New tort law setsout rules for environmental liability
On 26December 2009, the National People’s Congress passed the PRCTort Law, which will take effect on 1 July 2010. Chapter eightof the Tort Law is entitled Liability for Environmental Pollution,and specifically addresses liability for environmentally-relatedtort.
Strict liability for environmentalpollution
Article 65 of theTort Law provides that “where any damage is caused by environmentalpollution, the polluter shall bear tortious liability.” Thus,environmental tortious liability can be triggered if all of thefollowing three elements exist: (i) environmental pollution occurs,(ii) persons or entities other than the polluter suffer an injury,and (iii) a causal link exists between the environmental pollutionand the injury.
Article 65 alsoclarifies that environmental tortious liability is subject tostrict liability. This broadens the concept of liability inenvironmental torts, in that it does not require proof of anysubjective fault of the polluter.
Polluter bears the burden ofproof
Article 66 of theTort law provides that “in case of a dispute arising fromenvironmental pollution, the polluter shall bear the burden ofproof regarding the exemption or mitigation of liability, as wellas the lack of causal linkage between its behaviour and thedamage”. This is a reversal of the usual burden of proof, whichwould otherwise lie with the injured plaintiff – the party allegingthe pollution.
According to thisprovision, an injured plaintiff only needs to provide primafacie evidence about the likelihood that the polluter’s actioncaused the damage, and the polluter is required to provide evidenceto refute that causal linkage. The alleged polluter can do so byproving either that PRC laws exempt or mitigate liability, or thatthere is no causal linkage between its action and thedamage.
Thisreversal of the burden of proof in cases regarding environmentaldamage is not new in PRC law, being similar to Article 4(3) of theSupreme People's Court Evidence in Civil Actions SeveralRegulations, issued by the Supreme People's Court and effectivefrom 1 April 2002.
Exempt or mitigatedliability
According toArticle 26 of the Tort Law, a polluter may prove the followingsituations in order to exempt or mitigate its tortiousliabilities:
i)the injured party has contributory fault that also caused thedamage, and therefore the polluter can mitigate itsliability;
ii)the injured party intentionally caused the damage, and thereforethe polluter can be exempted from its liability;
iii)a third party caused the damage, and therefore that third partyshall bear the tortious liability (in this scenario the injuredparty can claim damages from the polluter first, and the pollutercan then claim compensation from the third party at fault. Pleaserefer to the more detailed discussion below); or
iv)a force majeure event caused the damage, and therefore the pollutercan be exempted from its liability unless otherwise regulated bylaw.
Joint liability ofpolluters

Incircumstances where there is more than one polluter, the Tort Lawprovides for joint liability. Article 67 of the Tort Law providesthat “where there are two or more polluters, the liabilityproportion shall be determined based on the type of the pollutants,the amount of the emission and other factors”.
Article 67addresses the apportionment of liability among joint polluters ifnone of them meets the burden under Article 66 to disprove a causallink between its actions and the environmental damage in question.In such a case, the polluters will be held jointly liable, and theapportionment of liability will largely depend on what type andamount of pollutants were emitted by each respectivepolluter.
Although Article 67establishes that the apportionment of joint liability depends onfactors including the type and amount of pollutants emitted, theTort Law does not provide detailed standards or specifications onhow to use these factors when apportioning joint liability inpractice. The issue may be further confused because the listedfactors are not exhaustive, which would allow other unknown factorsto be considered in an apportionment scenario. Therefore, it maycurrently be difficult for a polluter to know with any certaintywhat proportion of damages it will be responsible for in a jointpollution scenario.
Joint and severalliability with a third party at fault
Article 68 of theTort Law provides that “where any damage is caused by environmentalpollution which is attributable to a third party, the injured partymay seek compensation from either the polluter or the third party.The polluter may, after paying the compensation, claim the samefrom the third party.”
According to thisprovision, a polluter shall bear joint and several liability with athird party even if the damages caused by pollution are due to thefault of such third party.
Article 68indirectly reiterates the “strict liability” principle in the T ortLaw, so as to offer better protection to injured parties. It grantssignificant protection to victims of environmental pollution, andincreases liability for polluters.
Thisprovision increases protection for a victim of environmentalpollution because the victim will not need to identify the precisecause of the environmental pollution. The provision also increasesliability for a polluter because the polluter could be liable forcompensating victims even though it is not at fault. The result ofthis enhanced protection and liability is that polluters may needto take more stringent and prudent measures to prevent or reducenot only their own environmental pollution, but also that of thirdparties.