Aerial acrobatics and the attainment of spiritual tranquilitymay seem unlikely bedfellows.
Yet the two disciplines have been combined to create thelatest craze sweeping fitness studios across America - upside downyoga.
AntiGravity Yoga, the brainchild of acrobat and gymnastChristopher Harrison, involves a thorough workout a few feet abovethe ground in a silk hammock that can close around the personinside to form a peaceful pod.
According to Christopher, hanging upside down balances out thebody, enhances abdominal workouts and opens up the spine.
New classes are being launched around the USA and franchiseshave been set up in Ireland and Italy. Sessions are now springingup in the UK.
Christopher came up with the system while playing withhammocks on an Indian retreat in 1996.
He continued to study yoga and invented apparatus for hisdance troupe using flying silk to help them exercise and preparefor acrobatic displays.
Christopher, 50, said: 'I'd been travelling all over the worldperforming and had put a lot of strain on my body.
'But we discovered that hanging upside down in the hammockshelped to get all the kinks out.
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'We put hammocks in our practice room and used them as part ofour warm up.
'It was not only a beautiful apparatus for flying, but a greatway to decompress our spine after long flights.
'The combination of yoga and the silk hammock wasinevitable.'
Christopher struggled with yoga poses on the ground because ofwrist problems but found his practice much more successful in theair.
'Using the hammock wasn't challenging on my wrists,' he said.'I put one in my house, and me and my friends would find ourselveshanging around in it.
'Inside the hammock, you close off everything around you andhave awareness of mind, body and spirit.
'My mother wanted to exercise but she struggled because of aback problem. But she tried AntiGravity yoga and wassuccessful.'
He developed the system over the next ten years and now runsyoga classes 17 times a week from a Manhattan studio.
'AntiGravity Yoga has become so popular that there are alreadysimilar classes springing up in England,' said Christopher.
Hanging upside down refreshes the body's systems, helps bloodflow, and allows everyone to try postures such as the headstand andhandstand, he added.
The technique uses a fusion of around 40 per cent yoga withacrobatics, dance, gymnastic moves, pilates and other disciplinesand the flying silk allows participants to travel and flow freelybetween postures.
'We've been working on developing the system for ten years andit is still evolving,' said the instructor.
'My mom can do it, everyone can do it. That was the mostimportant thing to me, that it is inclusive.'