putaway,putaside,setaside,layaside set aside time

put away - to store away, place out of the way, clean up, ororganize; to eat a great deal (informal); to send someone toprison; divorce; kill gently

put aside - to save money; to ignore or intentionally forgetsomething, temporarily or permanently, so that more importantthings can have one's attention
1、put away “放好, 储存...备用, 处理掉, 放弃, 抛弃”含有一些 putaside所没有的意思,例如“吃得很多;把某人送进监狱;离婚;杀;(船)离开河岸等;(船)开出,划出”之类,其本身作为“放置好”的意思之时,没有重要性的差异,仅仅是“放开,放好”,强调让“被放置的东西在被放置的位置上不动”。
例句: to put away his wife 与(妻子)离婚;休(妻)
Put your toys away in the cupboard when you've finishedplaying.玩完时把玩具收好放在壁橱里。

You may just want to put something away/aside for a rainyday.你也许想储存点东西以防万一。

The injured cat was put away. 这个受伤的猫被杀死了。
They put away a lot. 他们吃得很多。
Put all negative thoughts away. 抛弃所有消极的思想。(让这些思想被放弃后不再回来)
People like that ought to be put away!像这样的人应当关起来。

Take the incurably sick dog to the veterinarian and ask him toput it away.

Now the boat began to put away from theshore. 现在小船开始划离海岸。

2、put aside “撇开,储存...备用”含有“放置一边”(一段时间不用)的意思,即可表示“把钱放置一边(存钱)”也可表示“把事物放置一边,因此可以做其他更重要的事”,强调的是有目的性地“故意放开”。
-She put aside her needlework.

3.set aside放一边,(待随时用);(为某目的)留出或拨出(钱)
A day set aside for relaxing.留一天休息。
4.lay aside 积蓄(钱);留出(时间),把...放/搁置一边;放弃某习惯

We couldlay aside all theprejudices to cheerfor Taiwan我们可以在这个时候放下所有的成见为台湾台湾加油!

But after hatch-back, opens the door maylet the user layaside the goodsconveniently .



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