Hooked on some bad habits and tendencies thatare seemingly hard to break are some of you in your world today.This was expected of some of you, as the world that you haveemerged in after you stepped foot out of our door is a world filledwith many of the temptations of a lower dimensional life. It isfilled with many fruits of the tree of temptation, a tree thatgrows in many different places all throughout your lives and yourplanet. What we wish to do for you is to uproot, if you will, someof these trees to instead plant a flower garden where there used tobe a tree of temptation.今天在你们世界中沉迷于一些坏习惯和倾向于难以打破的一些习惯。这是对你们一些人的预期、在你走出我们的门后、你们的世界是一个充满了许多诱惑的低维y度的生活。它就像一棵树上长满了许多水果的诱惑,一棵生长在许多不同的地方布满你们的生活和你们的星球。我们希望为你做的就是根除、也可以说、替代这些树木植物花园、那曾经是一个诱惑的树。How best to approach this task we have askedourselves. We, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light andyour ascended family have battled these temptations before, this iswhy we feel we have the appropriate experience to assist you inthis way and get to the root of this problem and eradicate theseroots from your soil. Do you see why it is we that could possiblyhelp you in this matter? Do you trust us and have faith in us thatwe have gone this road before? This is what we need from you; weneed faith from you, we need trust from you, confidence andassurance that you now understand that we are, in relation to whoyou are, you. The only difference is we have already experiencedwhat you are experiencing and many of you will experience in thedays ahead.我们在问自己如何最好地处理。我们光之银河联邦的成员和你们的已扬升的家庭正对抗这些诱惑,这就是为什么我们觉得我们有合适的经验帮助你和深入问题的根源并且从你们的土壤中根除这些根源。你是否看到了为什么我们可以在这件事情上帮助你了吗?你是否信任我们并且对我们有信念、我们已经走在这条路上了呢?这就是我们需要你;我们需要你的信念、我们需要你的信任、信心和保证、你现在知道了我们是谁、与你是什么关系、我们是你。唯一的区别就是我们有你正经历的和你们许多人将在未来日子里要体验的经验。Again, we do not wish to offer the pretensethat we've done it all and we know it all, no, not at all. We justwish for you to see and understand that we have some experience inthese matters. We have some seasoned years behind us, you may say,and we do. We are many, and we have many years of experience behindus. We consciously remember all of our incarnations into thephysical while you only remember this one, your current one,although all of the lessons that you have learned throughout allyour previous incarnations are safely kept away in yoursubconscious memory banks. We do enjoy the advantage of consciouslyremembering these events and experiences and we are able to diginto our ‘filing cabinet’ of experiences, if you will, and pull outa complete report on what it is we experienced and how it is wewere able to clear that obstacle.再一次,我们不希望提供借口、我们做到一切、我们知道一切、不、不是这样的。我们只是希望让你看到和理解、我们在这些问题上有一些经验。我们的过往中有一些经验丰富,你可能会说、我们做到了。我们有很多、而且我们的过往中有多年的经验。我们有意识地记住我们所有的物理化身、而你只记得这一个、你当前的这个,尽管你的所有课程、你在过往前世已经学会的课程都安全地保存在你们潜意识的记忆中。我们享受着有意识地记住这些事件和体验的优势,我们能够深入挖掘我们的“档案柜”的经验,也可以说、拿出一个我们经历过的完整的报告、以及我们是如何清除这个障碍的。We would like to see more of you demonstratefor us your faith in us, your confidence in us, for we see thisfaith and confidence as very shaky at best in many cases and wewish to remind you that you trusted us completely before youstepped out that door and into your mission. You then hadabsolutely no trouble at all putting all of your confidence andfaith in us, our organization and our abilities as a team and asindividual guides as well. What has changed for you? If you nowunderstand and believe who it is we are we ask you why it is thatthis confidence hasn't followed. In other words, if you nowunderstand that we are you and that we have experienced everythingthat you have and will experience and that we enjoy thisadvantageous point of view of everything that is transpiring inyour world and, for some of you, in your lives, then we ask you whyis it that you have trouble trusting us when it comes to decisiontime or when we offer you advice or we share insights into what istranspiring in your world, or say to you we have certain projectsscheduled that still so many of you believe is a lie, is a pipedream, as you call them.我们希望看到更多的你能为我们展示你对我们的信任、你对我们的信心,我们看到这个信念和信心在大多情况下是非常不稳定的,我们想提醒你、在你走出这扇门和进入你们的使命前你要对我们完全的信任。到那时你们的信任绝对不会有任何麻烦、相信我们、相信我们的组织和我们团队的能力以及个体的指导。什么改变了你呢?如果你现在理解和相信我们、我们问你为什么这种信任并没有跟进。换句话说,如果你现在明白我们是你、我们经历了一切你将体验的、我们享受这有利的位置观察着你们世界所发生的一切,对于你们一些人来说是你们的生活、那么我们问你为什么你很难信任我们或当我们给你建议时或者我们与你分享你们世界所发生的一切的深刻见解时、让你很难决定信任我们,我们对你说我们确实有项目计划、你们中有如此多的人相信这是一个谎言、是个白日梦、你是这样称呼它们的。We look forward to the day when the vows wehave made and the pictures we have painted for you of your futurecome alive for you right before your very eyes and they will, youcan mark our words on this, but this does not help you today, doesit dear ones, and it is today that many of you face a struggle andyou need our assistance and here we are in offers of ourassistance. So what is it that is holding you up? Why is it thatyou are finding it difficult to trust us completely today? Is itbecause that we have told you that there are beings among us whomay appear what you would envision as reptilian-like, or there arebeings here that resemble the gray extraterrestrials that many ofyou have read about? We say to you we feel that our descriptions ofsome of the beings that are members of our organization has‘stirred the pot’ a bit of your Lightworker community and hascaused a bit of an uproar we will even say, and many of you havejumped ship, joining the mutiny of our communications to youthrough our channel.我们期待着这一天、当我们的誓言和我们为你描绘的画面、你们的未来成真时、它们会出现在你们的眼前,你可以记下我们的话,但这并不会对你的今天起到帮助,不是吗亲爱的,今天你们许多人正面临挣扎、你需要我们的帮助而我们就在这里提供着我们的援助。所以是什么让你脆弱呢?你要找出是什么让你今天很难完全相信我们?难道是因为我们告诉你我们就在你们中间吗、似乎让你想起可能会出现爬虫类生物吗、或者是这里会有你曾经得知的灰色外星人呢?我们对你说、我们认为我们描述了一些我们的组织的成员生命成了“搅拌壶”,这让你们一些光之工作者团体引起了很大的骚动、我们甚至会说、这让你们中许多人跳船、加入到了反对我们通道通信的行列。We say to you that you can have faith in us,that we clearly foresaw that our message would have this effect.You cannot really think that we did not clearly see that therewould be many of you very upset and up in arms, as you say, becausewe have what you consider reptilian and gray beings among us. Ofcourse we saw this coming dear ones, don't you see that? Don't yousee we purposely introduced what you would see as a reptilian and agray first? Do you think that was some sort of coincidence or anoversight on our part? Of course we did this on purpose. We weretesting you. Yes, you see this now don't you? We also introduced toyou Greg's higher self who is not a reptilian or a ‘gray’, as itwere. What he is is an Arcturian. Yes, that iswhat Greg is. He is an Arcturian being from a galaxy very far fromyour Milky Way galaxy. He is from a galaxy known as the Taurigalaxy that is located in an area of this universe that is soremote that the beings there are a bit different than you andI.我们告诉你、你可以相信我们,我们显然预见到了我们的信息会带来这种效果。你不会真的认为我们不能清楚地看到会使你们许多人沮丧并激起反抗、就像你说的、因为我们有你认为的灰人与爬虫人在我们中间。当然我们看到这个即将到来、亲爱的、你没有看见吗?难道你没发现我们是故意首先介绍你所谓的爬虫人和灰人吗?难道你认为那是某种巧合或是我们的疏忽吗?当然我们是故意这样做的。我们是在考验你。是的,现在你看到了、不是吗?我们还为你介绍了格雷格的高自、不是一个爬虫人或一个“灰人”,因为它是、他是一个大角星人。是的,这就是格雷格。他是来自一个离银河系很远的星系、他是大角星人。他来自的星系被称为金牛座的星系、位于这个宇宙非常遥远的区域、生命形式和你、我都有一些不同。Yes, you and I are very similar, for I am ahuman-looking being just like you, and when I say human-lookinginstead of human it is simply because my physical vessel was notborn to Earth parents, but this does not mean my physical vesseldiffers from yours in any way whatsoever. This is very importantfor you to understand, that we cannot use the word human, for weare not purely human, for only those of you that were born to twohuman parents on your planet can be considered human. We feel manyof you would understand this, and we feel you would understand whywe must use terms like humanlike or humanoid, each meaning theexact same thing. So here I am a humanlike or humanoid being. Yes,I have skin the color of what you would call your Caucasian race orwhite race. Yes, I am ‘white’, as you say. I have light brown oreven blondish hair. I have blue eyes. I have very light skin, forwe do not have a sun as you do as we are primarily onboard ourships in space, although we do visit planets that have sunsnaturally quite often, but still I do not spend much time in thesun so my skin is not tanned at all and it certainly is not damagedin any way by the harmful effects of many suns throughout thisuniverse. I take great care of my physical vessel and we do enjoythe benefits of very advanced technologies to keep our vessels inperfect tune and condition over many long years.是的,你和我都非常相似,因为我是一群人类模样的生命就和你一样,当我说是人类模样而不是直接说人类、是因为我的物理容器不是来自地球父母,但这并不意味着我的物理容器与你们的不同。让你了解这些是非常重要的,我们不能使用人类这个词,因我们并非纯粹的人类,因为只有你们那些在你们星球上由父母两人生出的人类才被认为是人类。我们觉得你们许多人能够理解这一点,我们觉得你能够理解为什么我们必须使用术语像类人类或人形,意义是完全相同的。所以在这里我是一个类人类或人形生命。是的,我皮肤的颜色、你可能会称之为白种人或白人。是的,我是“白色”、就像你说的。我有浅棕色或甚至金色的头发。我的眼睛是蓝色的。我的皮肤很浅、因为我们没有像你一样的太阳、我们主要是在我们的太空飞船上,尽管我们常常访问有中央太阳的星球,但是我不能花太多时间在晒太阳上、所以我的皮肤不会晒黑、当然也不会受到这个宇宙中许多太阳不良影响的伤害。我很爱护我的物理容器、我们享受着非常先进的技术待遇、这么久以来才得以保持我们的容器处于完美和谐的状态。So there you have it. You have someone thatlooks exactly like you. I am a Pleiadian. I am from a world thatorbits a star in the Pleiades star system. Yes, I am one of thosewho you may more easily identify with as your friends, as yourally, as someone that is just like you, because to you this is dueto the fact that I look like you. Do you see how kind of, and I donot wish to insult anyone or demean anyone, but you see how kind ofsilly this is, how kind of childish this is, how best to say,‘unworldly’ this is that there are many of you breathing a sigh ofrelief right now because you found that one of us looks just likeyou. We see that as a bit silly, for as we said, it is not what welook like, it is what is inside. Do you think our channel Greg isso much different than you? You read our wordsthat are shared through him each day and you chat with him throughyour comments section and through messaging on Facebook each andevery day. Many of you can consider yourself friends with him, forhe is very outgoing, charming sometimes we will say, very friendlyand always willing to joke it up. He would not hurt a fly, and aswe described yesterday, you can understand that quite literally ashe literally chases flies around the house with all kinds ofcontraptions to lasso them up and safely relocate them outsidebecause he refuses to swat them, for he has a super big heart justas many of you do.如果你拥有它。你会看到别人长得完全和你一样。我是一个昴宿星人。我来自昴宿星团恒星系统中一颗绕行的恒星世界。是的,我是那些你们可以轻易地识别并与你们成为朋友、成为你们盟友、就和你长得一样的存有之一,因为对你来说事实上都取决于我看起来像你长得一样。你是否看到了各种、我不希望侮辱任何人或贬低任何人、但你会看到各种傻瓜了吗,多么的幼稚,不知道如何形容、‘天真“、目前这让你们许多人松了口气、因为你发现了在我们其中有和你长得一样的存有。我们认为这有点愚蠢,因为我们说过、不要看我们的外在、内在才重要。你是否认为我们的通道格雷格与你有什么不同吗?你正阅读我们每天通过他分享的话语并透过它、你们的评论与你聊天以及每天通过Facebook传递着信息。你们许多人可能认为自己是他的朋友,因为他很外向、我们会说有时有魅力、非常友好、总是爱开玩笑。他心地善良、我们昨天描述过、你可以理解毫不夸张地说、他在房子里设置了各种各样的奇妙装置、捕获飞来飞去的生命并安全地重新安置到户外(放生)、因为他拒绝拍打它们、因为他有一副好心肠就像你们许多人一样。You are just like him. He is one of you. Helooks exactly like you, for he is right now a human being born tohuman parents in the state of New York in your United States inyour Western Hemisphere, so he is just like you. He is yourbrother, and you are not afraid of him are you? You do not distru sthim do you? Well, most of you anyway, for he has a following and areputation as being a channel that cannot be trusted by a certainnumber of your Lightworker community. This is going to change andit is going to change in a big way, and Greg is going to be seen asa ‘pioneer’, if you will, as the groundbreaker of a great deal ofinformation that has not been shared to you through the means ofany other channel. This is the surprise we have for you and we havecarefully manicured this surprise, we have sculpted it, for thereis going to be a large lesson in this for many of you.你会喜欢他的。他是其中一个你。他看起来完全像你,因为他现在是个人类、有人类父母、出生在你们的西半球美国纽约,所以他和你一样。他是你们的哥哥而你不会害怕他、不是吗?你不信任他、是吗?好吧,无论如何你们大多数人、因为他背负了一个名声、作为是一个频道而不能被你们一些光之工作者团体信任。这将会改变、它将极大的改变,格雷格将会被视为一个“先锋”,也可以说、成为大量信息的创始者、你透过其它通道还没有被分享的信息。(译者:意思是格雷格将成为信息首发者、其它通道信息将会跟进,他的信息会比其它通道先公布)这是我们为你带来的惊喜、我们已经仔细修剪了这个惊喜,我们雕刻了它、因为这会为你们许多人带来一个极大的课程。Many of you who have distrusted him andattacked him and ridiculed him and hung him out to dry as you say,and yes, even persecuted him, for many of you have done this andcontinue to do so today and you will beneath this message today inmany areas around your internet, you will persecute him. You will‘burn him at the stake’, for what he is doing and saying which istruth. Everything that we have spoken through our channel Greg istruth. There are no two ways about this, even if another channel orsource that claims to be some kind of ‘researcher’, whatever thatmeans, refutes what he says.你们许多人都不信任他、攻击他、嘲笑他、把他晾干就像你说的,是的,甚至骚扰他、因为你们许多人的行为、直到今天还在这样做,目前你正在此消息下方许多领域、你们的互联网上骚扰他。你这是把他绑在“火刑柱上烧”,因为他正在做的和正在说的都是真相(忠言逆耳)。我们透过我们的通道格雷格所说的每一件事都是真相。这有两个方面、即使另一个通道或来源声称是某种“研究员”,不管那是什么意思,驳斥他所说的。How could anyone research what is going on inthe 5th dimension without the use of a channel we ask you? How isthis possible? How can anyone on your planet know for an absolutefact and certainty what is transpiring beyond your 3rd dimensionalboundaries without a channel issuing them this information from usor one of the other galactic commands? We would like to see anumber of you field this question today; how is it that any of youcan claim to know anything about the higher stretches of thisuniverse beyond the limits of your 3rd dimension unless you arequoting and relying on the work of a channel?怎么会有人研究五维度而无需使用到通道呢、我们问你?这怎么可能?在你们的星球上没人会知道绝对的事实、并且确定你们三维度边界之外发生着什么、而不需要我们通道的信息或不需要其它星系指挥部的信息?今天我们希望看到你们一些人正视这个问题;任何人声称知道超出你们3维度世界以外关于这个宇宙更高实相的任何事、除非你引用并依赖一个通道的工作、不是吗?The channels in your world today are your eyesand your ears to the ground, as you say, and the ground is this,the higher dimensions of your universe. This is where we are, andwe have but one means to communicate with you and share to youinformation and descriptions of our world. Everything that youunderstand about our dimensions beyond your 3rd you have learnedfrom our descriptions through our channels. If there is any otherway that you think you have gained insight or any kind ofinformation about our dimensions through any other source besides achannel of our communications we wish to hear this right now, forthere is absolutely no source of this information. There are nobooks in any of your libraries or bookstores that we have written.Yes, this is true. We have not published any books in your world.All of the books that speak about our dimensions and ourorganizations and your higher dimensional guides and Angels isinformation that is either completely made up and fictional, orbased on rumor and innuendo or based on other people'sdescriptions, and we say these other people's descriptions arechannels of this information that we have chosen to share with you.That's all there is, there is no other source of thisinformation.今天在你们世界的通道就是你们唯一的眼睛和耳朵,就像你说的、唯一的、你们宇宙的更高维度。这就是我们所在的地方、我们只有一个意思、与你沟通和向你分享信息、描述我们的世界。你了解我们维度的一切、透过我们通道的描述超出你们3维度的认知。如果有任何其他方式能够让你领悟或是其它源头任何类型的信息提及我们的维度而不是通过一个通道的通信的、此刻我们就希望听到(从来没听说过),因为绝对没有这样的信息。你们的图书馆或书店中没有我们写的这样的书。是的,这是真的。我们并没有在你们的世界中发表过任何的书籍。所有的书籍都谈论我们的维度和我们的组织以及你们高维度的指导者和天使的信息、要么完全是编造和虚构的,或传说和暗示或是基于其他人的描述、我们说这些别人的描述正是我们选择与你分享这些信息的通道。就是这样的,不可能有其它信息的来源。There aren't any of you that have consciousmemory of your lives and your existence beyond the limited realm ofyour 3rd dimension. If there are any of you who believe that youhave conscious memory of anything besides your current lifetime wesay to you that is an absolute impossibility, for you see, youcould not access any of these memories for they are not with youright now, they are not a part of your consciousness, they aretucked away safely someplace and they are protected, and thesememories will be returned to you at the proper time which is notnow and it was not at any time throughout your entire currentlifespan.你们没有任何人拥有超越你们有限的三维实相的生命意识记忆。如果你们有任何人相信你有意识的记忆了你当前一生以外的一切记忆、我们对你说这是绝对不可能的,因为你看,你不能访问任何这些记忆、因为它们现在不跟你在一起,它们不是你意识的一部分,它们安全的藏在某处并且受到保护,时机成熟这些记忆将会返回给你、但不是现在、它不是在你们当前寿命时期。Now that we have that little matter cleared upwe say again to you; could any of you tell us where you possess anyinformation about our organizations or about any of the higherdimensions of your universe that you have not received from achannel or someone else that is merely repeating the work of achannel or quoting a channel? Okay, so that is your assignmenttoday, because we are very eager to learn this, why some of youbelieve that you know for certain what life is like beyond theseborders of your 3rd dimension.现在、我们再次对你说、我们有些小事情要澄清;你能否告诉我们你拥有任何控制我们的组织信息的能力或者你不是透过一个通道来获得关于这个宇宙更高实相的信息的或别人只是在重复的做着一个通道的工作或是引用其它通道信息呢?好吧,那么这就是你们今天的任务,因为我们非常渴望学到这个,为什么你们一些人能够确信这些超越了你们三维度的某些生活呢。Now that you have your assignment, let uscontinue with our discussion today which primarily focuses on whythere are those of you who judge another upon the outer layers oftheir skin and their vessels that they have, in many cases, chosento experience their Creator given lives and Creator built universe.We say to you there are many of us, and we believe that most of youunderstand this. We introduced you to three types of beings in ourlast message, though many of you don't seem to remember that veryclearly or accurately. You seem to believe we only introduced twotypes of beings to you. We see this as more disinformation, eitherpurposely or accidentally, but we do see this as disinformation andwe wish more of you that are going to spread this kind ofdisinformation to please read our messages more carefully. Weclearly introduced you to three types of beings, not two.现在你有了你们的任务,让我们继续我们今天的讨论、主要集中在今天为什么你们会有那些人批判另一些人的外层皮肤和他们的容器呢,大多情况下、选择体验他们造物主给予的生命和造物主创造的宇宙。我们对你说我们有很多人并且我们相信你们大多数人会理解的。我们将在我们余下的信息中向你介绍三种类型的生命,尽管你们许多人并没有非常清楚或准确的记住。你似乎认为我们只会向你引绍两种类型的生命。我们把这视为是更多的虚假信息,无论是有意或无意的,但我们认为这就是虚假信息并且我们希望你们更多的传播这种虚假信息前请仔细阅读我们的信息。我们清楚地向你介绍了三种类型的生命、而不是两种。We introduced you to a being that may resembleto you a reptilian, one that resembles what you describe and knowas a tall gray, and we introduced you to a light blue skinned,white haired 6 1/2 foot tall being with big loving eyes, and weexplained to you that this was Greg's higher, or what you may knowas future self. He is an Arcturian being, and Arcturian beings aregentle, they are kind, they are vastly intelligent, they havesuperior technologies over many civilizations throughout thisuniverse, yes. They have been around for millions and millions ofyears. This is why their technology is so superior to many otherraces, worlds and alliances alike. They have massive ships that cantravel this universe all around in seconds. They can pop in out ofrealities at will, boom- boom- boom- boom. One dimension to thenext, higher and higher. They have no limits of the dimensions thatthey can travel to.我们向你介绍了一种生命、你所谓的爬虫类、这似乎是你的描述之一并且知道它是很高大的灰人,我们向你介绍了一个浅蓝色皮肤、白发苍苍6又1/2英尺高并且是有一双充满爱的大眼睛的生命,我们向你解释了这就是格雷格的高我、或者你可能视为将来的自己。他是一个大角星人并且大角星人是温和的,他们很善良,他们非常聪明,他们拥有优越的技术超越了这个宇宙许多文明,是的。他们已经遍布各地上百万年了。这就是为什么他们的技术高于许多其它的种族、世界和联盟。他们有巨大的飞船可以在这个宇宙中以秒速旅行。他们可以突然出现,繁荣—繁荣—繁荣—繁荣。从一个维度到下一个维度、越来越高。他们的旅行不受维度的限制。Do you understand what this means? Do youunderstand what we are explaining to you here, that Greg's higherself is not a being limited to the 5th dimension? Greg's higherself is a being that has achieved the peak of this universe, whichat this time is your 12th dimension. Greg’s higher self is a 12thdimensional being, and this means so is Greg, for Greg is thevehicle, the eyes and the ears of his higher self in a 3rddimensional world, but this does not mean that Greg cannot alsotravel through the dimensions on and up to the 12th, for he can andhe will in the days ahead and he already completely understandsthis. He has figured this out a long time ago, this is why hedescribes his star family as an 11th dimensional collective, for heknew this, for this information was shared with him a long time agoand he knew that he, through his work here and his sincere effortswould be ‘graduating’, if you will, one day from the 11th dimensionto the 12th. He knew this. He has talked about this with hisbrother and his friends, although most of his friends are like manyof you and don't believe much of what he is saying and this is areal shame, for Greg has friends that are right here with him inthis, your 3rd dimensional world who are also 11th dimensionalbeings who have now, through their work here and their experienceshere, graduated to the peak, the plateau of the 12thdimension.你明白这意味着什么吗?你是否明白我们正向你解释的呢,格雷格的高自并不是局限于第五维度?格雷格的高自生命形式达到了这个宇宙的顶峰、此时正是你们的第12维度。格雷格的高自是一个12维度的生命,这意味着格雷格、格雷格是载具、是他高自在第三维度世界的眼睛和耳朵,但这并不意味着格雷格不能穿过维度旅行、上升到12维度,因为他可以并且他将在未来日子里以及他完全明白这一点。他为此设想了很久,这就是为什么他描述他的星星家庭是11维度群体,因为他知道、因为这些信息很久前就与他分享了,他知道他在这里的目的、他在这里的工作以及他真诚的努力将“毕业”,也可以说、有一天他将从第11维度上升到12维度。他知道这个。他与他的哥哥和他的朋友们谈论过此事,尽管他的朋友们大多都像你们很多人一样、不相信他所说的一些内容、这很丢脸,格雷格的朋友就在这里与他在一起,你们的三维度世界现在也有11维度的生命,通过他们的工作和他们在这的体验,最终毕业、稳定在12维度。What do you think about that? Do you thinkthis is another lie being propagated by Greg or by us through Greg?We politely say to you we have had enough of those of you accusingus of lies and we are going to silence many of Greg's and ourcritics in the very near days ahead, and although we have novendettas or scores, if you will, personal orotherwise, we are really looking forward to this day, for it isgoing to ‘calm the seas’ of this slanted rhetoric and accusationand name-calling and challenges and threats of all kinds, physicalor legal and other types of threats that Greg has received. Yes,there are those of you who are threatening Greg with physicalviolence, can you believe that, and there are those of you who havethreatened him with legal action to silence him.你是怎么想的呢?你是否认为这只是另一个透过格雷格传播的谎言或者是我们传递给格雷格的谎言呢?我们有礼貌地对你说、我们已经受够了那些指责我们说谎和我们要让许多格雷格们沉静下来并且我们在不久之后的日子里发表我们的评论,虽然我们没有仇恨或分数,也可以说、个人或相反、我们真的很期待这一天,因为这将要让“海洋平静”、言辞和指责和中伤和挑战和各种各样的威胁、物理或法律的、格雷格已经收到其它类型的威胁。是的,有些人用身体暴力威胁格雷格、你能相信吗、还有那些曾经用法律诉讼威胁他让他保持沉默的存有。We tell you that you really don't know Greg ifyou think threats of violence or legal action will intimidate him,that he has seen it and done it all. This is why he is now a 12thdimensional being, for you see, he has just experienced what manyof you will now begin to experience or you have experienced, forthat's what it's all about. There are simply those of you, and Gregis one of you, who have gone on before you. Do you see this now? Weall do and experience the same things, just at different times,that's how we can assist you on your journey and that's why we sayto you put your trust and faith in us, for there are things thatmany of you are experiencing right now today and you willexperience in the days to come that we literally have lived throughourselves, sometimes more than once, as sometimes we required morethan one experience or one lesson of a particular subject matter tolearn from.我们告诉你、你真的不懂格雷格、如果你认为暴力威胁或法律诉讼将会恐吓到他,他已经见识过并完成了。这就是为什么他现在是一个12维度生命,因为你看、他经历过许多你现在才开始体验的或者你已经经历过的,因为这就是所有一切。对于你们那些人来说很简单,格雷格是你们之一、他走在你前面。现在你是否看到了呢?我们都经历过相同的事情,只是处于不同时期,这就是我们为何能在你们的旅程中提供帮助,这就是为什么我们对你说你们要信任我们并对我们有信心,因为今天目前你们很多人在正经历的事情我们体验过并且你们将在今后的日子里体验的事情我们实际上亲身经历过,有时不止一次,因为有时我们需要经历几次或有时要经过一个特别的课程来学习。This is true for all of you, and this is truefor Greg too, for sometimes he has had to learn a hard lesson, thesame hard lesson more than once. You can ask him and he'll tellyou. He has had trouble with the law. He has had trouble withviolence, fighting gang members in the street, yes. Did you knowthat Greg grew up in a gang? We bet many of you would be quitesurprised to learn this. Greg grew up in a gang, a gang that couldbe rather violent at times and Greg learned how to fight andsurvive on the street, for this is what he felt was a needed lessonfor him in this lifetime. He felt that he could take what helearned here and apply it to his higher selves, to his career withthe Ashtar Command. Yes, Greg is a Commander in the Ashtar GalacticCommand. That is who he is. That is his career, and he felt hecould learn so much from growing up in tough neighborhoods andbattling it out with gang members on the street, and we tell you weare not describing for you events that have happened in Greg's verydistant past in this lifetime either, no. Just a couple of yearsago he was still in front of his house in the middle of the streetfighting more than one gang member at a time. That's right. That'swhat Greg is. He is tough as nails and he doesn't take any garbagefrom anyone, so if there are any of you who think that you areintimidating him with your threats of physical violence we tell youthat you are barking up the wrong tree, as you say, and if any ofyou think that you're going to intimidate him with threats of legalaction we say Greg has seen that all too.你们所有人来说这都是真的,这对格雷格来说也是真的,因为有时候他也得学习一个艰难的课程,同样不止一次的艰难课程。你可以问他、他就会告诉你。他有过法律纠纷。他有过暴力、有过街头帮派成员斗争,是的。你知道格雷格在一个帮派中成长吗?我们打赌你们许多人会很惊讶获知这些。格雷格在一个帮派中成长、有时这个帮派相当暴力、格雷格学会了如何打架并且如何在街上生存,因为他觉得这是此生需要学习的课程。他觉得他可以在这里学到的东西、并将它应用于他的更高自我、在他阿斯塔指挥部的职业生涯中。是的,格雷格是阿斯塔指挥部的一个指挥官。这就是真正的他。He has seen the inside of a jail cell manymore times than one time and so has his brother. They grew up intough circumstances and have had it tough most of their lives. Theydid not pick and choose lifetimes of ease and comfort and wealthand power, no. They chose lifetimes that would challenge them andchallenge them they did, and for this they have come out muchstronger beings than they went in and that's what it's all about,and that's what we want you to remember whenever you findyourselves struggling and living through hardship. Many of youwished for just these things, just these experiences, for you feltthat you would emerge a stronger and wiser being from it all andyou are.这是他的事业,他觉得他可以从社区成长中学到这么多并且与帮派成员在街上分出胜负,我们告诉你我们不是为你描述发生在格雷格此生中遥远过去的事情,不是这样。仅仅是几年前他仍在他的房子前面马路中间、有时不止与一个帮派成员争斗。就是那样。这就是格雷格。他很坚强、硬如铁钉并且他不会对任何人说大话,所以如果有任何人认为你想用身体暴力威胁恐吓他、我们告诉你、那你是自不量力,就像你说的,如果你认为你将以法律诉讼恐吓威胁他、我们说格雷格也不会惧怕。So many of you have grown so much and you canhave no idea. The being you are today is head and shoulders, as yousay, above the being that began this incarnation for you manydecades ago in this lifetime. You are you emerging a prouder,stronger, wiser, more courageous, experienced and knowledgeablebeing. Many of you wish to be sages and spiritual teachers andlecturers and leaders and Commanders yourselves, and we say thatall these things are very possible for you and one of the thingsthat has made these things possible for you is the challenges andhardships and struggles and tests of your will and your drive anddetermination and your fortitude and your stamina and your braveryand your courage in this lifetime.所以你们许多人成长的程度、你可能有所不知。你今天的生命是头和肩膀,就像你说的,你此生化身的生命始于几十年前(是18年后又是好汉的意思吗?)。你在彰显你是一个骄傲、强壮、智慧、勇敢、经验丰富和知识丰富的生命。你们许多人希望被圣贤和灵性导师和讲师和领导人以及你们自己的指挥官,我们说所有这一切对于你都有可能并且使得这些事情成为可能的条件之一就是挑战和困难、奋斗和你意志的测试、你们的动力和决心、你们的坚韧和毅力以及你们此生的勇气和胆量。So we say to you do not look at your life asone disaster after another or one challenge after another. Look atit as one golden opportunity after another after another, for thisis what your life is. It is a long series of opportunities. Theseopportunities were designed for you and they were designed by youwith our assistance. We do not throw these obstacles in your way orpull the rug out beneath your feet as you say, no. You havedesigned and created and implemented these obstacles and you stilldo so today, for you see, many of you also have higher selves. Itis not just Greg, our channel who has a higher self. Many of youreading these words right now have a higher self who, because youare his or her vehicle, you are him or her and they wish for youand they wish for themselves to get everything they can out of thislifetime, to reach every potential they have made available forthemselves and they are not going to squander this opportunity bytaking it easy on you, for that is not why you have comehere.所以我们对你、不要将你过往的生活视为一场灾难、而之后有另一个或一个接一个的挑战。把它看成是一个接一个的黄金机遇,因为这就是你们的生活。它是一连串的机会。这些机会是专为你设计的并且它是由你与我们共同设计的。我们并不是把这些障碍扔在你的路上或是拉你脚下的地毯、就像你说的、不是这样的。是你设计、创建并实施了这些障碍、你今天仍然在这么做,你看、你们许多人也有更高的自我。这不仅仅是格雷格、我们的通道有一个更高的自我。你们此刻正阅读这些文字的许多人同样有一个更高的自我,因为你就是他或她的载具,你是他或她、他们希望你、他们希望自己从此生中得到一切,达到他们自己的每一个潜能并且他们是不会浪费这个机会、他们非常注重这些机会、你并不是因为这些来到这里的。So what they do is they see an opportunity andact. They take advantage of it by placing an obstacle in your way,yes. This may seem coldhearted and mean and even vicious to some ofyou, but we say to you this is what you and your higher self, whoare one by the way not two beings, but for the purposes of ourdiscussion we shall clarify by using two separate points of view,have agreed upon. Your higher self sees what you're going through,and does he or she lighten up on you and take the foot off the gaspedal as you say, no, they pour it on and throw yet anotherobstacle in your path, for they see how strong you are growingthrough facing these obstacles and findings suitable solutions toclearing them from your path, so naturally as your higher self seesyour progression and sees how much you are strengthening andgrowing and maturing he or she is going to continue to throwobstacles in your path and that they do, day in and day out.所以他们所做的将它们视为机会和行动。他们利用它将阻碍放置到你们的路途中,是的。这可能看起来冷酷无情及用意、甚至对于你们一些人来说是恶意的,但我们对你说这是你和你的高我,是合一的顺便说并不是两个的生命形式,但对于我们讨论的目的、我们应当澄清这两个单独的观点,这已经达成了一致。你的更高自我了解你正在经历的,他或她是否会放松、就像你说的、把脚从油门踏板上松开,不,他们在加油并且在你们路途中投下另一个障碍,因为他们看到你在面临这些障碍时是如此的坚强并且你已经找到合适的解决方案从你的路途中移除它们,所以很自然的、作为你的更高自我看到了你的进展并且看到你们又加强了多少和成长及成熟了多少、他或她将继续把障碍扔在你路途中并且他们一天又一天的这样做着。So when your life is full of all theseobstacles and they just keep coming and you look up to the skiesand you shout ‘Why?’, now you know. That is why you are here. Thatis what you wanted and that is what you will get, and you are goingto be so glad you experienced all this once all this is over. Therewill be no looking back in regret, this we can assure you. You willbe standing up on a mountain peak with arms raised over your headyelling to the top of your lungs ‘I did it, and I am a muchstronger and wiser and courageous being than I ever wasbefore!’所以当你们的生活充满这些障碍并且它们只是不断地来、你仰望着天空并喊“为什么?”,现在你知道了。这就是为什么你在这里。这就是你想要的、这就是你将会得到的,一旦这一切结束后你会很高兴你经历了这一切。回首往事没有后悔,这个我们可以向你保证。你将站在山顶上双臂举过头顶以你最大的肺活量大声喊叫“我做到了,我比以前更坚强、更聪明、更勇敢了!”This is what we wish for you to remembertoday; that everything that you are experiencing today and you willexperience tomorrow has been designed to strengthen you, to testyou, to build upon what is already a very strong, wise, powerfuland courageous being, for that is who you are in your essence. Youare not a weak, frail and frightened mouse, no. If you were youwould not be here. You are something so much more. You have power,you have strength, you have many years of experience behind you andwe wish you to always remember that the next time a challenge comesyour way.这就是我们今天希望你记住的;你今天正经历的这一切以及明天你将会经历用于加强你、测试你、成为非常坚强、明智、强大、勇敢的生命,因为这就是你们的本质。你不是一个软弱、脆弱和害怕的老鼠,不是这样。如果你是、你将不会在这里。你是那么的有力。你有权力、你有力量、你有多年的经验支持着你、我们希望你在下一次挑战面前永远记住这一点。The challenge was custom-designed just for youby you yourself, so there is no other person or organization toblame for these obstacles, these obstacles that were created andplaced in your path by you yourself. See this and understand thisthe next time an obstacle comes into view, for we wish you tocherish this obstacle, for in a way you do and we wish you to gainall it is you can by meeting this challenge head-on and conqueringit. This is something you've been doing repeatedly through each andevery one of your long line of incarnations. Don't stop now, you'rejust a few hurdles remaining from the finish line, don't you seethis? Now is not the time to quit. Now is not the time to give upor slow your efforts in any way and say to yourself I just cannotdo this anymore and these challenges are too tough so I give upnow.挑战是你们为自己量身定做的,所以没有其它的个人或组织为这些障碍负责,这些障碍是由你们自己创建并放置在你的路途中的。看到这一点并且在下一个障碍进入视线时理解这一点,因为我们希望你珍惜这个障碍,因为在某种程度上你所做的,我们希望你鼓足勇气迎面挑战并且征服它。这些有时你会透过每一次你们一长窜的化身一直重复多次。现在别停下来,你距离终点线仅有几个障碍,难道你没有看到吗?现在不是退出的时候。现在不是时候放弃或减缓你们的努力并对自己说、我只是不能再这样下去了、这些挑战太难了、所以我放弃了。We will not allow this, your higher self willnot allow this, and there will come a day and it will be soon formany of you where you will defeat the last and final object placedin your path. Think about that. The last objectplaced in your path before your ascension into the higher realms.Do you realize what a triumph this will be? Can you just feel itnow? You're so close. Keep fighting. Keep pushing, because this dayis almost at hand. We say to you to keep your eye on the prize asyou say, for it is so worth everything that you are going throughtoday and everything you have gone through throughout the entirelong list of your incarnations into the physical. You are strong,you are eternal, you are courageous, you are vastly intelligent andyou have gone so much further than so many of your brothers andsisters.我们不答应、你们的高自也不答应、很快终有一天、你们许多人将会最终它并且将最终目标放置在你们的路途中。想想这些。在你们扬升到更高的实相之前最终的目标将放置在你们的路途中。你是否意识到这将是一个怎样的胜利?此刻你是否能感受到它了呢?你是如此的接近。继续奋斗。不断推进、因为这一天几乎在手中了。我们对你说让你的眼睛盯住奖励、就像你说的,因为你们今天所经历的一切非常的值得、在你们进入物理化身以来经历过这一整窜列表是值得的。你是坚强、永恒、勇敢、充满智慧的并且你比你们的兄弟姐妹们走的更远。You may say that you too are ‘those who havegone on before so many others’. Do you see how this works? It isnot just we that have gone on before you, but you have gone onbefore so many others and this is why we are all the same. We arejust stepping into foot prints that someone else has left beforeus, but these footprints are all synchronized, for we are all goingthrough the same lessons, only catered a little bit to eachindividual and his or her personalities and what they felt wasnecessary to allow them to extract everything they can from thesituation, but we say to you, for the most part, we all experiencethe same exact lessons, for there is not too many different‘designs’, if you will, for your challenges and obstacles. They arecategorized very neatly here in great ‘books’, if you will. We havethem on computer, but we say to you it is just as if you arewalking into a library and you can open up a book and there is alist of challenges that you and we and everyone else will be facedwith.你可能会说你也是“先于别人的人”。你看到这是如何工作的吗?这不仅仅是我们在你之前,而是你在很多人之前,这就是为什么我们都是一样的。我们刚刚留下脚印而别人已经在我们之前离开了,但这些脚印都是同步的,因为我们都经历着同样的课程,只是稍微满足每个个体和他或她的个性并且他们认为必需从他们的环境中尽可能的提取所有一切,但我们对你说、大多数情况下、我们都在经历着相同的课程,因为并没有太多不同的“设计”,也可以说、你们挑战和障碍。在伟大的“书籍”中它们被划分得很整洁,也可以说。我们电脑里有它们,但我们对你说这就像是如果你走进一个图书馆并且你可以打开一本书、你和我们和所有人将面临一个挑战的列表。Do you see this is not just ‘living on thecuff’ as you say, but this is a very organized procedure where youselect from these books the challenges that you wish to experiencefor yourselves. You then incarnate and these challenges that youselected yourself begin to manifest before you. This is why it mayseem at times that there is just one challenge after another inyour lifetime, one obstacle after another, one problem, onedisaster, for this is true. You are being very perceptive. There isa long line of these challenges, for that is how you planned it andthat is how we, with your higher selves in many cases, areimplementing them for you.你看见了这不仅仅是“免费的生活”就像你说的,但是这是一个非常有组织的过程、你选择了这些挑战的书、你希望亲身去体验。然后你的化身、这些挑战、是你为自己选择了显化。这就是为什么它可能似乎有时候一个挑战过后你们生命中又出现一个挑战、一个障碍接着另一个、一个难题、一个灾难、因为这就是真相。你正在感受。这就是一长窜的挑战,因为你将如何打算以及我们与你的更自我如何打算、在许多情况下、由你来实施。We just wish you to remember this the nexttime a challenge comes your way, and a challenge will come your wayfor none of you, and that is none of you, are completely finishedwith all of your lessons in the 3rd dimension. There is still sometime left for many of you before ascension, so we say to you keepyour eyes focused on the road before you, for there will be achallenge coming your way, you can believe that, for we are thosewho have gone on before you so we know what is up ahead for you inmany cases. We are your friends and your family and we would neverthink of steering you wrong. We are here to guide you, we are hereto help you along your way and this is what we do each and everyday.我们只是希望你在下次挑战面前记住这一点,来自你们路途的挑战,而且你、将完全完成你们所有第三维度的课程。扬升之前还有一些时间留给你们许多人,所以我们对你说让你们的眼睛盯住道路,你将迎来挑战,你可以相信,因为我们是在你之前的那些已经通过的存有、所以我们大多情况下知道你们前方是什么。我们是你们的朋友和家人并且我们决不会想要误导你。我们是来指导你的、我们是来帮助你沿着你的路途、这就是我们每天所做的。We wish for you to trust us more and we feelas the days go on that there will be many of you who suddenly finda way to trust us, for we are going to make our intentions veryclear for you all to see very soon now as we will begin one of theprojects that we have spoken of. We will not say which one it isfor we also like surprise, and we feel the impact of the initiationof this project will open many of your eyes and open many of yourhearts to us and our organization, for we feel we will now prove toyou, if this is what you needed, our worthiness to be trusted andour integrity.我们希望你更加信任我们、我们觉得我们随着时间的推移将会有许多人突然发现要信任我们,因为我们已经向你很清楚的解释过我们的意图、很快大家都会看到、我们将开始我们一直以来谈论过的首个项目。我们不会说、这对于我们也不是一个惊喜,我们觉得这个初始项目将会打开你们许多人的眼界并且为我们和我们的组织敞开你们很多人的心,我们觉得我们现在将向你证明、如果这是你想要的、我们价值信赖并且我们是正直的。We sign off for now, but we say to you to lookat us as your brothers and sisters. Do not look at us as somethingelse, for we are not anything else but you and those of you whohave walked a few steps ahead and that's all. We wish you to see usas family, for indeed we are and we are nothing else to you butyour family. We are not your enemies, even though many of youbelieve these ‘reptilian’ looking beings, as you describe them, areyour enemies. We say again we don't know where that storyoriginated. It is not any information that we have passed to youthrough our channels, so we say to you how can it be that youpossess this information if it did not come through our channels?If you believe that this erroneous information about some evilreptilian race has been written in your ancient books, we wouldlike to know which ancient books these are, for there are noancient books that we are aware of in your entire civilization thatspeak of any negative or hostile or evil reptilian race, and if youbelieve that we are incorrect here, then we ask you today to sharewith us where these books are and what the names of them are,because we are going to read them.我们现在停止广播,但我们对你说把我们看作是你们的兄弟姐妹。别把我们看作是别的东西,因为我们不是别的什么东西、除了你而是你们当中那些只走了几步的存有,仅此而已。我们希望你把我们看作是的家人,因为我们确实是并且我们不是你的别的东西而是你们的家人。我们不是你们的敌人,尽管你们许多人相信这些看起来像“爬虫类”的生命,就像你们描述的,它们是你们的敌人。我们再说一次、我们不知道这个故事起源。我们没有任何信息要透过我们的通道传递给你,所以我们对你说、你怎么可能会有这些信息、如果它不是来自我们通道的?如果你相信这些关于邪恶的爬虫类种族的信息已经写在你们古老的书籍中,我们想知道这是哪一本古籍,因为没有古籍记载过任何负面或敌对的或邪恶的爬虫类种族、我们了解你们的整个文明,如果你相信了这些错误的观念,那么今天我们请求你与我们分享这些书以及它们的名字,因为我们想要去阅读它。Yes, we are actually going to come down inyour world and pick up one of these books and bring it back with usand we will study it, for we say to you there are no records inyour ancient texts of this imaginary reptilian race, for there isno reptilian race such as the one you describe in this entireuniverse. What we are saying to you is there are not differentreptilian races and there ‘may be’ one that is hostile or bent ondestruction and the conquering of your planet. We say to you thereare beings that may resemble reptilians, but none of them arehostile and none of them have ever warred with your planet or haveplanned in any way to invade your planet or influence your planetin any way except those that are here with us as members of ourorganization who are here to help you, to assist you.是的,我们实际上会记在你们的世界并且拿起一本这方面的书并把它带回我们那里、我们将学习它,所以我们对你说、在你们古代文献中没有这些记载、这些爬虫类种族是假想出来的,因为在这整个宇宙中没有你所描述的这种爬虫类种族。我们对你说的是没有不同的爬虫类种族并且“也许”是敌对的或倾向于破坏和征服你们的星球。我们对你说是有些类似爬虫类种族,但他们都没有敌意并且他们决不会与你们星球交战、或以任何方式入侵你们的星球、或以任何方式影响你们的星球、除了作为我们组织的成员在这里帮助你、协助你的以外没有其它爬虫类种族。We wish you to know this. We wish you tounderstand this and believe us when we say this. We are not lyingto you. We are sharing with you accurate information and you cantrust this information, for we understand clearly the history ofthis universe. The history of this universe is well understood bymany of the civilizations throughout. It is all agreed upon and allcan be backed up with verifiable facts, for as we have said, wehave technologies that allow us to replay any event and we havedone this very many times while writing our own historybooks.我们希望你知道这一点。我们希望你理解这一点并且当我们这样说时相信我们。我们不是在骗你。我们与你分享准确的信息并且你可以信任这个信息,因为我们清楚的知道这个宇宙的历史。这个宇宙的历史对于许多文明来说自始至终都非常明了。一致同意并且所有都有备份、是可证实的事实,因为我们曾经说过、我们有技术可以重播任何事件,我们已经这样多次书写着我们自己的历史书。Our history books are a bit more accurate thanyours, as your history books were largely written by members of thecabal or their paid minions who were given instructions to writefiction, to write lies and blasphemies. Yes, this is what yourhistory books are, and we are going to paint a clearer picture foryou in the days ahead of your true history and we feel many of youwill be very excited about this, for we feel many of you are whatyou call ‘history buffs’, and we have great surprises for you, forwe are going to share with you stories and tales of civilizationsthat you have never before heard of. What do you think about that?Do you think that is exciting? We feel that many of you will enjoythis very much and we will enjoy sharing this information withyou.我们的历史书比你们的更准确,因为你们的历史书主要是由阴谋集团书写的或是受雇于他们的奴才听命于他们来写的,写的是谎言和亵渎神明。是的,这就是你们的历史书,我们将在未来日子里为你呈现你们的真正的历史、我们觉得你们许多人会很兴奋,因为我们觉得你们有很多你称之为“历史爱好者’的存有,我们会给你非常棒的惊喜,因为我们要与你分享故事、你之前从未听说过的文明的故事。你如何看待呢?难道你不兴奋吗?我们认为你们很多人将非常的享受并且我们也非常享受与你分享这个信息。We will also take some of you on field trips,you could call them, where you will see these events happen rightbefore your very eyes as if they were happening for the first time,for they will be, for you will actually be standing in that periodof history that these events unfolded. What do you think aboutthat? Do you find that an exciting adventure? Do you find thatworth the ‘price of admission’ as you say? Well, this is one of thetreats, as you call them, that we have for you, for many of youhave earned these ‘rides’, and we will be very happy to take youback to your favorite moments of history and even some portions ofyour history that you today are currently unaware of or you arejust learning about such as your Atlantis and Lemuriacivilizations. Yes, we will take you back to Atlantis and Lemuria,what do you think about that? And wait until you see what they looklike. We feel the visions of these modern civilizations willastound you, will astonish you, for they are nothing like you maybe envisioning and they are nothing like your civilizations today.They are something to behold. They are something very muchelse.我们还将带你们一些人实地考察旅行,你可以这样称呼,你将会看到这些事件发生在你眼前、好像他们是头一次发生一样,因为他们是的,因为你将会站在这段历史中观看这些事件的进展。你认为怎么样?你是否觉得这是一个令人兴奋的冒险?你是否觉得这个“入场费”是值得的、就像你说的?好吧,这是一个款待,你就你称呼的那样,我们为你、为你们许多人赢得了这些“坐骑’,并且我们很高兴能带你回到你们最喜爱的历史时期,甚至是一些你们当前不知道的历史部分、或是了解你们的亚特兰蒂斯和利莫里亚文明。是的,我们将带你回到亚特兰蒂斯和利莫里亚,你怎么想呢?并且等待着直到你看到它们看起来像什么。我们觉得这些现代文明的景象将让你震惊,会让你大吃一惊,因为他们都不像你能够想象的并且他们一点也不像你们今天的文明。他们是最值得期待的。他们是一些其他的。We will leave you with that for today and sayto you that there is so much of your history and your past and youruniverse that you yet to understand, and right now it is we thatunderstand these things and we just wish more of you could find away to trust us, for we are doing our best to share with you whatwe know and it is difficult if you are not going to trust us orhave faith in us. You can see that, can’tyou?今天我们将离开你并对你说、你们有这么多的历史、你们的过去、你们的宇宙、你还不了解,现在我们了解了这些事情并且我们只是希望你们可以更多的相任我们,因为我们正尽力与你分享我们所知道的,如果你不相信我们或对我们没有信心、这就很困难。你能够看到的,不是吗?So we ask more of you to open your hearts tous and accept us, for we are your family, we are you in many cases,and we are your friends and we are those that have walked on a fewsteps before you. We are your allies of the Galactic Federation ofLight.所以我们请求你们更多的人打开你们的心并接受我们,因为我们是你们的家人、大多情况下我们就是你,我们是你们的朋友并且我们那些在你之前走了几步的存有。我们光之银河联邦是你们的盟友。原文:http://www.ascensionearth2012.org/2012/09/message-from-galactic-federation-of_8348.html通灵:Greg Giles翻译:lightwork129