Gossip Girl Music Season 3
[301] Reversals Of Fortune
No Sex For Ben by The Rapture
Chuck flirts with a blonde; repeats as Chuck &Blair kiss after sending Ashley away.Something We're Becoming by Time Machine
Nate & Bree arrive by helicopter.Plastic Jungle by Miike Snow
Polo party.Don't Slow Down by Matt and Kim
Serena rides off on a horse with Carter in pursuit.Oh! Forever by Brakesbrakesbrakes
Nate drives Bree home; Chuck & Blair role play;Serena leaves her dad a message; Rufus pays off a photographer asSerena meets with one.
[302] The Freshmen
Embers by Just Jack
Montage of everyone getting ready for their first day atuniversity; repeats as Blair phones Dorota to make plans and asBlair climbs into bed with Chuck; Dan & Georginaare awoken by Vanessa's call.Summons by Names In Vain
Dan apologizes to Vanessa while they shop for textbooks, then theyare joined by Georgina.Up So High by Megha Maan
Blair interrupts Dan's writing club.Good Girls Go Bad by Cobra Starship ft LeightonMeester
Blair & Dan arrive at Georgina's roof top party;repeats as Dan restarts Georgina's party.Hot Mess by Cobra Starship
Serena & Carter interrupt Chuck's business meeting.1901 by Phoenix
Blair is asked her opinion; Scott, Katie, Dan &Vanessa chat as Blair gets up on stage.What Do You Know About Jesus?
Sung by the Christian group as Blair sabotages Georgina'sparty.
[303] The Lost Boys
We're #1 by The World Record
Blair leaves Chuck a message as she walks in on Dan& Georgina; repeats as Dan leaves Georgina's room;Serena gives Dan advice on Georgina.24 Preludes, Op. 28, No. 15 in D-Flat Major'Raindrop' by Chopin
Blair brings Chuck breakfast.Last Resort by The Broken Remotes
Georgina interrupts Dan & Vanessa discussion aboutScott; Dan tells Georgina about the Scott situation.Ready For The Floor by Lissy Trullie
People arrive for the Sotheby's auction.The Neapolitan Dance (from 'Swan Lake') byTchaikovsky
Scott tries to tell Rufus the truth; the auction starts.6 Piano Pieces, Op 118, No. 1 - Intermezzo In A Minor byBrahms
Rufus invites Scott back to the apartment to talk.Animal by Miike Snow
Breakfast at the Humphrey-Van Der Woodsen household; Chuck tellsBlair he plans to buy a hotel; Bree gives Carter a warning;Georgina packs.
[304] Dan De Fleurette
Black Champagne by The Starlight Mints
Jenny gets ready for school; Blair runs into a group of girlsoutside her room.The Upstairs Flight by Magic Bullets
Blair meets the 'Master Of The Universe Society'.Summer Job by Art Brut
Serena interviews at various fashion houses.I Get Down by All Wrong and The Plans Change
Serena & Ursula chat.Leaving Is Easy by Almost Charlie
Dan gives 'Kate' advice on classes.Dance Like Michael Jackson by Far East Movement
Dan waits for Vanessa at the movie premiere.Habanera (from 'Carmen') by Bizet
Blair hosts a slumber party for Constance girls.Moth's Wings by Passion Pit
Blair texts Chuck about his present; Ursula thanks Serena; Vanessaphones Scott; Scott makes plans with Georgina; Jenny takes on therole of queen as Blair finds new subjects to rule; Olivia asks Danfor another chance.
[305] Rufus Getting Married
Lessons Learned by Matt and Kim
Couples montage; Serena & Carter talk overbreakfast; Dan tells Vanessa about texting Olivia.Antenna by Sonic Youth
Vanessa tells Dan that Scott is his brother; Lily &Rufus contemplate their relationship.Lisztomania by Phoenix
Wedding planning.Lost In City Lights by The New Cities
People arrive for the wedding.Canon In D by Pachelbel
Georgina arrives at the wedding; Lily asks Rufus if they can talk.Bridal Chorus (from 'Lohengrin') by Wagner
Serena annouces there's been a delay in the wedding.Star Power by Sonic Youth
Performed at the reception; Chuck defends Carter to Serena; Nateconfronts Bree, then asks her to leave; Serena leaves Carter amessage; Georgina meets 'Prince Alexi'.
[306] Enough About Eve
Achin' To Be by The Replacements
Rufus talks to Vanessa about the possibility of her doing the toastat the freshman dinner.Home by Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros
Vanessa phones her parents & asks them to come tothe freshman dinner; Olivia tells Mr. Ellis that she'll do thetoast; repeats as Vanessa's mom cancels breakfast with her; Oliviadines with the Humphreys & Van Der Woodsens; Carterleaves; Vanessa offers Blair a croissant.I'm In Love With Your Rock And Roll by Kish Mauve
Nate takes Serena to PJ Buckley's poker game.Cardboard Robot by The Meeting Places
Nate convinces Serena not to quit playing.See Through You by The Meeting Places
Serena loses the game to PJ.Strangers by The Dirty Secrets
Blair sends Chuck to kiss Mr. Ellis.Unfinished Business by White Lies
Blair finalizes her deal with Mr. Ellis.The Gentle Rain (RJD2 Remix) by Astrud Gilberto
Blair gives Vanessa the news about the toast; Dan introduces Oliviato Rufus & Lily; Chuck sees Blair chatting with Mr.Ellis.
[307] How To Succeed InBassness
Strictly Game by Harlem Shakes
Rufus carves pumpkins; Lily looks through Jenny's closet; Blairgives Chuck her opinion on his business.One Night Stand by Scotland Yard Gospel Choir
Nate brings Dan a copy of Olivia's movie 'Endless Knights Trilogy'.In Transit by Albert Hammond Jr
Performed at Chuck's club as Blair apologizes to Chuck; Jenny sitswith Eric.Show Stopper by Peaches
The police raid Chuck's club; Blair tells Serena about the plan.Freshman by Hollywood Holt
Olivia & Dan kiss while the police raid the club.Ain't Going To Nike Town by Son Of Dave
Chuck & Blair discuss their duplicity& relationship.People C'mon by Delta Spirit
Serena tells Blair she isn't forgiven; Dan & Oliviahave sex; Chuck & Blair kiss; Jenny throws away herold clothes.
[308] The Grandfather: PartII
I Could Rob You by The Plastiscines
Set up for Tripp campaign party; KC tells Serena about her nextassignment.Float by Quitzow
Blair tells her minions about her friend-finding problems.Damn You Hollywood by Fred
Tripp's election party; Blair & Serena brag abouttheir new companions.The Nerve by Republic Tigers
Dan watches Olivia's interview with Jimmy Fallon; Vanessa arrivesat the party.Hollywood by Hollywood Holt
Blair informs Serena she had a drunk Patrick removed from theparty.Two Left Feet by Anya Marina
Patrick tells Serena that Brandeis is a prostitute; Vanessaconfronts Nate.Write To Make by Estate
Serena interrupts Brandeis' chat with a senator, then she tellsBlair that Brandeis is a call girl.Everything Is Shattering by Maps
Serena apologizes to Blair.I See You by Mika
Blair tells Chuck she only needs him; Vanessa watches new coverageof Tripp's win; Dan & Olivia watch a new video ofher on Jimmy Fallon.
[309] They Shoot Humphreys, Don'tThey?
Bitch by The Plastiscines
Jenny's girls make suggestions for her cotillion escort; repeatswhen it's performed as Jenny rants to Eric about Blair'smanipulations.Bows And Arrows by Immoor
A group of fans ask Olivia about an Endless Knight sequel.I Am Down (piano instrumental) by The Plastiscines
Eric catches Jenny practicing the dance moves in the hallway.Underneath My Skin by Stella Project
Blair arrives at the debs & mentors party.Ready 2 Freak by Stella Project
Kira tells Jenny about Graham's text message.Questions And Panthers by One For The Team
The girls get ready for the cotillion.Somebody To Love by Leighton Meester ft RobinThicke
Vanessa & Dan show Olivia 'the ultimate collegeexperience'.Play To Win by Classic
Olivia tells Dan & Vanessa why she's doing thesequel.Whatever You Like by Anya Marina
Oliva, Dan & Vanessa decide to fulfill the'ultimate college experience' by having a threesome.I Am Down by The Plastiscines
Performed as Jenny thanks Nate for escorting her; Serena tellsBlair she's planning to resign from Tripp's office; Jonathan breaksup with Eric.Saga by Basement Jaxx ft Santigold
Lily finds a letter to Serena from her father; Olivia recieves amessage that the movie was canceled.
[310] The Last Days Of DiscoStick
Boys And Girls by thecocknbullkid
Dan 'remembers' his threesome with Vanessa &Olivia; Serena leaves Blair a message.Who Do I Wait For by Needers and Givers
Blair makes an offer to the Tisch kids to secure a Lady Gagaperformance.Not Just A Long Face by Magic Bullets
Olivia & Dan meet to work on his script.Lay Low by Magic Bullets
Dan hands out his script to his crew.Love Game by The Transcenders, originally by LadyGaga
Rehearsal; repeats during Dan's play as Olivia sings& when Blair pushes Vanessa on stage.Over & Out (Striker One Niner) byEstate
Serena & Nate have drinks &reminisce.Dance In The Dark by Lady Gaga
Damien & Jenny go to a club to meet with his drugcontact.Telephone by Lady Gaga ft Beyonce
Jenny & Damien meet his contact.Paper Roses by Jason Diaz
Nate tells Serena that he loved her; repeats as Tripp tells Serenawhat his wife did; Nate tries to stop Serena from leaving withTripp.Bad Romance by Lady Gaga
Blair leads everyone to see Lady Gaga's dress rehearsal; Oliviatells Dan that she's leaving to do the witch movie; Vanessa tellsOlivia that she doesn't have feeling for Dan; Serena& Tripp kiss; Jenny texts Damien.
[311] The Treasures Of SerenaMadre
White Sky by Vampire Weekend
Rufus, Lily, Eric & Jenny makeplans for Thanksgiving.Last Dance by The Raveonettes
Serena & Tripp talk in the elevator, then kiss.Cool Yourself by Thao and The Get Down Stay Down
Every arrives for Thanksgiving at the Humphrey-Van Der Woodsenhousehold.Whatcha Say by Jason Derulo ft Imogen Heap
Dinner.The Only Exception by Paramore
Vanessa thanks Dan for help with her mother; Dorota tells Vanyashe's pregnant; Lily hides papers from Rufus; Serena chooses to gowith Tripp.
[312] The Debarted
Suicide by The Raveonettes
Serena & Tripp are in a car accident; repeats asTripp drives Serena back to the city.Empire State Of Mind by Jay-Z & AliciaKeys
Tripp leaves to meet Maureen; Chuck imagines Bart talking to him onthe street; repeats as Lily finds the letter at home; Rufus asksfor some advice; Serena sees Nate sleeping in her hospital room;Jenny meets up with Damien.I Hear (Click, Click, Click) by The Rosebuds
Jenny shows off her new bag to her minions.Silent Night by Nico Stai
Nate & Dan talk about Vanessa; Vanessa& Willa invite Dan for a weekend getaway.Right Where They Left by White Rabbits
Dan & Willa kiss; Dan tells Blair &Vanessa about the accident; Chuck changes his destination.Too Late by M83
Chuck remembers his father dying at the hospital, then explains toBlair why he's been pushing her away.
[313] The Hurt Locket
Janglin by Edward Sharpe and The Magentic Zeros
Gossip Girl talks about time changing everything; repeats as Serenaruns into Damien; Blair questions Chuck about the locket he found.Tissue Sample by The Breakups
Nate meets Dan at the coffee shop & they talk aboutVanessa.At War With The Sun by The Big Pink
Nate tries to convince Serena to slow things down; Serena asksDamien to take her to the Ambassador's dinner.Spirit Horse by Sea Wolf
Dan asks Rufus what is going on between him & Lily.Downtown Jail by Bikini Machine
Jenny tells Nate about Serena & Damien, then theyrun into them at the dinner.Divertimento No. 15 In B-flat Major, K.287 byMozart
Blair introduces herself to Damien, then commends Serena onfollowing her advice.Quintet In A Major, K.581 by Mozart
Jenny advises Nate to go after Serena.Crystalised by The XX
Nate & Serena make out in the coat closet; Rufusconfronts Lily about spending the night with her ex-husband.Map Of The World by Monsters Of Folk
Dan leaves a message for Vanessa to call him; Rufus goes toHolland's apartment.Wild Wolves by Athlete
Jenny & Damien watch Violette leave with thejacket; Serena & Nate kiss; Blair console Chuck;Elizabeth phones Chuck.
[314]The LadyVanished
Left & Right In The Dark by JulianCasablancas
Damien & Jenny make plans to go out.She's On The Move by Far East Movement
Serena & Nate make out in his kitchen.Out Of The Blue by Julian Casablancas
Dan & Vanessa kiss behind the mock photo stand.Ludlow St by Julian Casablancas
Vanessa & Dan's dates dump them.11th Dimension by Julian Casablancas
Dan confronts Vanessa over her lie about dating Paul.Dog Days Are Over by Florence and The Machine
Vanessa tells Dan she has feelings for him, then they decided togive their relationship a try; Rufus tells Jenny she can't seeDamien anymore.Secrets by OneRepublic
Jenny meets up with Damien; Vanya tells Lily that Rufus left hisscarf at Ms. Holland's apartment; Serena leaves her father amessage; Chuck sits down to talk with his mom.
[315] The Sixteen Year OldVirgin
Rockstar 101 by Rihanna
Jenny turns down Rufus' offer of breakfast then phones for a car totake her to Damie's hotel; repeats as Serena recieves Rufus' textafter she & Nate have sex.So Light Is Her Footfall by Air
Damien & Jenny make out, then discuss having sex.(I've Had) The Time Of My Life by Bill Medley &Jennifer Warnes
Rufus walk into Jenny's room as she watches 'Dirty Dancing';repeats as Jenny listens to music after telling Serena she has sexwith Damien.Good Life by OneRepublic
Serena & Lily talk at Chuck's party; people whisperas Chuck enters the room & joins Lily; Nate& Serena discuss her past reputation& Jenny's situation; Rufus confronts Jack; Dan& Jenny talk.I Party (DJ Wool Big Mix 1) by Far East Movement
Vanessa arrives at the party & chats with Dan.Trampled Youth by KiD A
Jenny tells Nate about Damien dealing drugs.Gospel by The National
Dan & Vanessa agree to take their relationshippublic; Nate & Serena apologize to each other;Blair tells Chuck why they're celebrating.
[316] The Empire Strikes Jack
Run by Vampire Weekend
Montage of people working on Eleanor's fashion line; Rufus takesJenny to help with Eleanor's show.Try To Find (aka"Hide and Seek) by Danica "TheMorning Star" Rozelle
Eleanor greets her guests; Brandeis arrives with her 'friends'.Between Two Lungs by Florence and The Machine
Vanessa surprises Dan wi th a 'Rear Window' themed dinner; Jennytries to get the girls organized at the show.Not Exactly by Deadmau5
Serena tells Nate the truth about Blair's 'friends'; Nate tellsChuck to get Jack to the fashion show.Hi Friend! by Deadmau5
The fashion show starts.FML by Deadmau5
Agnes walks the runway; Kali gives Jenny a glass of druggedchampagne.I Remember by Deadmau5ft Kaskade
Blair confronts Brandeis about Mr. Cornwell, then she subtlyblackmails Mr. Cornwell into reconsidering carrying Eleanor'sfashion line.Go Hard Or Go Home by Megha Maan
Agnes drops Jenny off at a bachelor party.Hollywood by Hollywood Holt
Nate phones Jenny & tells her he's coming to gether.Animal by Far East Movement
Nate rescues Jenny.Falling Down by Scarlett Johansson
Dan & Vanessa kiss; Nate meets up with Serena;Jenny looks at Gossip Girl's blog; Elizabeth tells Jackthat she's leaving & startingover; Chuck tells Blair he's not backing down from Jack.
[317] Inglorious Bassterds
Everything, Everyday, Everywhere by Fabolous
Blair & Serena shop for dresses while discussingChuck's problems with Jack & the hotel.Pop The Glock by Uffie
Nate & Jenny have lunch & shesurprises him with a birthday parfait.Heart by Bertie Blackman
Serena worries about Nate's absence; Blair goes to Serena foradvice on her Jack dilemma; Eric leaves Jenny a message; Dandiscovers that Vanessa lied about reading his script.Bored by The Shoes
Assassin; Vanya proposes to Dorota.Caked Up (Hot Pink Delorean Remix) by HollywoodHolt
Jenny hunts Nate; Dan confronts Vanessa about his script.Brains by Hollywood Holt
Jenny continues hunting Nate; Serena asks Chuck where Blair is.Topsy Turvy by Scotland Yard Gospel Choir
Eric tries to find out about the guy he met in the lobby; Dan& Vanessa critique each other's scripts.Make Believe by The Burned
Blair walks away from Chuck; Nate thanks Serena for the party;Vanessa gets a letter from the Tisch writing program; Eric meetsElliott; Blair breaks down; Chuck has Jack escorted from thehotel.
[318] The Unblairable Lightness OfBeing
Midnighter by The Champs
Chuck dreams that Blair is kidnapped.Blood In The Gutter by Laurie Johnson / KPM Music
Chuck's dream continues.Full Moon Kiss by Santina Giordano
At breakfast, Rufus announces the family is invited to Dorota& Vanya's wedding; Dan urges Rufus to ask Lily tocome home for the wedding.Kalinka
Dorota & Vanya's game night starts; repeats asJenny tells Nate about the key to a room at the St. Regis thatSerena has; Chuck & Blair argue.Tonight's Gonna Be A Good Night (instrumental version)originally by The Black Eyed Peas
Balloon dance; Nate & Serena argue about Carter;Eleanor asks Dan to help with the drinks; Cyrus tells Eleanor hebough Dorota an apartment for a wedding gift.The Sound by Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson
Jenny sees Serena leaving with Carter; Eric is introduced toElliot's girlfriend; Dorota & Vanya's wedding;Eleanor tells Cyrus he was right about Dorota being family.Rocking Horse by The Dead Weather
Jenny informs Nate that Serena left with Carter; Serena finds outCarter lied to her, then kicks him out of the car.Your Love's A Drug by Leighton Meester
Eleanor & Cyrus give Dorota & Vanyathe keys to their new apartment; Dan asks Blair to dance; Chuckinforms Nate he is now single; Elliot tells Eric that he likes him;Jenny intercepts Serena's phone call to Nate.Velvet by The Big Pink
Jenny asks Nate to dance; dancing montage; Serena finds Lily in herfather's hotel room.

[319] Dr. Estrangeloved
Two Weeks by Grizzly Bear
Nate serves Jenny waffles as they discuss Serena's absence.Quiet Assurance by Telegraph Canyon
Serena tells Rufus she atleast owes her father a conversation; Danreads his rejection letter to Vanessa prompting her to admit thatshe got the spot at Tisch.Drop Alcohol by Two Hours Traffic
Vanessa shows Dan the play she submitted for her Tisch application.Dim The Lights by The Phenomenal Handclap Band
Blair, Dan & Vanessa arrive at the party, thenNate, Chuck & Jenny follow; Blair chats withCameron then spots Chuck; Dan asks Willa to tell her father amistake was made; Dan confronts Jenny about her presence at theparty.No One Just Is by Holly Miranda
Serena phones Nate for consolation & ends upconfronting him about spending time with Jenny.Slang Tang by Discovery
Cameron offers to help Blair make Chuck jealous; Vanessa confrontsDan over his reaction to her getting into Tisch.Look Alive by Wait. Think. Fast.
Blair tells Chuck she's been trying to get over him the wrong way.HA HA by Monsters Are Waiting
Jenny tells Nate he deserves someone that treats him better thanSerena does, then she tries to kiss him as Serena walks in.Percussion Gun by White Rabbits
Serena tells Nate that Lily is sick; Blair remembers her time withChuck; Lily thanks Rufus for putting up with William's presence;Vanessa deletes Dan's apology message; William phones an associateabout a prescription for Lily.
[320] It's A Dad, Dad, Dad, DadWorld
Salvation by Scanners
Serena & Nate fool around; Dan &Vanessa spend an awkward morning together; repeats as Dan confrontsVanessa about the internship in Haiti she applied for; Blairadvises Chuck he should go see Lily; Hollandtells Serena about her & Rufus; Serena tells herdad to fight for Lily; Blair warns off the Columbia girls; Jennycalls Chuck about Lily's medicine; Serena intercepts Rufus' phonecall as William talks with Lily & Eric.Animal by Neon Trees
Dan & Rufus chat on the phone about William& Vanessa.Forever Young by Last Gang
Blair is confronted by the Columbia girls aboutlying; Chuck apologizes to Lily & tells her he'sthere for her; repeats as Serena tells her father about her wildpast.Let's See It by We Are Scientists
Dan confronts Jenny about dealing drugs.Audience by Cold War Kids
Rufus asks Lily to find another doctor, then he overhears Jennybeing confronted by an unhappy drug customer.
[321] Ex-Husbands And Wives
Mr. Workabee by Priscilla Renea
Blair asks Serena for advice on her date with Cameron, then Serenatells her what she learned about Rufus & Holland;Chuck & Jenny discuss Lily's medicine.Paradise Circus by Massive Attack ft Hope Sandoval
Jenny heads out to meet Chuck & Blair; Serenaconfronts Rufus about Holland; Holland tells everyone that sheslept with Rufus.Zebra by Beach House
Serena runs after her father; Jenny admits to tipping off William;Serena tells Dan that her father left.Paradise Circus (Gui Boratto Remix) by MassiveAttack
Chuck gives Blair an ultimatum as they wait for Cameron to arrive;Serena hangs up on Nate then thanks Dan for coming with her; Jennybrings her stuff over to Chuck & Nate'splace.
[322] Last Tango, Then Paris
You've Really Got A Hold On Me by Thao
Georgina returns; Lily & Rufus discuss the problemswith teenage girls, then Eric tells them they can send Jenny away.Dead Man's Party by Lights On
The Gossip Girl blast about Serena & Dan spreads;Dan figures out the Jenny must have sent in the picture.Don't Think Twice, It's All Right by Eastern ConferenceChampions
Blair rushes to meet Chuck; Nate, Dan & Serena talkabout the kiss; Georgina asks Blair for help; Dorota give birth;Nate sends the picture to Vanessa.Teenage Lust by Oliver North Boy Choir
Jenny goes to bed with Chuck.The Funeral by Serena Ryder and The Beauties
Jenny confesses to Eric that she slept with Chuck.Under Pressure by Crooked Fingers
Georgina tells Dan she's pregnant with their child; Jenny takes thetrain to her mom's; Serena & Blair head for theairport; Nate has some fun with Chuck's girls; Chuck is shot whilebeing mugged.
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