂音抑制线圈 noise suppression coil
杂音抑制器 noise suppressor
防护滤波器 protection filter
有源降压装置 active degrade voltage apparatus
阳[电]极 anode
防护 protection
半段效应 half section effect
无线电噪声 radio noise
宽带干扰 broadband interference
窄带干扰 narrowband interference
干扰源 interference source
抗扰度 immunitry to interference
防护率 protection ratio
干扰测量仪 interference meter
屏蔽体 shield
屏蔽 shielding
横电磁波小室 cross electromagnetic wave small room
电磁屏蔽暗室 electromagnetic sheilding darkroom
电磁环境 electromagnetic environment
频谱特性 spectrum character
横向传播特性 cross propagation characteristic
倍程衰减 double attenuation
倍频衰减 frequency doubling attenuation
背景噪声场强 background noise field strength
防护间距 protection distance
电耦合系数 electric coupling coefficient
开式简单循环燃气轮机 open simple cycle gas turbine
开式回热循环燃气轮机 open regenerative cycle gas turbine
单轴燃气轮机 single-shaft gas turbine
分轴燃气轮机 split-shaft gas turbine
变几何燃气轮机 variable-geometry gas turbine
轴向推力 axial thrust
盘车 barring
热挂 thermal blockage
燃气发生器 gas generator
回热器 regenerator
报警保护系统 alarm and protection system
轴向位移保护装置 axial displacement limiting device