新疆景观 世界上最大最全的八卦城组图 世界上最全的百科全书


Turks at the foot oftheTianshanMountains, deep in the remote prairie town, not only named to the 2001 Guinness Book of World Records in 2007, was named the State historical and culturalcity inChina, as many as there were still the highest inthe worldorChina--

First, the world's largest and most completegossipCity; the second is the world's only Wusun culture interwovenwith theBook ofthe localculture; Third, China's westernmost city, and Book Culture gossip site; Fourth, most Chinese Taoist Culture Communicationwestern end ofthe place; five largest nomadic ancient Western Regions of China - Wu-sun location of thecountry; six tombs in C hina where most of the existing Wusun; seven in recorded historyin ancientChina, where most of marrying the princess; eight in recorded historyin ancientChina princess marrying the first place; nine is the biggest racecourse in ancient China - "Khan prairie" location; Jin ten is the ancient Chinesenomadiclife"teethoff" most of the place; eleven and the Western Han Dynasty in ancient China ancient and the longestpro-nomadic, and from the closest place; 12 is only used with Chinese, "Wu-sun," named after themountainrange - Wusun Hill.


Turks, in the northwesternXinjiang UygurAutonomous Region, the northern foot of Tianshan Mountains fold belt, the Ili River basin upstream Turks, Turks - Zhaosu eastern basin. East and the northeastGongliu, and static County, South County is connected with the worship, the WestandNorthwest and Zhaosu, Qapqal County border. Turks from the county town of Urumqi highway mileage of 852 km, 119 km away from Yining City.


Turks is a "heaven and earth to pay and all things pass, Bottoms and all things with the" city; This is a Shanghaiwasawarded the"gossip today the world's largest city," city; This is a history of plug types, Rouzhi Wusun, Uighur, Turkic, Mongolian, Kirgiz, Kazakh, Uygur, Han and other 22 ethnic groupslivecitypeopleareZengfanYan; this is a history of our country's first monarch Princess and the pro-life princess fine city; this is a history ofthe birthof ourfirstfemale diplomat City; this is a legend from the "Evergreen real" Qiu design of the city; this is a unique one Chinese city without traffic lights.


The layout of the Turks in Xinjiangis famousforgossip. Authorities in 1996 to cancel the traffic lights on theroad, the city became a gossip city without traffic lights. Legend City was first used by the Turks gossip Song Seven Taoist wholetruth, oneof Chuji layout. Changchun was Genghis Khan's real Chuji be invited to the Western Regions, when the Turks through thevalleywhenhewastouched bythesituation where the mountains, so the gossip on the layout of this city. Gossip round radial city, street layout, such as magic labyrinth, Lulu interlinked, Street Street connected. Meanwhile, the gossip of the city with a rich folkcustoms, rich history and beautiful natural sceneryandcultural.


This reflects the culture and gossip Book strange mystery ofthinkingthecity, acenter forthe TaiChi Cultural Square gossip "yin and yang" appearances, according to gossip position with equaldistance,the sameangleaseightray-like protruding from the main street, each main Street length 1200meters,locatedevery360 metersaroundthe mainstreet linking eight loop, followed by the center outward total of four loops, one of theeightCentralStreet,ringsixteenStreet, Third thirty-two Street, four Central sixty-four Street. The orientation of the streetformedbygossiphexagrams, fully reflects the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching Yao mathematical386. To let people get lost, the streets are set DIRECTIONS card.


Sima Qian of the Han Dynasty in the "Historical RecordsDawan biography" in the records of the Wu-sun country that is today's Turks, the Turks is also seen in earlier historical records. Turks gossip City first appeared in the Southern SongDynasty, Taoism, one of Seven whole truth, the dragon martial artguru"Changchunreal" Chuji to be Genghis Khan's invitation to a Western country to help teach people sweat strategy and longevity of the road. He spent three yearsJourney to theWest Tianshan Mountains, is just the way the set of mountain air, Chuan supple, water-filled veins as one of the valley by the action of the Turks. So, he here as a "gossip city" the core of feng shui to determine theridgenorthfrom thesouth, Zhendong, four against the West direction. Since then, the Turks gossip here as the city's mostoriginalshape.

历史的真实中总是暗含着一些巧合。700年后的1936年冬天,精通“易”理的军阀盛世才岳父邱宗浚调任伊犁屯垦使兼警备司令后,亲临特克斯查勘时发现了这一雏形。现在的特克斯县城一带是当时蒙古牧民的草场,西北方向有三条小河汇来,且有多处常年喷涌的泉水,牧草夏季茂盛,能长有一人多高,确实是水草丰茂之地。而且地势开阔,四通八达,这里背靠连绵起伏、巍峨峻拔的乌孙山,前濒波涛奔涌、带水环回的特克斯河。邱宗浚毕竟有眼力、有远见,八卦城城址全集中了这些优越条件,算得上是—块风水宝地。随后,邱宗浚亲自设计了八卦城图。The truth of history is always implied some coincidence.700years afterthe 1936 winter, proficient in the "easy" warlord Sheng Li Jun Qiuzong father was transferred to the settlementandgarrison commander of the Yili, the survey found that the Turks come to this shape. Now the Turks county area was grassland nomads in Mongolia, the northwest has three sinks to the river, and there are manyperennialgushingsprings,lushgrassinsummer, how much one person can be a long, lush plants is indeed the land. And open terrain, accessible,herebacked byrolling, majestic Junba Wusun mountain, near the former surging waves, with water loop Turks River. Qiuzong Jun after all discerning, visionary, City Buildingsgossipsitesare confinedto these favorable conditions, can be considered - block poised. Subsequently,QiuzongChunpersonallydesignedthe gossip city map.

【新疆景观】世界上最大最全的八卦城(组图) 世界上最全的百科全书

In 1938, various public and private buildings will begin constructionin thecounty ingeneral. At that time, county invited Russian experts to help measure, piling up line. In the absence ofcord, county to assign someone to buy from the merchant stores in bundles of cloth, torn cloth, the cloth link into long rope line, and then pull the plow plow another 20 head of cattle out of thecitystreetgossipshape.(Text / Bembo edited)






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