开始很不解,Repeatability 和Reproducibility应该是一个意思啊,为什么会被并列在一起。于是查了下维基百科,发现原来这两个词的意思是不一样的。
Reproducibility is one of the mainprinciples of the scientific method, and refers to the ability of atest or experiment to be accurately reproduced, or replicated, bysomeone else working independently.
Theresults of an experiment performed by a particular researcher orgroup of researchers are generally evaluated by other independentresearchers who repeat the same experiment themselves, based on theoriginal experimental description. Then they see if theirexperiment gives similar results to those reported by the originalgroup. The result values are said to be commensurate if they areobtained (in distinct experimental trials) according to the samereproducible experimental description and procedure.
Reproducibility is different fromrepeatability, which measures the success rate in successiveexperiments, possibly conducted by the same experimenters.Reproducibility relates to the agreement of test results withdifferent operators, test apparatus, and laboratory locations. Itis often reported as a standard deviation.
Whilerepeatability of scientific experiments is desirable, it is notconsidered necessary to establish the scientific validity of atheory. For example, the cloning of animals is difficult to repeat,but has been reproduced by various teams working independently, andis a well established research domain. One failed cloning does notmean that the theory is wrong or unscientific. Repeatability isoften low in protosciences.