苹果教父乔布斯英文简介 苹果创始人乔布斯简介

苹果教父乔布斯英文简介 苹果创始人乔布斯简介

SteveJobs was a college dropout when heteamed up with Steve Wozniak in 1976 to sell personal computersassembled in Jobs' garage. That was the beginning of AppleComputers, which revolutionized the computing industry and madeSteve Jobs a multimillionaire before he was 30 years old. He wasforced out of the company in 1985 and started the NeXT Corporation,but returned to his old company in 1996 when Apple bought NeXT.Steve Jobs soon became Apple's chief executive officer and sparkeda resurgence in the company with products like the colorful iMaccomputer and the iPod music player. Steve Jobs was also the CEO ofPixar, the animation company responsible for movies like ToyStory and Monsters, Inc. Pixar was purchased by the WaltDisney Company in 2006 for $7.4 billion in stock; the deal madeJobs the largest individual shareholder of Disney stock. Jobs wasdiagnosed with pancreatic cancer in2003 and had surgery in July of 2004, and was criticized by somefor not disclosing his illness to stockholders until after thefact. His health was in the news again in 2008, when his extremeweight loss sparked rumors that his cancer had recurred. Jobsrefused to speak publicly about his health, but in January of 2009he took a formal six-month leave of absence from Apple, saying thathis health problems were "more complex than I originally thought."He had a liver transplant later thatyear and returned to work at Apple in June of 2009. In January of2011 he again announced, without offering details, that he wastaking a medical leave of absence. He resigned as Apple CEO on 24August 2011, saying "I have always said ifthere ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties andexpectations as Apple's CEO, I would be the first to let you know.Unfortunately, that day has come." He remained with thecompany as Chairman of the Board until he died about five weekslater.


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