
1、 不做这个决定,360实在让我过不下去了;
2、 做这个决定,一定会损害部分用户的利益,对QQ不利;
3、 我们进退两难、骑虎难下;
4、 但是我们还是要做出一个决定;
显然,这种复杂的含义,是 a tough decision 和 adifficultdecision,不能承受之重。眼看网上“这个艰难的决定”愈演愈烈,网上却没有它正确的英文译法!
关键时刻:We have the horns of a dilemma.临危受命,担此大任。
“这[]是一个艰难的决定”最贴切的译法:We have the horns of a dilemma
欢哥请教了很多外教,终于找到这个“艰难的决定”最贴切的译法!We have the horns of adilemma. If you are on the horns of a dilemma, youare faced with two equally unpleasant options and have to chooseone.
A dilemma is a problem offering at least twopossibilities, neither of which is practically acceptable. Chinese:“to advance or retreat is equally difficult”.Dilemma表达的就是中文里进退两难的意思。
如果把你放在了一头公牛的面前,the sharp points of a bull'shorns,你也知道接下来会发生什么啦,on either of which you mightbe impaled. 所以在西方国家,人们认为horns代表着evil。所以:the hornsof a dilemma 就用来描述to face a choice between twoequally undesirable alternatives. If you are onthe horns of a dilemma, you are faced with two equally unpleasantoptions and have to choose one. 而且the horns of adilemma还表示“接下来会有不好的事情发生”的意思。
If you are on the horns of a dilemma, you are faced withtwo equally unpleasant options and have to chooseone.QQ“一个艰难的决定”翻译成We have the horns of adilemma,是不是再贴切不过了呢。
the horns of adilemma不是一个人孤军奋战,它还有几个很有意思的同义词组哦:
英语版的“骑虎难下” :have the wolf by theear
"But, as it is, we have the wolf by the ear, and we canneither hold him, nor safely let him go. Justice is in one scale,and self-preservation in the other." - Thomas Jefferson to JohnHolmes, (discussing slavery and the Missouri question), Monticello,22 April 1820.
英语版的“进退维谷”:between Scylla and Charybdis
Scyllaand Charybdis 是希腊神话《荷马史诗》中的两个海怪,后来,在古希腊神话里面,它们被面对面的放在了theStrait of Messina(between Sicily and mainland MagnaGraecia)他们要靠的足够近,不让Charybdis(希腊神话中该亚与波塞冬的女儿,荷马史诗中的女妖)通过。所以between Scylla andCharybdis,在两个海怪之间,当然是“横也是死、竖也是死”,进退两难了。
例句:The Pirates had to fight and be killed or give up andbe hanged, they were between Scylla andCharybdis.海盗们要么顽抗而被击毙,要么缴械而被绞死,他们确实进退维谷。