When Learning Becomes A Kind Of Habit
Learning English just likelearning to ride a bicycle.When learning English becomes a kind of habit, everything will likesplitting bamboo.
Please, thinkabout it, how we learned to ride abicycle. There are four stages: At the first stage, the childdoesn’t know what it is to ride a bicycle nor can he ride. This isthe stage of unconscious incompetence. So look at ourselves, whenwe got in touch with English at the first time, we were also inthis condition.
And then isthe second stage. Although the child cannotride himself, he grows and understands what it is to ride abicycle. So, at thistime,teachersare our navigation marks.
Soaccording to this, we just like the childstarts learning and now comes the third stage, which is calledconsciously competent. Now he can ride a bicycle but has to thinkevery time how to do it.
At last, the fourth stagecomes when the child has practiced consciously riding the bicycleso much that he doesn’t have to think. It becomes an automaticprocess. Riding bicycle becomes a kind of habit. He can talk topeople and wave to others while riding. At this level we don’t needthe concentration and thinking’cause the behavior pattern has becomeautomatic.
Stand here, I’m soshame to say “we”, ’cause Ithink my level is only atthe 3rd stage. I’mjust struggling for CET-6. But from now onI realize that English is not only for the testbut also others. I expect to climb tothe 4th stage just like the farmerswho expect richharvest.

Stand here, weknow if we look forward to rich harvest we musthave the desire to sow. And of causeif we sow potatoes, we are only goingto reap potatoes, not tomatoes.
Stand here,we know the samemeaning, if we study English hard,we’ll get progress. So we must know that we cannot expect thefireplace to give us heat before we put in thefuel.
Stand here ,I think it is unnecessary to stress what teachers hadalready stressed in ourclasses. I just impress myopinion, that is “Learning becomes a kind of habit”. It’s in myeyes. A f armer knows thatit cannot sow and reap in the sameday. There is always a period of gestation.
Stand here, we are not thefarmers and we are not the children, butactually we’re students. We knowlearning never stops. Learning English justlike learning to ride a bicycle.
So stand here, when learning becomes a kind of habit,not only English but also others will achieve the goal. Whenlearning becomes a kind of habit, I think ,no, I trust,in one day you’ll succeed and the success will belong toyouforever.
Stand here, I wanttotell you: please believe, please remember andplease trust yourself“If you think you can, youcan!” And No Doubt!