“Just signhere, sir,” the deliveryman said as he handed Oscar Reyna apackage.
The packageconsisted of a long, narrow box (21) wrapped in brown paper. (22) the box, Oscar saw anumbrella inside – a very old one with a beautifully carved woodenhandle. (23) he had not seen it in more than 20 years, herecognized it (24).
21.根据句意与结构,此处为一个修饰wrapped的副词,根据下文雨伞主人Mrs. O’Brien对其的珍惜,此包裹必是细心包好的,因此选B. carefully。
23/24.根据下文,Oscar对捡雨伞、还雨伞这一事情的记忆犹新,可以看出句子在表达“虽然他在二十多年里没有见到这把雨伞了,但还是一眼就认出了它”,从句表达的是让步关系,因此23题选D,24题则选C. immediately。
Oscar was 16when he first saw the (25) umbrella. He had gone to a concert withhis grandparents. As they were leaving, he noticed an umbrella onan empty seat. Impressed by its (26), Oscar felt a strong desire tofind its (27).
25/26.上文中已交待了这是一把做工精致的雨伞,因此25题选择B. unusual,26题选择A. beauty。
27.根据下文情节,Oscar急于找到的是雨伞的主人,因此选D. owner。
Oscar (28)the manager to look in the record of advance ticket sales. Just ashe thought, a name matched the seat (29) Oscar had found theumbrella. The name was Mrs. Katie O’Brien.
28.要从电影院经理处获得信息,Oscar只能是说服他查找售票记录,因此选A. convinced。
29.根据句意,此处是一个定语从句,修饰其前面的the seat,因此选D. where,在从句中作状语。
下一段讲述的是Oscar如何找到Mrs. O’Brien的:

Oscar talkedhis grandparents into going by Mrs. O’Brien’s (30) on their wayhome. He rang the bell, the door opened, and an elder ly womanappeared. “May I (31) you?” she asked.
30.要还伞,自然要去雨伞主人的家,因此选C. house。A选项中的family表示的是一个家庭的群体,而不是地方。
31.面对门外的陌生人,主人以为他是来求助的,因此选B. help。
接下去几段为Oscar与Mrs. O’Brien在还伞过程中的对话:
“I’d like toreturn it if it’s yours,” Oscar said, (32) the umbrella as ifpresenting a (33) that had long been wished for.
32.要让Mrs. O’Brien辨认雨伞,Oscar自然应该把伞递出去,因此选D. holding out。
33.从上文中已看出这把雨伞的精美给Oscar留下了极深的印象,因此他是象送一件精美礼物一样慎重地把伞递过去的,所以选C. gift。
“Why, yes!It’s mine,” replied Mrs. O’Brien with a (34) smile and shiningeyes. “It was given to me by my father years ago. Thank you so muchfor returning it. May I offer you a reward for your(35)?”
34.此句描写Mrs. O’Brien对雨伞失而复得的高兴之情,a wide smile表示笑得灿烂,因此选A. wide。
35.归还雨伞是善举,因此选B. kindness。
“No, ma’am,”he said, “My grandmother says that a good deed is its ownreward.”
“Well, that’s(36) what my father used to say. What is your name, youngman?”
36.此言是承Oscar之言而发,that代的就是Oscar话中的a good deed is its own reward,所以本句的意思是“那正是我父亲过去常常说的话”,因此本题选C. exactly,表达两者的一致。
Years laterOscar was staring at the finely carved handle of the umbrella as heremembered Mrs. O’Brien. It was in perfect condition, consideringhow (37) it was. Why had it arrived here today?
As if (38), anote fell from the paper. It read: Mrs. O’Brien wanted you to (39)this umbrella as a present for a kind, (40) gesture longago.
37.此句描写雨伞处于完美的状态,但这种完美是就它的年龄而言的,因此选A。其余选项rare, precious, nice均不符合逻辑。
38.此句是承上段末句Oscar心中的疑惑“Why had it arrived here today?”,表达“仿佛是对他疑惑的回答,一张纸条从包裹纸中掉了出来”,因此选D. in answer,意为“作为回答”。
39.Mrs. O’Brien是作为礼物把雨伞送给Oscar的,对于礼物,当然应该是接受,所以选B。
40.送上这一礼物的原因是多年前Oscar的所为,他的所为是善良,是无私,因此选C. unselfish。