Keep的用法 join和join in的区别





keep away fromsb(副词)

I think we shall keepfriends.(名词)

keep in touchwith(介短)


keep your eyesopen(形容词)

I'm sorryto keep you up solate.(副词)

That kepther a student.(名词)

Keep yournose out of my affairs.(副词)

the fireburning(现分) keep youreyesshut(过分)

Keep的用法 join和join in的区别



keep a close watch on密切注意

keep a firm hold on牢牢控制

keep abreast of 跟上

keep an account 记帐

keep an eye on 照看,瞧着点

keep after紧紧追赶,老是和某人吵架

keep at 坚持不懈地做某事;纠缠某人

keep at a distance保持距离,不与亲近

keep away(from) 远离

keep back隐瞒不讲;扣下不付;留在后面不走;阻止

keep body and soul together维持活命

keep company和某人在一起

keep down控制,限制;压迫,压制;使不吐出

keep faith with对某人守信用

keep from隐瞒;避开;使自己不做某事(跟doingsth):

I could hardly keep fromlaughing.

The boycouldn’t keep from crying when he fell down.

keep sb. fromdoing sth.止某人做某事:

The heavyrain kept us from going out.

When thetime came for Leonov to go out, his companion helped him fix theline that was to keep him from floating away from theship.当列昂诺夫走出飞船的时刻到来时,他的同伴帮他系好缆绳,以免他从飞船漂走。

keep sb. doingsth.让某人不停地做某事:

Don’t keep yourmother waiting.

You candraw a good horse in five minutes, yet you kept me waiting for ayear.

keep going 能继续下去

keep in 呆在家里;让火燃着不灭;忍住不发脾气

keep ...in使某人有吃(喝穿用等)

keep in mind 记住,放在心里

keep inwith和某人保持友好关系

keepoff避开,不要踩(吃、碰、谈等),如:Keep off thegrass.

The onlyway to get your weight down is to keepoff fattening foods.

The tigerin the zoo is very dangerous. You’d better keep off it.

keep…off使…避开,使…不要踩(吃、碰、谈等),如:How can I keep the flies offthis jam?

Tokeep the ship off the shore was impossible.

[注]keep awaykeep…away也有类似区别:


He keeps away from liquor andtobacco.

We keptaway from the fierce dog.

※但不说keepaway it.


would youplease keep that dog away, please?


keep on doingsth keepdoing sth.

keep ondoing sth.: continue doing sth. do sth. frequently orrepeatedly.继续做某事,强调决心,迎难而上,表示动作的反复。 如: You must keep on even if youfail.

Althoughit started raining, we kept on working.

He kept onasking the silly question. 他反复地问那个愚蠢的问题。

In theyears that followed, Marx kept on studying English and usingit.在随后的几年中,马克思继续学习和使用英语。

keep doing sth.:cause a processor state to continue,表示状态或过程的继续,强调动作本身的间断性。如:

While hew as walking, he kept thinking of problems he had met in hisstudies.当他在走路的时候,他还继续思考他在研究中碰到的问题。

He caughtsuch a bad cold that he kept coughing all morning.


1.两句型后都接动态动词如talking,working, writing 不接静态动词如:sitting, sleeping,

2.在表示“间断性动作”时,可通用。如:Whydoes she keep (on) giggling?

My shoelace keeps (on)coming undone. 我的鞋带老是松开。

Why doesshe keep (on) giggling?


keep oneself tooneself不交际不与人来往

His father’s love of privacy often puzzledTerry, who was not one to keep himself tohimself.

keep one's mindon把注意力集中在...上

keep one'sword(appointment)信守诺言

keep out挡住,使不进去

keep out of不牵涉进去,不要惹

keep pace跟上,不落在后面

keep silence保持沉默

keep time守时

keep to 坚持、遵守,留在某处,to 是介词。

Keep to it. You must not stoptill the job is finished.

He always keeps hispromises.

MY friend was obliged to keep tohis bed because of a fever.

keep to oneself不告诉别人

keep together在一起,协同一致


As Senior 3 students, it is important tokeep up a good state ofmind.

keep upwith跟上,不落在别人的后面


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