Many people use distance-learning programmes (study materialpost, TV, Internet, etc.) to study at home, but some people thinkthat it cannot bring the same benefits of attending college oruniversity. To what extent do you agree or disagree with thisopinion?
Distance learning is a relatively recent phenomenon andconsequently it is somewhat controversial. Withgood reason, many people question whether technology can reallychange how we can learn. Others, however, make aconvincing argument that classroom-based learning has itslimitations. Considering both sides, it is clearthat there is value in both approaches.
Let us first consider the pros of traditional, classroom-basedlearning. From the time of the ancient Greeks andChinese and perhaps before, we have clung to the idea of a“teacher;” one who shares his / her wisdom andexpertise. This model has been tested andsurvived the ages. Teachers not only can shareknowledge, but they can assess, correct and motivatestudents. Truly there is great value in this.
That said, remote learning also has its ownupside. Consider, for example, students who livein remote areas without roads or funds to pay for tuition to attenda school far away . . . an Internet connection solvesthis. Also, there is something to be said forstudents being more independent learners, and online learningdevelops this skill.
So the question really is not “Which one?” but rather, “How wecan combine both?” It seems perfectly reasonablethat students attend some classes in person, but also use the webto communicate with other students and professors as well asresearch various topics. Countries and societiesneed to assess which approach and balance works best for them.
So while we should harness the potential of new technology thatmakes remote learning possible, we should not neglect theimportance of traditional learning. Studentwithout teachers will surely be lost; but students who simply relyon teachers for knowledge aren’t really learning.
(284 words)
本文最后一句为全文中心句,虽然表达的意思就是首段最后一句作者观点:there is value in bothapproaches. 但在该文最后提升为:Student without teachers will surely be lost;but students who simply rely on teachers for knowledge aren’treally learning.没有老师的学生会迷失(远程教育);但完全依靠老师来学知识不算真正的学习(传统授课式教育)。精辟而有哲理。相信雅思考官自然会写下9分,心中却打了10分。
limitation [7limi5teiFEn]n.限制,局限性
approach [E5prEutF]n.方法
expertise [7ekspE5ti:z]n.专家意见,专门技术
remote [ri5mEut]adj.遥远的

various [5vZEriEs]adj.不同的,各种各样的
harness [5hB:nis]vt.利用
potential [pE5tenF(E)l]n.潜能
neglect [ni5^lekt]vt.忽视
cling to 依附,依靠,坚持
pay for tuition 付学费
attend a school 上学
in person亲自
communicate with sb. 和…..交流
rely on 依赖,依靠
l Teachers not onlycan share knowledge, but they can assess, correct andmotivate students.
l So while we shouldharness the potential of new technology that makes remote learningpossible, we should not neglect the importance of traditionallearning.
l Student withoutteachers will surely be lost; but students who simply relyon teachers for knowledge aren’t really learning.