THIS OPERATING AGREEMENT is made and entered into effective_____, by and among ,______ [list the full legal names of the LLC members] (collectivelyreferred to in this agreement as the "Members").
此协议完成生效的时间为___日,由, 制定并在他们中生效。(以下简称上述人员为成员)
1.1 Formation. Effective____, the Members form a limited liability company under the name_____, L.L.C. (the "Company") on the terms and conditions in thisOperating Agreement (the "Agreement") and pursuant to the laws ofthe People’s Republic of China. The rights and obligations of theparties are as provided in Chinese law except as otherwiseexpressly provided in this Agreement.
1.2 Name. The business of the Company will beconducted under the name ______, L.L.C., or such other name uponwhich the Members may unanimously agree.
名称 公司业务将以_____名称经营,或成员全体同意的其它名称。
1.3 Purpose. The purpose ofthe Company is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which aLimited Liability Company may be formed within the People’sRepublic of China.
1.4 Office. The Company will maintain itsprincipal business office at the following address:
场所 公司将把经营场所置于以下地址
1.5. Legal Title to Company Property. Legal title to theproperty of the Company shall be held in the name of or in suchother name or manner as the Members shall determine to be in thebest interest of the Company. Without limiting the foregoing grantof authority, the Members may arrange to have title taken and heldin their own names or in the names of trustees, nominees or strawparties for the Company. It is expressly understood and agreed thatthe manner of holding title to property (or any part thereof) ofthe Company is solely for the convenience of the Company, and thatall such property shall be treated as Company property subject tothe terms of this Agreement.
1.6 Term. The term of the Company commences on______ [date] and shall continue perpetually unless soonerterminated as provided in this Agreement.
时期 公司开始运营时期从______开始并将永远持续,除非按协议规定提前结束。
1.6.1 Term Expiration. ThisAgreement will expire 19 months after taking effect, unless it isextended by a majority in interest of the Members, or unless areplacement agreement has yet to be signed by a majority ininterest of the Members. In the event that amajority in interest of the Members have signed a replacementagreement, all Members who fail to sign the replacement agreementshall be bound by the terms of this agreement in perpetuity, oruntil the Company is dissolved. Under nocircumstances will the expiration of this Agreement cause thedissolution of the Company.
1.7 Names and Addresses of Members. TheMembers' names and addresses are attached as Schedule 1 to thisAgreement.
成员名称和地址 成员的名字和地址见此协议的续增表1。
1.8 Admission of Additional Members. Except asotherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, no additionalmembers may be admitted to the Company through issuance by thecompany of a new interest in the Company without the priorunanimous written consent of the Members.
2.1 Initial Contributions.The Members initially shall contribute to the Company capital asdescribed in Schedule 2 attached to this Agreement within sevendays of when this agreement takes effect. If aMember fails to fulfill their initial contribution in the allowedtime, they will forfeit all of their interest to theCompany.
2.2 AdditionalContributions. No Member shall be obligated tomake any additional contribution to the Company's capital withoutthe prior unanimous written consent of the Members.
额外追加。 除非全体成员一致书面同意,任何成员不得要求额外追加对公司的投入。
2.3 No Interest on Capital Contributions.Members are not entitled to interest or other compensation for oron account of their capital contributions to the Company except tothe extent, if any, expressly provided in this Agreement.
无资本利息。 成员无权对注入公司资本要求利息或其它赔偿, 除非此协议另有规定。
第三节 利润分配和损失的承担
3.1 Profits/Losses. For financial accountingand tax purposes, the Company's net profits or net losses shall bedetermined on a quarterly basis and shall be allocated to theMembers in proportion to each Member's relative capital interest inthe Company as set forth in Schedule 2 as amended from time to timein accordance with applicable Chinese laws.
3.2 Distributions. The Managing Members shalldetermine and distribute available funds quarterly or at morefrequent intervals as they see fit. Availablefunds, as referred to herein, shall mean the net cash of theCompany available after appropriate provision for expenses,liabilities and monetary reserves, as determined by the ManagingMembers, who have a duty to justify their accounting to otherMembers. Distributions in liquidation of theCompany or in liquidation of a Member's interest shall be made inaccordance with the positive capital account balances pursuant toapplicable Chinese law.
3.3 No Right to Demand Return of Capital. NoMember has any right to any return of capital or other distributionexcept as expressly provided in this Agreement. No Member has anydrawing account in the Company.
The Company shall indemnify any person who wasor is a party defendant or is threatened to be made a partydefendant, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding, whethercivil, criminal, administrative, or investigative (other than anaction by or in the right of the Company) by reason of the factthat he is or was a Member of the Company, Manager, employee oragent of the Company, or is or was serving at the request of theCompany, against expenses (including attorney's fees), judgments,fines, and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonablyincurred in connection with such action, suit or proceeding if theMembers determine that he acted in good faith and in a manner hereasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interest ofthe Company, and with respect to any criminal action proceeding,has no reasonable cause to believe his/her conduct wasunlawful. The termination of any action, suit, orproceeding by judgment, order, settlement, conviction, or upon aplea of "no lo Contendere" or its equivalent, shall not in itselfcreate a presumption that the person did or did not act in goodfaith and in a manner which he reasonably believed to be in thebest interest of the Company, and, with respect to any criminalaction or proceeding, had reasonable cause to believe that his/herconduct was lawful
5.1 Management of Company.公司管理。
5.1.1 The Managing Members, within theauthority granted by the Act and the terms of this Agreement shallhave the complete power and authority to manage and operate theCompany and make all decisions affecting its business andaffairs. Such decisions may include but are in noway limited to hiring and firing of employees; negotiating andsigning contracts with faculty, staff and third parties;purchasing, maintaining and selling property on behalf of theCompany; recruiting and consulting with students and teachers; andconducting public outreach.
5.1.2 Except as otherwise provided in thisAgreement, all decisions and documents relating to the managementand operation of the Company shall be made and executed by aMajority in Interest of the Members.
5.1.3 Third parties dealing with the Companyshall be entitled to rely conclusively upon the power and authorityof a Majority of the Managing Members to manage and operate thebusiness and affairs of the Company.
5.2 Appointment of Managing Members. The namesof the three permanent Managing Members are listed as follows:
5.2.1 Removal of Managing Members. Thepermanent Managing Members may not be removed from their positionsas Managing Members except by unanimous approval by the Members,not including the Managing Member whose removal is beingconsidered.
5.2.2 Resignation Notice for ManagingMembers. Managing Members wishing to resign theirposition and become non-managing Members must submit theirresignation in writing to all Members 60 days’ before the date oftheir resignation.
5.2.3 Appointment of Temporary ManagingMembers. The Members have the ability to hire anew Temporary Managing Member and offer the new position to aMember who is not currently a Managing Member by a vote of amajority of Members excluding the prospective Temporary ManagingMember. The company shall have no more than oneTemporary Managing Member at one time. It iswithin the authority of the Managing Members to delegateresponsibilities and duties to a Temporary Managing Member; Atleast one week before the Members vote on approval for theTemporary Managing Member, the permanent Managing Members shoulddecide on and put into writing a contract for the TemporaryManaging Member to sign. The contract mustinclude an expiration date for the new Temporary Managing Member’sposition. Amending the Temporary ManagingMember’s contract requires unanimous approval of the Members
5.2.4 Salaries for all Managing Members. AllManaging Members will be paid a salary, to be evaluated andapproved annually by a Majority in Interest of theMembers. During the first month when a ManagingMember reports for work, he or she will begin receiving an initialmonthly salary of no less than RMB 2,500.00 yuan.
5.2.5 Management Fee. In addition to theirsalary, the Managing Members will equally divide a management feeamong themselves, which shall be equal to 25% of the Company’savailable funds. This fee will be paid before allinterest-based distributions.
5.3 Definition of Members. Whenever in thisAgreement reference is made to the decision, consent, approval,judgment, or action of the Members, unless otherwise expresslyprovided in this Agreement, such decision, consent, approval,judgment, or action shall mean a Majority of the Members.
5.4 Withdrawal by a Member. A Member has nopower to withdraw from the Company, except as otherwise provided inSection 8.
第六节 工资,报销
6.1 Organization Expenses.All expenses incurred in connection with organization of theCompany will be paid by the Company.
6.2 Salary. No salary will be paid to a Memberfor the performance of his or her duties under this Agreementunless the salary has been approved in writing by a Majority inInterest of the Members.
6.3 Legal and Accounting Services. The Companymay obtain legal and accounting services to the extent reasonablynecessary for the conduct of the Company's business.
第七节 公司账户、财务报告、税务、财政年度
7.1 Method of Accounting.The Company will use the method of accounting previously determinedby the Managing Members for financial reporting and taxpurposes.
7.2 Fiscal Year; Taxable Year. The fiscal yearand the taxable year of the Company shall begin July 1 and endAugust 31.
7.3 Capital Accounts. The Company will, ifacceptable under local laws, maintain a Capital Account for eachMember on a cumulative basis in accordance with federal income taxaccounting principles. No individual Member will have access tothese accounts.
7.4 Banking. All funds of the Company will bedeposited in a separate bank account in the name of the Company asdetermined by the Managing Members.
8.1 Sale or EncumbranceProhibited. Except as otherwise permitted in this Agreement, noMember may voluntarily or involuntarily transfer, sell, convey,encumber, pledge, assign, or otherwise dispose of (collectively,"Transfer") an interest in the Company without the prior writtenconsent of a Majority in Interest of the Members, excluding thetransferring Member.
8.2 Right of First Refusal. NotwithstandingSection 8.1, a Member may transfer all or any part of the Member'sinterest in the Company (the "Interest") as follows:
8.2.1 The Member desiring to transfer his orher Interest first must provide written notice (the "Notice") tothe other Members, specifying the price and terms on which theMember is prepared to sell the Interest (the "Offer").
8.2.2 For a period of 30 days after receipt ofthe Notice, any individual Member or group ofMembers may acquire all, but not less than all,of the Interest at the price and under the terms specified in theOffer. If the other Members desiring to acquire the Interest cannotagree among themselves on the allocation of the Interest amongthem, the allocation will be divided evenly among those Membersdesiring to acquire the Interest.
8.2.3 Closing of the sale of the Interest willoccur as stated in the Offer.
8.2.4 If none of the other Members notify inwriting the transferring Member of their desire to acquire all ofthe Interest proposed to be transferred within the 30 day periodfollowing receipt of the Notice, then the Members will be deemed tohave waived their right to acquire the Interest on the termsdescribed in the Offer, and the transferring Member may sell andconvey the Interest consistent with the Offer to any other personor entity; provided, however, that notwithstanding anything inSection 8.2 to the contrary, should the sale to a third person beat a price or on terms that are more favorable to the purchaserthan stated in the Offer, then the transferring Member must reofferthe sale of the Interest to the remaining Members at that otherprice or other terms; provided, further, that if the sale to athird person is not closed within three months after the expirationof the 30 day period describe above, then the provisions of Section8.2 will again apply to the Interest proposed to be sold orconveyed.
8.2.5 Notwithstanding the foregoing provisionsof Section 8.2, should the sole remaining Member be entitled to andelect to acquire all the Interests of the other Members of theCompany in accordance with the provisions of Section 8.2, theacquiring Member may assign the right to acquire the Interests to athird party of his or her choice (the “Special Third Party”) if theassignment is reasonably believed to be necessary to continue theexistence of the Company as a limited liability company.
8.3 Substituted Parties. Any transfer in whichthe Transferee becomes a fully substituted Member is not permittedunless and until:
(1) The transferor andassignee execute and deliver to the Company the documents andinstruments of conveyance necessary or appropriate in the opinionof counsel to the Company to effect the transfer and to confirm theagreement of the permitted assignee to be bound by the provisionsof this Agreement; and
(2) The transferor provides the Company witha professional opinion of legal counsel, which satisfies theCompany that the transfer will not cause the Company or its Membersto suffer as a result of taxation.; and
(3) A Majority in Interest of the Membersagrees to admit the transferee as a substitutedMember. This requirement shall not apply to atransferee who is claimed by the transferor as a SpecialThird-Party according to Section 8.2.5.
8.4 Death, Incompetency, or Bankruptcy ofMember. On the death, adjudicated incompetence, or bankruptcy of aMember, unless the Company exercises its rights under Section 8.5,the successor in interest to the Member (whether an estate,bankruptcy trustee, or otherwise) will receive only the economicright to receive the Member's allocable share of taxable income,gain, loss, deduction, and credit (the "Economic Rights") unlessand until a majority in interest of the other Members admit thetransferee as a fully substituted Member in accordance with theprovisions of Section 8.3.
8.4.1 Any transfer of Economic Rights pursuantto Section 8.4 will not include any right to participate inmanagement of the Company, including any right to vote orparticipate in decision-making, and will not include any right toinformation on the Company or its operations or financialcondition. Following any transfer of only the Economic Rights of aMember's Interest in the Company, the transferring Member's powerand right to vote or consent to any matter submitted to the Memberswill be eliminated, and the Ownership Interests of the remainingMembers, for purposes only of such votes, consents, andparticipation in management, will be proportionately increaseduntil such time, if any, as the transferee of the Economic Rightsbecomes a fully substituted Member.
8.5 Death Buy Out. Notwithstanding theforegoing provision of Section 8, the Members covenant and agreethat on the death of any Member, the Company, at its option, byproviding written notice to the estate of the deceased Memberwithin 180 days of the death of the Member, may purchase, acquire,and redeem the Interest of the deceased Member in the Companypursuant to the provision of Section 8.5.
8.5.1 The value of each Member's Interest inthe Company will be determined on the date this Agreement issigned, and the value will be endorsed on Schedule 3 attached andmade a part of this Agreement. The value of each Member's Interestwill be redetermined unanimously by the Members annually, unlessthe Members unanimously decide to redetermine those values morefrequently. The Members will use their best efforts to endorsethose values on Schedule 3. The purchase price for a decedentMember's interest conclusively is the value last determined beforethe death of such Member; provided, however, that if the latestvaluation is more than two years before the death of the deceasedMember, the provisions of Section 8.5.2 will apply in determiningthe value of the Member's Interest in the Company.
8.5.2 If the Members have failed to value thedeceased Member's Interest within the prior two year period, thevalue of each Member's Interest in the Company on the date ofdeath, in the first instance, will be determined by mutualagreement of the surviving Members and the personal representativeof the estate of the deceased Member. If the parties cannot reachan agreement on the value within 30 days after the appointment ofthe personal representative of the deceased Member, then thesurviving Members and the personal representative each must selecta qualified appraiser within the next succeeding 30 days. Theappraisers so selected must attempt to determine the value of theCompany Interest owned by the decedent at the time of death basedsolely on their appraisal of the total value of the Company'sassets and the amount the decedent would have received had theassets of the Company been sold at that time for an amount equal totheir fair market value and the proceeds (after payment of allCompany obligations) were distributed in the manner contemplated inSection 8. The appraisal may not consider and discount for the saleof a minority Interest in the Company. In the event the appraiserscannot agree on the value within 30 days after being selected, thetwo appraisers must, within 30 days, select a third appraiser. Thevalue of the Interest of the decedent in the Company and thepurchase price of it will be the average of the two appraisalsnearest in amount to one another. That amount will be final andbinding on all parties and their respective successors, assigns,and representatives. The costs and expenses of the third appraiserand any costs and expenses of the appraiser retained but not paidfor by the estate of the deceased Member will be offset against thepurchase price paid for the deceased Member's Interest in theCompany.
8.5.3 Closing of the sale of the deceasedMember's Interest in the Company will be held at the office of theCompany on a date designated by the Company, not be later than 90days after agreement with the personal representative of thedeceased Member's estate on the fair market value of the deceasedMember's Interest in the Company; provided, however, that if thepurchase price is determined by appraisals as set forth in Section8.5.2, the closing will be 30 days after the final appraisal andpurchase price are determined. If no personal representative hasbeen appointed within 60 days after the deceased Member's death,the surviving Members have the right to apply for and have apersonal representative appointed.
8.5.4 At closing, the Company will pay thepurchase price for the deceased Member's Interest in the Company.If the purchase price is less than RMB 10,000.00 yuan, the purchaseprice will be paid in cash; if the purchase price is RMB 10,000.00yuan or more, the purchase price will be paid as follows:
(1) RMB 10,000.00 yuan in cash or bankcashier's check;
(2) The balance of the purchase price by theCompany executing and delivering its promissory note for thebalance, with interest at the prime interest rate stated by primarybanking institution utilized by the Company, its successors andassigns, at the time of the deceased Member's death. Interest willbe payable monthly, with the principal sum being due and payable inthree equal annual installments. The promissory note will beunsecured and will contain provisions that the principal sum may bepaid in whole or in part at any time, without penalty.
8.6 Bereavement Stipends. In the event of aMember’s death, a Bereavement Stipend shall be paid to the deceasedMember’s designated beneficiary (see Schedule 4).The Stipend shall comprise 1.0% of the Management Fee, and shall bepaid quarterly for a period of five years, or until the Company isdissolved.
8.7 Month-18 Buy Out. During the period(Month-18 Buy Out Period) beginning 18 months after this Agreementbecomes effective and ending 30 days thereafter, Members will havethe option to sell back their interest to the Company in return fortheir initial capital contribution (see Schedule2). Members wishing to do this are required tonotify the Managing Members in writing before the end of theMonth-18 Buy Out Period. The Buy Out must then becompleted within 30 days of notification, or it will becancelled. The Managing Members may only refusesuch a sale if it violates a provision of this Agreement, oranother valid agreement signed between the Company and the SellingMember; or if there is insufficient available cash, in which casethe Managing Members and the Selling Member will agree on asuitable schedule of payment with interest at the prime interestrate stated by primary banking institution utilized by theCompany.
8.8 Prohibition on Withdrawal. Members shallbe prohibited from selling any part of their interest in theCompany and prohibited from withdrawing from the Company until 12months after this agreement takes effect.
8.9 Duty of Loyalty. Members will not beallowed to engage in activities in competition with theCompany. After withdrawing from the Company,Members will be prohibited from competing with the Company for aperiod of three years.
第九节 公司的解散和倒闭
9.1 Dissolution. The Companywill be dissolved on the happening of any of the followingevents:
9.1.1 Sale, transfer, or other disposition ofall or substantially all of the property of the Company;
9.1.2 The agreement of all of the Members;成员一致通过;
9.1.3 By operation of law; or 被取缔;
9.2 Winding Up. On the dissolution of theCompany (if the Company is not continued), the Members must takefull account of the Company's assets and liabilities The assetswill be liquidated as promptly as is consistent with obtainingtheir fair value, and the proceeds will be applied and distributedamong the Members' Capital Accounts in accordance with Schedule 3of this Agreement. . In order to fulfill all obligations, theCompany’s capital will be distributed from the Members’ CapitalAccounts in the following order:
9.2.1 To payment and discharge of the expensesof liquidation and of all the Company's debts and liabilities topersons or organizations other than Members;
9.2.2 To the payment and discharge of anyCompany debts and liabilities owed to Members; and
9.2.3 To Members in the amount of theirrespective adjusted Capital Account balances on the date ofdistribution; provided, however, that any then outstanding DefaultAdvances (with interest and costs of collection) first must berepaid from distributions otherwise allocable to the DefaultingMember..
10.1 Amendments. Amendmentsto this Agreement may be proposed by any Member. A proposedamendment will be adopted and become effective as an amendment onlyon the written approval of all of the Members.
10.2 Governing Law. This Agreement and therights and obligations of the parties under it are governed by andinterpreted in accordance with the laws of the People’s Republic ofChina (without regard to principles of conflicts of law).
10.3 Entire Agreement. This Agreementconstitutes the entire understanding and agreement between theMembers with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. Noagreements, understandings, restrictions, representations, orwarranties exist between or among the members other than those inthis Agreement or referred to or provided for in thisAgreement.
10.4 Attorney Fees. In the event of any suitor action to enforce or interpret any provision of this Agreement(or that is based on this Agreement), the prevailing party isentitled to recover, in addition to other costs, reasonableattorney fees in connection with the suit, action, or arbitration,and in any appeals. The determination of who is the prevailingparty and the amount of reasonable attorney fees to be paid to theprevailing party will be decided by the court or courts, includingany appellate courts, in which the matter is tried, heard, ordecided.
10.5 Further Effect. The parties agree toexecute other documents reasonably necessary to further effect andevidence the terms of this Agreement, as long as the terms andprovisions of the other documents are fully consistent with theterms of this Agreement.
10.6 Severability. If any term or provision ofthis Agreement is held to be void or unenforceable, that term orprovision will be severed from this Agreement, the balance of theAgreement will survive.
10.7 Captions. The captions used in thisAgreement are for the convenience of the parties only and will notbe interpreted to enlarge, contract, or alter the terms andprovisions of this Agreement.
10.8 Notices. All notices required to be givenby this Agreement will be in writing and will be effective whenactually delivered or, if mailed, when deposited as certified mail,postage prepaid, directed to the addresses listed in Schedule 1 ofthis Agreement for each Member or to such other address as a Membermay specify by notice given in conformance with these provisions tothe other Members.
10.9 Force Majeure. No Partyshall be liable for any failure to perform its obligations wheresuch failure is as a result of a Force Majeure including, but notlimited to, fire, flood, earthquake, storm, hurricane or othernatural disaster, disease epidemic, war, invasion, act of foreignenemies, hostilities (whether war is declared or not), civil war,rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power orconfiscation, terrorist activities, nationalization, governmentsanction, blockade, embargo, labor dispute, strike, lockout orinterruption or failure of electricity (or telephone service), andno other Party will have a right to terminate this Agreement insuch circumstances.
10.9.1 Any Party asserting Force Majeure as anexcuse shall have the burden of proving that reasonable steps weretaken (under the circumstances) to minimize delay or damages causedby foreseeable events, that all non-excused obligations weresubstantially fulfilled, and that the other Party was timelynotified of the likelihood or actual occurrence which would justifysuch an assertion, so that other prudent precautions could becontemplated."
10.10 Fidelity ofTranslation. When translating any part of thisAgreement into other languag es, the Members arranging thetranslation will strive to make the translated Agreement asfaithful as possible to the original Agreement.They shall not attempt to mislead or misinform Members speaking adifferent language. Once signed, both theoriginal and translated Agreements shall be equally valid andequally enforceable by law, In the event that adiscrepancy is discovered between the two Agreements, a meetingmust be arranged within 30 days to reconcile the discrepancy andsign a new agreement which more faithfully conveys the desiredmeaning. If the Members fail to reconcile the differing versions ofthe Agreement within 30 days after the aforementioned meeting, theymust apply for arbitration through the American ArbitrationAssociation. All new versions of this Agreement in any languagemust be signed before becoming effective.
10.11 Arbitration ofDisputes. All disputes arising out of or inconnection with the present Agreement shall be finally settledunder the Rules of Arbitration of the American ArbitrationAssociation by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance withthe said Rules.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to this Agreement execute thisOperating Agreement as of the date and year first abovewritten.
Listing of Members - Schedule 1成员列表 – 框架表1
Listing of Capital Contributions - Schedule 2出资列表 – 框架表2
Pursuant to ARTICLE 2, the Members' initial contribution to theCompany capital is stated to be RMB______. yuan.The description of each individual portion of this initialcontribution is as follows: