1、generalmerchandise 杂货
2、trade terms贸易条款、条件(常用复数)
3、under separatecover 另函附上
4、for yourreference 以供参考
5、receive ourimmediate attention 得到立即处理
6、our mutualbenefit 相互利益
7、in duplaicate一式两份(duplicate副本、复制品)
8、terms of payment付款方式
9、firm offer实盘、不能撤销的发价
10、an inquirysheet 一份询价单
11、most favorableprices 最优惠的价格
12、place largeorders 大量订购
13、delivery date交货期
14、specificinquiry 具体询价

15、subject to ourfinal confirmation 以我方最后确认为准
16、attractiveprice 具有吸引力的价格
17、internationalmarket price 国际市场价
19、wholesale price批发价
20、net operatingincome 营业净收入
21、longstandingbusiness relations 长期的业务关系
22、out of line不一致
23、purchase the goodselsewhere 到他处订货
24、accept yourquotation 接受你方报价
25、purchase order购货订单
26、in your favor以你方为抬头
27、prompt shipment迅速装船
28、shipping marks运输标志,俗称唛头
29、certificate oforigin 原产地证明书
30、gross weight毛重,即商品本身的重量加包装的重量
31、trial order初试订货
32、effect delivery发运
33、up to ourexpectation 合乎我方要求
34、ready fordelivery(货已备妥)待发
35、shipping advice装运通知,装船通知
36、documents againstpayment 付款交单
37、arrangeshipment 安排装运
38、not correspondto 不符合
39、a specialaccommodation 特殊照顾
40、partialshipment 分装
42、suitable for oceantransportation 适合于海运
43、take intoaccount 珍惜
44、opening the L/C开立信用证
45、extension ofL/C 信用证延期
46、shipping document =export document 运输单据
47、packing list装箱单
48、advanceshipment 提前转运
49、at our option由我方决定
50、in one lot一批
51、heavycommitment 承约过多
52、direct steamer直轮
53、the delayeddelivery 延期交货
54、the briskdemand 旺盛的需求
55、against allrisks 综合险
56、all risks一切险
57、policy ratesfor 保险费率
58、meet ourexpectations 符合我方期望
59、onboard bill oflading 已装船提单
60、reserve the rightto 保留…的权利
61、claim damages赔偿损失
62、average quality大路货
63、inferiormerchandise 次品
64、cancellation ofcontract 取消契约
65、sales agent销售代理人
66、purchasingagent 采购代理人
67、sole (exclusive)agent 独家代理人
68、general agent总代理人
69、volume of business= trade volume贸易量
70、sales territoty销售地区
71、based on yourturnover 以你营业额为基准
72、a trial period试用期
73、obtain ourpermission 征得我方同意
74、reimburse theexpenses 补偿…的费用
75、underconsideration 考虑之中
76、promote thesales 推销
1、This corporationspecializes in importing and exporting electronic products andwishes to enter into business relations with you.
2、We shall be veryglad to place our order with you if your quotation is competitiveand delivery date acceptable.
3、We have decided tomake a further concession of 2% in the hope that this will help youpush the sales of our products.
4、Owing to heavycommitment,we are not in a position to accept neworders.However
as soon as fresh supplies comein,we’ll immediately contact you by cable.
5、As direct steamersto your port are few and far between,please allow for transshipmentwhen opening the L/C.
6、You should carry outthe contract signed by your representative.No matter what happen tohim,the execution of thr contract unless they can get propercompensation.
7、As our endusers arein urgent need of the contracted machines, you are kindly requestedto ensure shipment at an early date.
8、As to the goodspriced on CIF basis, our company will insure against ALL Risks for110% of invoice value.
9、We regret beingunable to accept your claim because the cases were in perfectcondition when the goods were loaded on board the ship.
1、Establishing TradeRelations
This corporation specializes inexporting electronic products,which sell well invarious countries.Now we are writing to offer you an opportunity todevelop trade.If you are interested in establishing businessrelations with us in this line,please let us know your specificrequirements.We shall be pleased to forward samples/catalogues aswell as detailed information for your reference.We assure you ofour best attention to any tinquiries from you,and anticipate yourprompt in this respect.
2、Inquiries& Offers
事由: 纺织品
… …先生:
Re: Textiles
This company is one of the largesttextile importers in New York.We sincerely hope to establishbusiness relations with your company so as to promote trade betweenour two countries.
We are enclosing an inquiry noteNo.303 and looking forward to receiving,at an early date,yourquotation CIF New York including our 5% commission.Whilequoting,please state the earliest shipment andquantity available.
If your quotation iscompetitive,we are ready to conclude substantialbusiness with you.Your early reply will be very muchappreciated.
Sincerely yours,
Dear Sir ,
We have received in due course yourS/C No.4845 in duplicate.As requested,we’ve signed and enclosingone copy for your file.
The relevant L/C has been issued bythe Bank of China, New York Branch.Upon receipt of the said,pleasearrange shipment and inform us by cable of the name of vessel andthe date of sailing.
4、Terms ofPayment
In reply to your inquiry concerningour terms of payment, we would like to inform you asfollows:
Our conditions are 3% discount oncheck payment, on net price within ten day.
We hope the above will be acceptableto you.
5、Terms ofPayment
We thank you for your letter ofMarch 12th
We are plesaed to receive yourorder,and wish to say that we have adequate stocks in ourwarehouse,and that delivery dates can be met.
Payment by irevocable letter ofcredit is convenient for us.We are now awaiting the arrival of yourL/C,on receipt of which we shall make the necessary arrangementsfor the Shipment of your order.
6、Terms ofPayment
We have received your letter of the18th of April and now wish to remind youthat,according to our agreement,youought to remit to us the amount of our Invoice No.4321 when youreceive the goods.However,you have not paid for our shipment of the2nd of March,which probably reached you several daysago.
We look forward to receiving yourreply soon.
你方6月17日来信收到。关于第80616号购货合约项下的3000套梅花扳手(Double Offset RingSpanners),现我方函告如下:
Your letter of June 17thhas been received. As for the 3,000 sets of Double Offset RingSpanners under the Purchase Contract No.80616 we would like toadvise you as follow:
As stipulated in the contract, theabove goods should have been shipped in three equal lots in April,June and August respectively. But so far the first lot has not beenshipped. Our endusers have been expecting the goods and are verysurprised at your delay in shipment.
Please do your best to effect theshipment of the first and second lots together before the end ofJune. Otherwise, our endusers will get dissatisfied with your delayand will probably cancel the order and turn elsewhere to covertheir requirements.
Upon receipt of the letter pleaselet us know the definite date of shipment.
8、Claims andArbitration
The first shipment per S. S.“Fengqing” arrived at our port two days ago. Upon examination, wehave found that the quality of the products is too inferior to meetthe requirements at our local market . Please let us know how youare going to dispose this shipment. Shall we return them to you orshall we hold them for you?
We await your promptresponse.