Displacement activitiesoccur when an animal experiences high motivation for two or moreconflicting behaviors: the resulting displacement activity isusually unrelated to the competing motivations. Birds, for example,may peck at grass when uncertain whether to attack or flee from anopponent; similarly, a human may scratch his or her head when theydo not know which of two options to choose. Displacement activitiesmay
alsooccur when animals are prevented from performing a single behaviorfor which they are highly motivated. Displacement activities ofteninvolve actions which bring comfort to the animal such asscratching, preening, drinking or feeding.
1. Whatis the lecture mainly about?
A.Method s of observing unusual animal behavior.
B. Atheory about ways birds attract mates.
C. Waysanimals behave when they have conflicting drives.
D.Criteria for classifying animal behaviors.
2.Indicate whether each of the activities below describes adisplacement activity.
Click in the correct boxfor each phrase.
Yes | No | |
Ananimal attacks the ground instead of its enemy. | ||
Ananimal falls asleep in the middle of a mating ritual. | ||
Ananimal eats some food when confronted by it enemy. | ||
Ananimal takes a drink of water after grooming itself. |
3. Whatdoes the professor say about disinhibition?
A. Itcan prevent displacement activities from occurring.
B. Itcan cause animals to act on more than one drive at atime.
C. It isnot useful for explaining many types of displacementactivities.
D. It isresponsible for the appearance of seemingly irrelevantbehavior.
4.According to the lecture, what is one possible reason thatdisplacement activities are often grooming behaviors?
A.Grooming may cause an enemy or predator to be confused.
B.Grooming is a convenient and accessible behavior.
C.Grooming often occurs before eating and drinking.
D.Grooming is a common social activity.
5. Whydoes the professor mention the wood thrush?
A. Tocontrast its displacement activities with those of other animalsspecies.
B. Toexplain that some animals display displacement activities otherthan grooming
C. Topoint out how displacement activities are influenced by theenvironment.
D. Tofive an example of a n animal that does not display displacementactivities.
6.Replay: What does the professor mean when she says this?
A. Sheis impressed by how much the student knows aboutredirecting.
B. Shethinks it is time to move on to the next part of thislectures.
C. Thestudent’s answer is not an example of a displacementactivity.
D. Thestudent should suggest a different animal behavior to discussnext.
engagingin 从事于
makessense 讲的通
confronting theobject 面对这个东西
inhibit=hold back抑制
getting ina way 阻碍
getruffled 鸟受惊而羽毛竖立的
tidythemselves up 整理他们自己
matingritual 交配行为
bird’sfeather 鸟的羽毛
animal’sfur 动物的皮毛
Ok, thenext kind of animal behavior I want to talk about might betoyou. You may have seen, for example, a bird that’s in the middle ofa,and suddenly it stops and preens, you know, takes a few moments toitsfeathers, and then returns to the.This kind of behavior, this doing something that seems,is what we call a ‘Displacement Activity’. Displacement activitiesare activities that animal’swhenthey have conflicting.If we take our example from a minute ago, if the bird isitsmate, it’s conflicted. It wants to mate but it’s also afraid andwants to.So, instead, it starts grooming itself. So, the displacementactivity, the grooming, theofits feathers, seems to be an.So, what do you think another example of a displacement activitymight be?
How aboutan animal that, um, instead ofitsenemy or running away, itaplant or a bush?
That’sreally good suggestion, Karl. But that’s called ‘redirecting’. Theanimal is redirecting its behavior to another, in this case, the plantor the.But that’s not an irrelevant or inappropriate behavior. Thebehavior.It’s appropriate under the.But what doesn’t make sense is the object the behavior‘s directedtowards. Ok, who else? Carol?
I think Iread in another class about anwherean object that the animal was afraid of was put next to its food –next to the animal’s food. And the animal, it was conflictedbetweentheobject and eating the food, so instead, it just.Like that?
That’sexactly what I mean. Displacementbecausethe animal’s got two conflicting drives – two competing,in this case, fear and hunger. And what happens is, theyeachother, they cancel each other out in a way, and a third seeminglyirrelevant behaviorthrougha process that we call ‘Disinhibition’. Now in disinhibition, thebasic idea is that two drives that
seem toinhibit, to,a third drive. Or, well, they’reofeach in a… in a conflict situation andsomehow, lose their inhibitingonthat third behavior, which means that the third drive surfaces,it’s expressed in the animal’s behavior. Now, these displacementactivities can include,drinking, grooming, even sleeping. These are what we call ‘ComfortBehavior’. So why do you think displacement activities are so oftencomfort behaviors, such as?
Maybebecause it’s easy for them to do? I mean, grooming is like one ofthe mostthingsan animal can do. It’s something they do all the time, and theyhave therightthere on the outside of their bodies in order to do the grooming,or if food is rightthem.,they don’t have to think very much about thosebehaviors.
Professor,isn’t it possible that animals groom because they’ve got messed upa little from fighting or mating? I mean if a bird’s feathers getorananimal’s, maybe it’s not so strange for them to stop andthemselvesup at that point.
That’sanother possible reason although it doesn’t necessarily explainother behaviors such as eating, drinking or sleeping. What’sinteresting is that studies have been done that suggest that theanimal’s environment may play a part inwhatkind of behavior it.For example, there’s a bird, the ‘wood thrush’, anyway, when the‘wood thrush’ is in an attack-escape
, that is,it’s caught between the two urges to escape from or to,if it’s sitting on ahorizontalbranch, it’ll wipe its beak on its perch. If it’s sitting on abranch,it’ll groom its.The immediate environment of the bird, its,um, its relationship to its immediate environment seems toinwhich behavior will display.
Inbiology, mating is the pairing of opposite-sex or hermaphroditicorganisms, usually for the purposes of sexual reproduction. Somedefinitions limit the term to pairing between animals, while otherdefinitions extend the term to mating in plants and fungi.Fertilization is the fusion of both sex cell or gamete. Copulationis the union of the sex organs of two sexually reproducing animalsfor insemination and subsequent internal fertilization. Mating mayalso lead to external fertilization, as seen in amphibians, fishesand plants. For the majority of species, mating is between twoindividuals of opposite sexes. However, for some hermaphroditicspecies, copulation is not required because the parent organism iscapable of self-fertilization (autogamy); for example, bananaslugs.
Inpsychology, disinhibition is a lack of restraint manifested indisregard for social conventions, impulsivity, and poor riskassessment. Disinhibition affects motor, instinctual, emotional,cognitive, and perceptual aspects with signs and symptoms similarto the diagnostic criteria for mania. Hypersexuality, hyperphagia,and aggressive outbursts are indicative of disinhibited instinctualdrives.
Comfortbehaviours in animals are activities that help maintain the pelage,feathers, integuement or musculoskeletal system and increase thephysical comfort of the animal. They are a subset of maintenancebehaviours which also include activities such as feeding, drinkingand elimination.
【答案解析】:本文核心词为displacementactivity,选项中的waysanimals behave when have conflicting drives为其同义改写。
3. D
【答案解析】:根据原文“Or,well, they’re getting in a way of each in a… in a conflictsituation and somehow lose control, lose their inhibiting effect onthat third behavior, which means that the third drive surfaces,it’s expressed in the animal’s behavior.”可知
4. B
【答案解析】:根据原文“Maybebecause it’s easy for them to do? I mean, grooming is like one ofthe most accessible things an animal can do. It’s something they doall the time, and they have the stimulus right there on the outsideof their bodies in order to do the grooming, or if food is right infront of them. Basically, they don’t have to think very much aboutthose behaviors.”可知
5. C
【答案解析】:文章中之所以出现woodthrush举例,是因为前方教授刚提出“What’sinteresting is that studies have been done that suggest that theanimal’s environment may play a part in determining what kind ofbehavior it displays.”
6. C
【答案解析】:“That’s reallygood suggestion, Karl. But that’s called‘redirecting’.”一个but暗示男生所提的例子不对,教授没有直白的说出来,此题为隐含态度的考察。
familiar,mating ritual, straighten, mating ritual, completely out of place,engaging in, drives, run away, straightening, irrelevantbehavior,
object,bush, makes sense, circumstances
experiment, confronting,fell asleep
occurs,urges, inhibit, surfaces, hold back, getting in a way, lostcontrol, effect, feeding, grooming
accessible, stimulus, infront of, basically
ruffled,fur, tidy
determining, displays,conflict, attack, vertical, feathers, immediate, play apart