Good Points Bad Points
学校大,资源广阔 有些低年级的课程是研究生上的,有些研究生母语不是 英语,英语不太好
常年阳光温暖,气候宜人 所在城市由于道路很窄,交通很差
城市很大,实习和工作的机会都很多 学校基本上都是白人,存在歧视黑人现象
体育项目很强,特别是足球队 宿舍房间很少,预定很紧张
Remember the cliche that true friends are hard to find. Don't tryto make too many friends. I am now 38 years old. I was watchingforensics files about a college student that had so many good andclose friends. But some of us for many different reasons will havetrouble making friends. I look back in the past and see more painthat pleasure making friends. I even asked why people hate me. Andhe said that it's hard to explain and can not put into words. Ifyou don't want to wonder for the rest of your life why people hateand distrust for no good reason, limit your contact. And treatevery conversation as a business meeting. They will take things wayout of context. I listened to a speaker say you never know whichstudent will end up rich and donate a lot. Didn't realize how truethat is. I am sometimes treated like some selfish idiot who'd nevercontribute anything. But my family donates and I spend a lot oftime helping people with studies and I've lent over $10,000 that Iwill never see again. I finally realize that friends really are notthat important except when you need someone to talk to.
The Architecture School is a great community. It is easy to feellost at such a big university so it was important to have thearchitecture school to call home. There are so many opportunitiesto get involved in just about anything, this University has alittle bit of everything. And Austin is fantastic!
UT is a fantastic school. Because of its size, it has abundantresources. The first couple of semesters make you feel like just anumber, lost in the shuffle, but by the sophomore or junior year,class sizes become smaller and more intimate. Professors aregenerally friendly and helpful. Being taught by grad students canhave mixed results. Lower level math/science classes are oftentaught by grad students whose understanding of English is quitesubpar. This can be frustrating, but these classes usually aren'ttoo difficult.
It's not public Ivy that some people try to make it out to be. Thebusiness school, engineering school, and geosciences school are allprestigious, but for other programs, UT is no better or worse thanany other big, state, public university.
I never cared for the student body as a whole while I was here. Toomany are too self-absorbed. I got lost on campus the first night Iwas here and nobody really cared enough to stop what they weredoing and give me decent directions. There's just not a sense ofcamaraderie here. It doesn't matter if you go to UT as well, to alot of the students here, you're just another total stranger andthey're too busy. Too many bookworm types who can succeedacademically but lack social skills.
I didn't care for the actual campus, either. It's so small that youfeel like you're in a little enclave of Austin rather than a biguniversity. The buildings are really cramped. It's too bad theydidn't give the school more room when they built it.
There's some attractive, classy girls here but there's also somenot-so-attractive who think they are more important than theyreally are. You just have to be picky. It does take effort to makefriends here. Most of the time, you'll make far more acquaintancesthan friends. Austin's a fun town but the traffic is horrible indowntown Austin, mainly due to small lanes.
If you can put up with all this, more than likely you'll have amarketable degree (as long as the major's decent). But for me, Iwanted more out of my college experience.
This is an excellent university. period. All faculty are among thebrightest within their field. This is an academically challengingschool but you are rewarded if you fully understand what you arelearning and work hard. The only reason why U.S. News and Reportslowers its rankings is because UT doesn't go all out to heavilyfund raise and beg the wealthy for money for research because UTowns Texas oil fields and real estate.
Although I am transferring to Syracuse in the fall I love Texas.The instructors are awesome! They are open-minded, funny, andinteresting. The English program is especially great here. Numeroustimes has a teacher been willingly to help me (one professor giveshis home phone number on the syllabus! so nice) The campus isbeautiful, and Austin is beautiful and has a GREAT music scene.HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Nice, sunny, warm weather most of the year.Philosophy and English departments are the best. I've had a reallypositive experience here.
After one year here, I can honestly say that attending this schoolhas been the worst decision I have ever made. The classes here area joke--My AP classes were harder than some courses are taken here.I am not challenged, even in some of my upper division classes.Although there are some great professors, they are few and farbetween. Most are just researchers with no passion or understandingof how to teach. This university focuses on graduate studies andresearch. I agree with some of the previous comments aboutdiversity--it just isn't here. As a white male, even I can see theracial fragmentation. Forget about having friends of a differentskin color, most of the students cluster with their ownraces.
The housing situation is terrible. The on-campus residence hallsare horribly expensive, and very dilapidated (except for the twoupper-class dorms Duren and San Jacinto). The student body itselfis strongly anti-intellectual. If you are someone interested inpoetry, modern art, or postmodernism this is not the place for you.Also, if you are an introvert this university is your worstnightmare. In fact, you should probably escape Texas in general.I've found that most of the negative stereotypes about this stateactually are true here at UT. I'm amazed at how overrated thisschool is simply because of the football team and athletics. As aliberal arts student, I feel like a third-class citizen; we getless scholarships, funding, teachers, etc. The business school isblatantly catered to, followed by the hard sciences. If you arelooking for a well-rounded education this is not the place for you.Also, the honors programs within Liberal Arts are highly overrated.Most of the people in Plan II are pretentious and manipulative. TheLAH students are somewhat better, but much more insecure. I see alot of broken spirits here. If you're happy at UT, chances are it'sbecause your family has money or you do a lot of drugs. Don't letthe surrounding city fool you--there isn't that much to do inAustin if you don't like 6th street or alcohol.
If you have the chance to go somewhere else, do not attend thisschool. Don't let money stop you. Sure, the difference in tuitionbetween here and a private school may seem like a lot, but that'sbefore all the therapy sessions you'll need after spending a yearat UT. You only get one shot at freshman year--don't blow it at UT.This school will take all faith you had in humanity and crush yourdreams in the process. If you are accepted anywhere else, attendthat school. You can always transfer to a better school--which iswhat you'd be doing anyways after you realize how much of anightmare UT is. Seriously, don't go here. You'll regret it.
But hey, the weather's nice.
The advertising grad department is ruled by a Chairman that not toomany people admire or respect (Although I didn't think she is aterrible person). She could improve on her teaching skills by a lotthough.
The professors in general are unhappy and it shows. Professors donot grade based on reality - since it is advertising everything issubjective and professors grade based on their opinion. If theydon't like you, then they give you lame grades. Professors willbring your grades down out of nowhere without sufficient evidenceor reason on purpose only so that you go to them feeling sad andhelpless..., what a waste, it is a tactic they do to make you feelbad about yourself. Why do they have to do that if it is such agood department and program? Sounds ruthless and unethical. That iswhy I decided not to waste my cash and time there. I realized whatthey were doing and it wasn't good for me.
The students in the program are two faced and deceptive. Smilingand friendly one moment and the next they are talking behind yourback or making up stories to make you look bad. Yes, this is likejunior high all over again. A lot of the students are envious ofeach other and bitter...but for what reason? Is that reallyeducational? Is that really what you think of when it comes toadvertising, a creative and fun field. Would you pay thousands ofdollars for that?
Lectures are usually of poor to average quality.
Waste of money. Overrated department. Overrated, small, andunfriendly student organizations. Overrated campus - not asbeautiful as people say. Most people are rude and it is practicallyimpossible to form friends since it is so competitive.
When I got accepted into UT I was ecstatic. But that pipedream soonfaded after reality set in. The only thing that pushes this schooland its students forward is its football team, and I must admit, asa high school student I was caught up in the fanaticisms. Thestudents do nothing other than go to the played out 6th street andmooch off of their parents. I have never seen a collection oflazier people in my life. The academics at UT are decent, but couldbe better. From what I've seen, most students can’t balance asocial life and academics in a tandem, most of which falter due tothe former.
As a minority, I felt extremely out of place! UT advertised itselfas diverse, but that is far from the truth! Some teachers I haveeven come across are blatantly racist.
I have made friends at UT, but I consider them out of the norm.Again, most of the students here know nothing outside of obsessivedrinking and living off their parents.
My girlfriend even has her complaints. She attends law school anddislikes it. The professors are mediocre and the students are trulycutthroat. She’s told me horrendous stories. One in particular thatsticks out is when an assignment is given in class, some studentsleave early to the library to hide a required book, or even rip outrequired items necessary for the assignment. All in the name ofthat Number 1 class rank.
If I had the opportunity to go back and choose another university Iwould.
You know, I agree. This school is not diverse at all! Yet, itclaims to be diverse. In some of the classes, I can feel the racialtension here. Locally, University of Houston is the most diverseschool. Nationally, Cal is more diverse, I believe. UT wants to beanother Cal, but, they are far from it and in their dreams. And, UTcopies everything. You know, "Eyes of Texas," is actually the sameas "I been working on the railroad?"
I went to this school, because I thought it was a good school inengineering. However, after a year here, I think I should have goneto other engineering schools that are more diverse. The studentratio here is predominately white. And, there are no future plansto make this school more diverse, so a lot of students getdiscriminated. University of Houston is much more diverse than thisschool.
Like with any university, UT is a hodgepodge of people,& you'll find EVERY type here, from quiet, shy,nerdy types to heavy "dude" partiers, to "don't shave" granolatypes, to "I believe my own hype" snooty princesses. If you're gay,UT will provide a more accepting environment than many; Austin willbe great for you. If you're religious, conservative type, you toowill do okay here but probably not great. It's a HUGE school, soyou must be VERY, VERY PROACTIVE in finding your niche. I do notrecommend this college for everyone. If you're used to mom& dad getting you up in the morning, telling you todo homework, etc., you will get a VERY mediocre education here ifyou manage not to get weeded out. If you are a Type A, veryassertive, self-initiating, action-oriented personality, you'll dowell here. Anything short of that, your success ranges fromgraduating with a so-so experience to not getting past the firstsemester. This is a research-intense, graduate-focused school.Great minds, but few are good teachers. In fact Grad Students arelikely to be your teachers, who are learning to teach (probablyfrom people who are brilliant but don't know how). Personally,academic advising sucks. With 50,000 students, advisers don'tremember you. When I went, they were mostly students -- and 40% oftime they advised incorrectly. I had to take an extra semesterbecause of poor advice. The resources are wonderful, the atmosphereis great. For a good time, this is the place to go. I don't believeUT lacks creativity and intellectualism; it's there. UT is what youmake of it. AND I won't lie...lots of folks are more into partiesthan any studying. I was not Greek and had no desire to be. Icouldn't get over the dustiness of that system. Regardless,socially I did fine. I think the UT experience is exactly whatyou'd get in real life -- a hodgepodge. I have a kid who's a Jr. inH.S. I don't think he should go here. Extracurricularly, he'd dowell. Academically, I cringe at the thought. He's a really goodstudent when prodded, not the type A person -- I think he'd getsucked into the vacuum, finding himself "lost". He's not organized,a lousy time organizer, and not one to ask questions unlessapproached. I think a person like this needs more individualizedattention more easily found at a smaller school. As a poli scimajor (it was called gov't when I went), UT &Austin were GREAT training ground. I lived in DC for 7 yrs.
If you like football this is the university for you... If you careabout art or literature, or anything possibly intellectual this isNOT the university for you. I feel that the academic programs arelargely over-rated. The Business school is good but even that isover-rated. However it is where you will find some of the smarterpeople on campus, but usually they are also the more boringpeople.
Personal attention is very hard to get here. Professors will notnotice if you miss class, and if for some reason they do, they areoften to busy to have time to care. If you like the feeling ofsmall classes, and if you want to relationships with yourprofessors and classmates this will be a hard university to adjustto.
Also, if you're hoping that the top 10% rule will help weed outidiots, don't count on it. There's plenty of them. I must saythough that there are many very smart students who barely missedgetting into top-tier schools like U-Penn, Harvard and Columbia,and even some who did get into these schools and just couldn'tafford it.
I am from Austin, so a few more years were a bit of a bore for me.However, all my friends from different places love it here. Theschool itself is good. The professors seem approachable and willhelp you when you need it. The social life is great for undergrads,lots of housing/apartments, places to eat/study whatever. I am anad major and my program was awesome but I am ready to get out ofTexas!
Go Longhorns!!!
Awesome atmosphere, easy coursework, and lots of texan babes!
I had to work full time to pay for school so I rushed through it toavoid the need to borrow money. As a result I averaged 18hours/semester and graduated in 3 years. This hurt my final GPA andmade getting into a quality graduate program very difficult, if notimpossible. UT's immense course catalog allowed me to meet basicrequirements with topics that were truly interesting (which Icredit with getting higher grades than I might have earned). Forexample, I took Astronomy to fill science requirements andAnthropology courses that were meant for graduate students as myhumanities courses. Because a minimum class count is required toeven make a course stick many professors allow undergrads in (withfewer required papers) and give undergrad credit just to fill theroom. The two classes that are MUSTS in my opinion in the Ed Psychclass that teaches you study skills. You are forced to apply thelessons to your current class load, which ensures discipline. Ialso recommend a PE course that forces you to stay in shape (or thedreaded freshman 15 or 50 will ruin your self-image).
The school is large and incredibly beautiful. There is nothing thatI would really want to change, although sometimes it is complicatedto find where you need to go.
My biggest complaint about the school is the type of people that goto the school. They either fall into the category of complete toolsor free spirits. Also, it's easy to meet people but very hard tomaintain close friends. I think that's why Greek life is so big onthis campus. You can buy your close friends.
Academically, if you deserve to be weeded out, the classes herewill do it. You will definitely see where your strengths lie withthe classes you take.
Depend on not getting all the classes you'd like your first year orso. Also expect the classes you do end up getting to be huge. Itgets better as it goes on. I'm a senior now and I'm beginning tolove my classes.
If I could do it again, I'd definitely want to go to a smaller,private school.
Student-teacher ratio in basic classes such as chemistry andcalculus could be a problem when a student has not developed goodstudying methods. It forces the student to be more independent andlearn on his/her own, which could be beneficial in the long run,and allows the student to develop valuable life-long skills.However, it will weed out those that are bright, but need moreattention/ assistance to learn.
The University of Texas at Austin helped me greatly in that itconnected me with so many brilliant professors and instructors, intheir respective fields. Also, the size of UT guaranteed a diversestudent body.
Being a famous computer nerd at my high school campus, I expectedto come to UT and breeze through my Comp. Engineering classes. Notso. I've actually suffered through many tough exams and projects,but I've learned more then I ever thought I would in my firstsemester. The school has an incredible atmosphere - go to the Dragon Guadalupe and you'll find great places to eat and shop, go tothe main plaza and you'll find all sorts of clubs andorganizations, with one guaranteed to pipe your interest. My onlymajor complaint is the state of many of the buildings on campus.One of the buildings where many of my classes are held, RLM,desperately needs remodeling. Other then that, I have nocomplaints.
I'm really pleased with the UT-Austin. Huge school with plenty ofresources. Always something to do, and plenty of organizations toget involved in. I mostly came for the school of engineering, whichwas a great choice. The Women in Engineering Program is the best. Ihighly recommend female prospective engineers to consider thisschool. Now, particularly on the Mechanical Engineering department.I find it very impressive, with a great faculty, only a few badeggs in the bunch, and that's usually just because they're too busywith their own research to care about the worthless undergraduatestudent. Most of the faculty is great, helpful, and willing to taketime to talk to you whenever. My programming professor toured mearound his robotics lab last week just because I walked into hisresearch office. It was really cool. The staff is great too. Theadvisors are really knowledgeable and always available to help ifthere are scheduling issues (which as an engineer there always willbe).
It's a great school if you want a job after you are out. If you sayI'm an engineer from UT you have the job. That’s what I hear atleast. I also say get involved because it is a huge campus!! Butwith larger classes, go to the office hours and T.A. sessions, theyhelp!! There is always something to do in Austin, it's wonderful.But of course, remember to study!!!! UT is the BEST of the best, Icouldn't see myself anywhere else.
I used to like UTA for the social life. i have fond memories. But Irealize now that academics are what sticks. I’ve been to severaldifferent community colleges and universities. I seem to findstudents who falsely label me for whatever reason. But I’ve alwaysgot along with coworkers of all races. I worked every weekendduring high school and everyday of every summer. Missed all thefootball games, worked till 3 am during the weekends and woke upwith a headache every Monday morning. I always find some studentwho thinks I have no work experience. Because this is what a lot ofthe student body is about. Full tuition used to be under $500around 1989. Is a current tuition rate perpetuating the elite andrich? I heard of a couple of alumni children that got full ridesthrough college. UT students seem better at partying and managingtheir studying. I barely keep in touch with my UT buddies. And Ifeel that my coworkers have more trust and judgments of me. Youdon't have to get married. But you do marry your job.
In general this is well rounded university because it provides adecent education; however, After spending a year in UT, I concludedthat this an overrated school. First of all, the only school thatis extremely hard to get into (especially for transfer students) isthe Business school( it ranks in the top ten around the nation),and maybe the Engineering school, but for the rest of programs,this is not the best university in Texas, in fact I would say UTranks in same level of A&M. TEXAS TECH and TEXASSTATE..
...I started in ACC because as many other students, I did not haveenough money to pay for college. after a year of taking classes atACC, I transferred to the liberal arts department at UT with a gpaof 3.38. However, I would say that the classes I took weren’t hardat all, in fact, the only difficult part was to deal with themonster size classes and the unfriendly faculty staff. Also manyrelatives who majored in JOKE LIKE PROGRAMS SUCH HISTORY ENGLISH,ECONOMICS at UT did not find jobs in their areas. therefore Irealized that my education would be worthless if I not get into abusiness school, therefore I transferred to THE MCCOY BUSINESSSCHOOL AT TEXAS STATE, don’t get me wrong UT is a great school withit comes to football and traditions, also its Business school iswell known around the globe, in fact, I would say if you get intoits business school, you have accomplished something very big, butfor the rest of programs I believe it is an overrated school.
As far as out-of-college employment goes, for most programs ofstudy, there is little point in nit-picking between equal-Tierschools. i.e... in Engineering, it makes little difference whetherone goes to Georgia Tech, Virgina Tech, Penn State, Purdue,Michigan, etc
In the geosciences, there is a cluster of schools that areheads-and-shoulders above all others: Texas, TexasA&M, (Colorado) School of Mines, andOklahoma.
My impression of UT-Austin is that it is a good school forengineering. However, not everything is good there. Professors atUT tend to favor white students more than blacks. I wasconsistently being discriminated against by professors. I would notadvise blacks to attend UT.
UT is the most well-rounded, educational, and fun school in thecountry. There are fun things to do around every corner (parks,lakes, bars..). Meanwhile, the community is great, our sports arethe best, and almost everything you do fosters new friendships (youmeet a TON of people) and wonderful experiences.
The Greek community is great. Join if you can.
UT is a great school, definitely one of the best pub. schools inthe country. Physics/math were my concentrations and they werekinda lame in the intro classes, but as 'couldn’t hack-its' werefiltered out and you got into your upper division, it was sweet.Huge class selections, great advisors, and people who actually knowwho you are. Definitely a competitor with U Mich. Workload dependson major, sometimes physics sucked, but I knew many people inliberal arts who were obliterated 4 times a week.
Most of the instructors here aren’t very good (that I have comeacross). I may just have well have had plain bad luck but aftersitting through the courses and reviewing the biographies of theinstructors it appears that they are instructing here only to bringin big bucks for the school. I say this because (especially inphysics) they have no idea how to teach. Most of the courses havebeen a teach yourself physics sort of thing. But their biographiesshow schools and awards received that’d make your jaw drop, it justdoesn’t show.
And tuition is going up.
On the bright side campus is nice and there’s a good shuttlesystem. There are few more instructors in the math department whoseem to at least attempt to teach instead of just talking.
I have really enjoyed my time here at UT. There are manypossibilities, especially if you are language-minded. UT officiallyoffers over 30 languages and teaches in total (through conferencecourses and classes that do not technically have a completesequence, like Quechua) probably over 40. Additionally, deciding toenroll as a Plan II major has been the best decision of my life.The classes are small and the professors are excellent, which isnot to say that regular UT classes aren't good as well. The strangething about UT is that you can make your curriculum as rigorous oreasy as you want. While many of my friends have picked the mostchallenging courses regardless of major, a small number pickclasses all 4 years that have a reputation of being easy (and canget away with it). The faculty is brilliant, although sometimesthey put on airs. For the most part, though, even the arrogantmembers of the faculty will make time for you if you are a studentwho they believe takes the class seriously. Austin's a great town,with niches for everyone. The campus is friendly, pretty diverse,and wonderfully weird. A great choice.
I don't think my failure in the 'real world' is directly correlatedto my time spent at UT, but I think it may have kick started it.The campus is very laid back; a certain degree of ambivalence isprevalent. As a gay man, I found UT to be the most supportive (andcan I say lucrative) place I've ever resided. I would say about 1/3of the students are gay, and this makes for a loving and acceptingenvironment. Drugs are everywhere, but which University is free ofthat? Plus if you don't get a little high during College you’re notliving. However, I had very little support academically fromteachers, professors; my gay 'study' groups...etc. I lived a lifeof fantasy and in hindsight, sabotaged what should have been fouryears of academic study. I had no idea what I was doing once Igraduated, I guess you could say I slipped through the cracks, andthat's not hard to do when there are 50,000 students.
Great program with lots of options, and chances to broaden yourhorizons or concentrate on a particular aspect of things. As witheducation in general, what you get out of it is proportional to theeffort you put into it.
There is never a lack of things to do there, and it can be temptingto spread yourself too thin. The surrounding city has lots to do aswell, with the entertainment district, lots of hike and biketrails, nearby lakes and campgrounds, etc.
My only words of caution are that there aren't nearly enough dormrooms to go around, and those that are there aren't that greatanyway. If you want a nice place off-campus, arrange for it in thespring before you go there.
Although I am an instate student, I would select a differentschool. As a chem. major, you have no social life here. The workintensity just gets stronger.
The Mccombs School of Business is a very well connected school. Itregularly holds networking events for students to mingle withemployers of large corporations. As it is important in business tobe a socially talented individual, UT's business school allows forfrequent social interaction with professionals around Texas.
UT offers highly challenging academic environments and the chancesto meet people from many countries/cultures. A UT degree means alot on a resume. It's not for the terribly shy or close-minded.Many freshmen "lose themselves in alcohol or drugs" sadly-- lots oftemptations in Austin. The competition for A's and B's is usuallyfierce. I lament that the costs of attending UT are now soexpensive that many qualified Texas students won't be able to evenapply. Overall, my years there were priceless, the best, but I hadto work my ____ off to excel.
Overall, I like being here.
-Austin is a great city. Got everything - music, parks, hills,lakes, clubs, bars, malls, etc.
-There is a huge selection/variety of classes. Want to take Urdu?It's here.
-Lots of people to make friends with, parties, etc.
-It's a good school. Academically it is a very well ratedcollege.
-Overall good environment. In general the people here are friendlyand open.
-Texas is HOT. The weather is annoying sometimes.
-Sometimes it's way too crowded. And there are a lot of 100+ peopleclasses. Like most of them. So it's hard to get to know your prof,and most don't really care about your individual grades.
-Housing. Only like a few percentage gets into dorms and apartmentsnear campus can be expensive.
-Parking - there is like almost NO PARKING on campus during theweekdays. So don't even think about driving to school. [Take thebus]
I loved UT. The diversity was really amazing. I loved meeting somany friends from all walks of life and backgrounds. Austin isawesome. The school is large, but I actually liked that. I can seehow some would not like the large size though. It really justdepends on your personality. My professors were generally quitegood and helpful.
The reputation of UT is good nationwide. I am now at a top lawschool on the East coast and have just started to go throughinterviews with law firms in the Northeast. They all have a goodimpression of UT.
I was engineering major and the program prepared me well. I didwell working as an engineer in industry and have done well in lawschool. Many of the classmates I keep up with have done well in MBAprograms and medical school.
The campus is huge and the students are many. To help make thecampus seem smaller and get more out of the experience, joinstudents organization, both social and service, visit office hours,get involved!!
This is a great university with an excellent engineering school andit would be recommended for any international student as a greatenvironment and having an excellent climate and location vis a visthe rest of USA
This school is just great. Technically, I became an out-of-statestudent when I moved my senior year of high school, but I'm a Texanand I had to come back. Aside from the friends I have here, thecampus is just perfect: small enough to walk anywhere, but bigenough for there always to be something to do. The engineeringprogram is nice, and in the Honors program, the class sizes aresmall enough to be personal, and the teachers are better
I also am majoring in Plan II, an interdisciplinary liberal artsprogram. There are very small classes available in Plan II-- rarelymore than 20 people-- and it's great! This program practicallygives a built-in group of friends, and all of them are absolutelyfascinating to talk to. There are a few weasles, but that's to beexpected. I must say that the good beats the crud out of the bad.Please consider majoring in Plan II! Once I was accepted, I didn'tbother even applying to a list of Ivy League schools I wasconsidering. The individual attention, calliber of students, andlower price tag make this program invaluable. However, be preparedto spend time explaining to the older generations what exactly PlanII is. It's a small program; so many people don't know much aboutit. However, once they look into it, most are very impressed. Thelack of name recognition is the only issue I have against thismajor.
My advice to you is to sign up for the earliest orientation sessionpossible. I got all of the classes I wanted because so many of themwere Plan II, but a lot of other people I met didn't. Spanish goesquickly, and it's a five hour class, which I was not awareof.
And, girls, there are tons of fabulous looking guys out there.Check out the Olympic trials! Half of the 100 m free contenderswere from UT!
UT can be summed up in a word: AWESOME!! I definitely would not goelsewhere given the chance. It's the largest school in America, sothere is always an abundance of people to meet. Austin never feel like there is nothing to do. Partieseverywhere, Lake Travis, Mt. Bonell, Barton Springs, and I could goon and on. Great university, great town. The University of Texas atAustin.
When I graduated over 20 years ago, while UT had a good reputation,it seems that the reputation has improved. This has been a positivefor me. I am proud of my degree from UT, although I am doing littlerelated to my major. My electives did focus on business, so I haveused my education.
But a college education is more that books. If you want technicalinstruction, there are technical schools for that. UT did anoutstanding job of preparing me for the world. I spend my earlyyears in Tennessee and Alabama, during the height of the civilrights movement. I was exposed to attitudes that I alwaysquestioned. Coming to UT, with it's diverse student populationprepared me for the country that we see today. It played a hugepart in building my character.
My high school advisor suggested that I go to a smaller school. Igraduated from a small Texas high school and he thought the sizewould be too much for me. But I never wanted to go anywhere else.UT is the only place that I applied. I believe that being in anurban environment and being exposed to all that makes the school,Austin, and the country such a great place is just what the doctorordered. It helped me to build confidence to meet the challenges ofthe real world.
I truly think that UT is well deserving of its reputation and therankings it receives. I only hope that the administration addresssome of the maintenance issues with some of the older buildings oncampus. I still live in Austin and enjoy being back on campus. Iwill always be a Longhorn.
The best thing that I can say about UT is that it is in Austin. Ilove Austin - miss it terribly. It is a beautiful city with a tonof diverse things to do.
The school is way too big. For freshmen, especially this is verydaunting. It is so hard to meet people (especially if you live inJester with 3000 other students!). My suggestion is to livesomewhere besides Jester. Join a sorority/fraternity or an academicor sports program if you want to make friends.
My classes were great for the most part - the professors werebright and most were approachable and understanding.
I was a history major - something I would not do again. The historydepartment is wonderful, but unless you plan on teaching history orgoing on to grad school or law school, I have found it verylimiting.
If you aren't 110% certain what you want to do and study incollege, don't come to this huge school as a freshman. No matterwhat you think you can handle, the size of the school isoverwhelming and you have to be here to experience it. The businessschools and engineering departments are great and I highlyrecommend toughing out the schoolwork in those departments as youwill ultimately benefit. The overall attrition rate is very highand though I finished my BA with great grades, UT was ultimately amiserable waste of four years time and money for me. I came awaywith a useless liberal arts diploma but learned a lot aboutself-reliance and persevering despite a pathetic academicbureaucracy. In the process, I taught myself a infallible jumpshot.
The administration is extremely inflexible if you want to changemajors and the best programs are very selective to those withexcellent high school records or great undergraduate grades. Onesemester's academic blemish can, and will, wreck your opportunitieshere. A significant number of people are fed into the broaderliberal arts departments like Psychology, English, Hist ory or Poli.Sci., which are basically "High School Part II" academicexperiences that can more easily be bought at your local commuterschool like UT-Arlington. Even as an upper-classmen you will stillhave classes with 200+ people in such majors and the professorsare, for the most part, aloof and uninterested in dealing withundergrads.
As far as the social life goes, most people tend to congregate withtheir friends from high school or go Greek. If you have differentreally special and specific interests/hobbies there are clubsaround for you. Annoyingly, a lot of people on this campus tend tobe very political and constantly voicing their opinions so if youare just a suburban-type with no specific passions then good luckfinding your niche. UT would seem like a very dating friendly placeas well but a lot of the students seem to be very pretentious andcliquey.
On one of the few more positive notes, there are some greatrecreation facilities for the student body if you are into fitnessactivities. The San Jacinto track is almost always, a great placeto run. Avoid it in late summer though as it heats up like an oven!Gregory Gym and the Rec Center have great set-ups to keep you busy.The school tends to whore itself out to youth sports camps andother groups in the summer and winter breaks so you might havetrouble getting to use the pool and basketball courts.
My school is great. The amount of school pride is insane..."Hook'em Horns"!!! UT athletics is phenomenal and most students seem tobe upbeat and happy.
This is a great school to attend! It's much cheaper compare toschool such as Michigan and California. The music program here atUT is great and the teachers here are amazing! The program itselfis quite challenging and professors here are very experienced andknowledgeable. Needless to say, this is a big school but I am gladthat the music school is small and I get to enjoy the facilitiesand activities provided by the big university. I learn a lot fromworking with my classmates on assignments and test preparation. Wealso play music to each other a lot and I benefit a lot from myfriends' critique on my performances. I also enjoy my off-campuslife a lot and I am glad that I am over 21! Austin is a beautifulcity and the weather in Texas is just another reason for me tochoose UT over schools in the north. Come to UT and you'll enjoyyour college life as much as I do!
Austin's a great city, and the atmosphere of the university isnice, but the's obviously a state university.No private institution could be this disorganized and get away withit. Once you enter this campus, you are nothing but a number (atleast you get to choose it since the University abandoned theroutine use of social security numbers for ID last year), andyou're extraordinarily lucky if you can find a person anywhere inthe administrative domain to help you with anything. In somecolleges (especially engineering) you enter with all of yourcourses pre-scheduled, with no opportunity to take anything thattruly interests you, and the worst part is the automatons that runthe advising offices are incapable of understanding that someonemight actually want to take a class not in their major. Theadministrative rules of the university could have been written byJoseph Heller (example: right now I'm trying to get money to payfor summer school, but I'm not eligible to since I'm not registeredfor enough hours, since I'm waitlisted (first on the list) for aclass that I'll get into if I stay on the list, but since I'm notin it I can't get money so I can't pay to stay on the list and thusget into it). All in all, I've had some good professors, in fact,extraordinarily good professors, but I've also had professors whohold one office hour a week and rarely even show up for that.
Final words: If you don't care about school and want an excuse tomove to Austin, come to UT. If you didn't get into your firstchoice Ivy school or whatnot, come to UT, you'll get a goodeducation. If you DID get into your first choice Ivy school, gothere! DON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE I DID!
I recently completed my first year at UT as a transfer and my onlyregret is that I did not transfer here sooner. I am continuallyastounded at how much the university and the community has tooffer. Many of the programs receive high national rankings and theprofessors are leaders in their field. My advice to thoseconsidering UT is to not be intimidated by the fact that is thelargest university in the U.S. when in comes to student enrollment(50,000+). Personally I think the diversity and intelligence of thestudent body is one of the university's greatest strengths. Inaddition Austin is one of the best college towns there is ? alwayssomething to do. Hook 'em Horns!
UT Austin has already influenced me in numerous ways...just thefeeling to being in the midst of a large city atmosphere motives meas a student to one day be a professional in the real world. Thequality and credibility of the university is astonishing...peopleknow about UT and people give it respect (sometimes even more thanit should get). The social life here in Austin and here on campusis completely different than the suburb that I grew up in...There?salways events planned, the Greek life is well-developed, and theamount of extra-curricular activities is downright overwhelming.The funding that the individual schools provide towards developmentand graduate studies is among the elite in the nation, andtechnology is everywhere on campus. The sports teams are among thebest in the country...Hook 'Em Horns...and school spirit is high,but not to the insane point of some rival schools (some school incollege station). Some people might say that UT is "liberal", but Ipersonally am pretty conservative and I have absolutely no problemsgetting along with anyone here. Now I know this all sounds great,but there are a couple of things that need attention at theuniversity. First of all, the on-campus parking situation is out ofcontrol. My parking garage, which is within walking distance, was$616 for the year. That?s outrageous...Another complaint would bethat our school doesn't improve in the US News rankings because ofthe state's Top 10% rule. The rule is justifiable by all accounts,but it gives our university a bad wrap among the others in thenation. All in all, for the wonderful atmosphere, the friendlypeople, the great social life, and one of the best educations outthere, The University of Texas at Austin would be my toprecommendation to anyone, not to mention it is the best "bang foryour buck".
I couldn't imagine my life any differently. UT challenged meacademically and personally. Being the largest university in thecountry, if you can make it here--you can make it anywhere. Thecommunity celebrates diversity and truly encourages you to take anactive part on campus. UT gives anyone with an open mind and awilling spirit the chance to make their beginning marks on theworld.
Academically, UT has its strong and weak parts. The College ofEngineering has some exceptionally qualified and effectiveprofessors as well as the occasional painfully boring drone. I'massuming it's the same way across the board. The opportunities totake classes being taught by the best teachers are certainly here,you just have to put out the effort to grab it. The University istoo big to beg for your participation when there are other studentswho will gladly work for it. Plan your schedule years ahead; beflexible, have alternatives; talk to your advisors/professors, pullsome strings!
Socially, I cannot fathom a more active hotbed of activity than atUT. As a freshman, you get dozens of emails weekly, urging you togo out and meet new people, see the city, get free food and freeshirts. All it takes is a slight interest on the freshman's part tostart a social network and find your niche. The social supportprogram for freshman at UT is exceptional. Free mentoring, freedorm events, free campus events, etc. Speaking from experience, Isuggest you freshman take advantage of what is offered, becausemost of it disappears when you become a sophomore. They expect youto have friends by then.
Culturally, Austin is the best city, period. Music, art,literature, creativity, political activism... it's all there. Ifyou don't like change, don't like loud music, or loud people, Isuggest you go elsewhere. Austin's a place for lively people.
Sports? I think you know. Hook'em. Nuff said.
UT is a great school with many extra benefits for students. It isset up to help you achieve your career goals, and the students arediverse to say the least. The Tower is a beautiful landmark thatcan be seen from all around Austin. Another great thing is thelocation. It is right next to downtown and Austin is a GREAT city.CNN ranked it the number 1 city in America for singles, it getscrazy on festive holidays
Being an out of state student in the business school, in statestudents feel very threatened. Don't go to a school because of therankings - the business program was very weak and I felt that if Istayed, I would have learned very little. I got out of UT as fastas I could
UT-Austin is a very diversed and well balanced university. Anyonewho goes would be able to find a social circle to fit in. Austinitself is a city with a lot to do; clubbing, party, music, art,theater, restaurants. A lot of students end up partying too muchand fail in school. It's hard when there are so many things to takeyour attention away from school work.
The campus is pretty big and nice looking, and students are verycasual and friendly. The facilities on campus are really nice. Itsgym is new and modern, students play sports at the gym until 1 inthe morning. Being a big school, parking on campus (or near campus)is just impossible. Don't even think about driving through campusduring the football games. Although public transportation is prettygood, it's still hard to get around Austin without a car.
UT-Austin has an extremely big population, and getting to know theprofessors or getting personal attention isn't too easy. The classsize ranges from 50-200. However, despite that, the quality ofeducation is still excellent. It's well know for its low tuitionfor high quality education.
Don't come to UT because of its rankings. That is what I did and Ihate it. Choose a school that you want to go to and that makes youhappy. Your grades will be better and you will have way morefun.
Great preparation as a sociologist with generally very goodfaculty. Texas was more traditional/scientific than I would haveliked. For academia, Texas seems to have more cachet in the Southor Southwest than nationally. I was disappointed to be beat out forjobs by people with PhDs inferior to Texas PhD, like Notre Dame(for jobs in the Northeast.) Go figure.
University of Texas has an amazing atmosphere.. Austin ROCKS, andthe coursework is interesting and fun but not so challenging you'llnever see the light of day. I highly recommend UT to anyone.Faculty is top-notch and the student body, while somewhatpolitically active, is very friendly and outgoing.
Horrible. Overrated programs. Too liberal. Too full of itself. Myparents went here and I had a deal to get my education for free soI took it. What a waste of four years.
UT Austin is the best University you could hope to attend. Theeducation is on the level of an expensive private school and theatmosphere is great. Go Horns!
This is by far the best University in the state of Texas to attend.Austin is a WONDERFUL city! There is so much to do and so manypeople to meet. You never get bored. The classes are challengingfor the most part but it's good because you actually learn insteadof memorizing the night before a test. Everyone is so nice andfriendly as well. The campus is beautiful with a wonderful overlookof downtown Austin and the capital building. Hook 'Em Horns!
I went to UT because it was convenient (I'm one of the suburbankids guaranteed admission due to high school accomplishments), notbecause it was a lifelong desire like so many of the studentsattending it. Honestly, the school itself is great; I wish I couldsay it's horrible, but the profs know their stuff, the school hastons of great resources available to students, and if you can findyour niche, I'm sure you'll be very pleased. However, certainschools aren't for everyone. If you don't mind feeling like a facein the crowd, killing yourself to get to classes on time due to theschool's sheer size, or living in a city whose unofficial mottoseems to be "Keep Austin Weird," you may want to consider UTAustin. If you want to feel of value, though, chances are you won'tfind it here.
Attendance at the University of Texas has been an utterdisappointment. Professors are overwhelmingly absorbed in theirtrivial research instead of actually teaching the material. Manyare absent during their posted office hours, most likely to avoidhaving to interact with students at all. Ultimately, a researchcollege such as UT is a horrible choice for higher learning.
The only good points about the university are the few, very fewprofessors who actually care if students learn the subjects. Oneprofessor would stay one to two hours past his scheduled officetimes tutoring students and his lectures were very clear yetconcise. If only all UT professors were truly teachers.
Attending UT Austin was the best choice I ever made. Great city,superior athletics, and the social life is great. Due to its sizeand alumni base, post-graduate networking is good. UT is great forself-driven individuals. If you are planning on attending secondaryeducation, pick a major you feel will give you a high GPA andchoose your classes wisely. There are many classes that can berather time consuming. Austin such a great city with so much to do.Anyone can fit-in this cool place if they try. GO HORNS!!
I couldn't imagine being anywhere else. UT is honestly the collegeexperience that you have in mind. Its got the best sports team(Hook 'em,) in the coolest city in the south, diverse and beautifulpeople, and just about something for everyone with 50,000+students.
You're not a number unless you let yourself be that way...isn'tthat real life!! There is so much to do and so much to be involvedwith. It's a little overwhelming at first, but once you get thehang of it, you'll be bleeding orange too!
I was a Plan II Honors Program/pre-med major.
UT Austin is a wonderful University with the resources, theprofessors, the student body, and environment to help any studentflourish. The Plan II Honors Program was my dream education. It isan interdisciplinary Liberal Arts program. I highly encourageanyone interested to look into it.
UT Austin is a highly respected university and is recognizedworld-wide. The professors are incredible and go out of their wayto make sure their students succeed. UT offers an outstandingeducation. The city of Austin is the live music capital of theworld and is consistently ranked as one of the best cities in theU.S. to live in because of all that it has to offer (recreation,entertainment, amazing scenery, safety, etc). I transferred to UTfrom another university and am very happy with my decision. Hook emhorns!
Coming to this school is one of the best choices I've made, goodpeople, although there are a lot of snobs here, nice weather, andall around great school. Plus come to the frat parties...those aregood times too, peace
I don't know why people keep "doggin" the school because of itssize. I don't feel intimidated but, frankly, I am grateful for it.Yes, we are the largest campus in the nation with ~53,xxx studentsbut it means there are more people to hang out with and more girlsto hook up with...not to mention that they are the prettiest in theentire country (confirmed by playboy).
Introductory classes are large, but you'll be learning the samething in any other setting so why should it matter. The discussionsections--where you give and receive input--are small and helpfacilitate learning. Most other classes are small as well.
Texas certainly has academic prestige, so let's talk about thesocial life. You will be spending 4 or more years here so why notmake it an enjoyable experience? It’s located in the live musiccapital of the world--a big plus for college students. Surroundedby the drab flatlands of Texas, Austin happens to have HILLS. It isa great college down and has consistently been named one of thebest places to live. There is always something to do on theweekends. The Greek system is plentiful but not a big presence soyou'll feel comfortable wherever you fit. Outdoor activities arebig, especially biking.
the student body has an ideal mix of people. it's not homogenouslike Texas A&M where 98% are white, or overlydiverse like California schools where Asian populate almost half ofthe student body. With 50,000 people, there is bound to be somebodywith whom you'll bond.
another department where Texas is tops is in athletics. Turn on thetube, Texas football AND basketball was ranked #2, and Texasbaseball is the defending champ. This collectively makes us the #1sports school in the country, or so says Sports Illustrated.Certainly rooting for the team in a sea of spirited orange-cladstudents makes you feel like a part of the school.
One problem is that there is very little housing on campus becauseof the large student body. However, anybody past their freshmenyear of college would not want to stay in confining dorms, anyways.though, housing would be an issue for out-of-state students whoaren't familiar with the area. the kicker is that, with a largeportion of the affordable housing south of Riverside, commuting isa bitch. The drive is a 10 minute trip on the interstate that turnsinto a 30 minute headache because of the constant traffic of theinterstae.
superlative academics, athletics, student body, and campus life.The beautiful thing about Texas is that it excels at almosteverything. Only few schools in the US are similar and Michigan isthe only other place I would consider attending.

I wish I were an aggie. This University has weird peopleeverywhere. There are ALWAYS protests. People live in their ownworld and aren't very friendly, and I make trips up toA&M almost every weekend.
The Computer Science program here is excellent - the first courseis full of challenging weekly assignments unlike the things myfriends in other reputed universities are doing. The projectsinvolve about 15 hours of work every week. If you have little or noexperience in JAVA or C++ I recommend you take the JAVA basicsclass CS 303E. The training you get is of a high quality. Campuslife is also excellent although most of the social scene isoff-campus. There is a shortage of on-campus housing (6000 placesfor 38000 undergrads) but there is a lot of housing available justoff campus. The computing facilities are great and several of theCS department faculty is superstars in their own fields.
The size of the university should not deter you from coming here.Join a couple of student organizations and very soon you will findthat you recognize more and more faces in the crowd. An advantageof this size is the excellent availability of scientific& research resources.
Ultimately, UT was not the place for me. The school is big andimpersonal, and while there are opportunities for social life giventhe wonderful college town of Austin, most of the social scenetakes place off-campus. In fact, most people live off-campus. Whilepeople are friendly, it takes a lot of initiative on your part tomake friends given the sheer size of the school. You'll meet awhole lot of people but never see them again. If you're the shyertype, go to a LAC or smaller university but not UT or anymega-sized state school. The student body isn't very diverse either(most come from suburban Texas). Given the admissions criteria, alot of bad seeds are let in, and many of the freshmen are justthere to get wasted (fortunately, they are eventually weeded out).UT does have top ranked programs, but realize that that reflectsmore on UT graduate studies more than undergraduate. Coursework isvery solid, and you learn a lot, and most courses are verymanageable. Ultimately, I ended up deciding to transfer to RiceUniversity after my freshman year.
Great University in a medium sized city which revolves around thecollege students during the school year and one of the best valuesfor an excellent education.
I am an out-of-state from California and so I have spent most of myfreshman year plotting how to get the hell out here. But now I loveit. I would recommend to anyone to go to an out of state school. Itis such an amazing experience to get away from the only thing youknow and grow. Texas is what college life is cracked up to be.Regardless of what kind of group you want to hang with, they havethem all here. I recommend living on campus your first year, Ididn't and I so wish I did because you can meet so many morepeople. UT is great -- Hook'em!
Most people live off campus. It's not as big as everyone says,though. I see people I know all the time.
AP and CLEP out of all the requirements. Don't take the "learningfor learning's sake" talk. Some basic requirement classes can hityou hard, like Calculus. Even if the class is moderate, A's aren'talways a done deal.
If you're going to take classes here, take the ones for your major.Since I'm an Economics major, I took Micro/Macro here even though Icould've tested out. But for things like Spanish or Sciences, getall that stuff out of the way.
If you feel the intellectual urge, honestly, you should've donebetter in High School to get into UT's Plan II program. Honorsprograms like that are great when you want genuine learning. AllI'm saying is not to take a hit in your GPA for some lame introclass. Get a 4.0 for lower division courses and reserve those B'sand C's for Junior and Senior Year.
Though people are friendly here, UT can be boring for people whoaren't into the live music scene, especially freshmen. I spentabout 80% on campus, and frankly there isn't much to do here.Downtown is a little better, but make sure friends go along withyou, and bring sufficient spending money. It's certainly notsomething you can do every weekend.
I transferred to UT after attending two "lesser" universities and Iwas extremely ple