Queen Elizabeth II celebrates 60 years asQueen of Britain
England'smonarch has a lot to celebrate.She has a daughter,three fine sons, several grandchildren and now a Diamond Jubilee.This week theUnited Kingdom celebrates her 60years on the throne. Britain has given everyone along weekend, June 2 to 5 , to honor the Queen.Celebrations inLondon include a parade of ships on the Thames River and a concertat Buckingham Place. Other countries, including Canada, Australiaand New Zealand, will stage their own Diamond Jubileeevents.
英国 的君王要庆祝的可多了。她有一位女儿、三位优秀的儿子,还有好几位孙子,如今又要庆祝钻喜。这个星期,英国庆祝她登基六十周年。从六月二号至五号,英国让所有民众过个长长的周末,以尊崇女王。伦敦的各式庆典包括了泰晤士河上船队游行和白金汉宫的音乐会。包括加拿大、澳洲与纽西兰等其他国家,也会各自举行钻喜庆祝活动。
Elizabethbecame queen when her father, GeorgeVI, passed away onFebruary 6, 1952. The current queen is the second-longestreigning monarch in British history. Hergreat-great-grandmother Queen Victoria reigned for more than 63years.
Startingin March, the queen, who turned 86 in April, and her husband, PricePhilip, 90, began to travel around Britain. They madenumerous stops in England, Wales, Northern,Ireland and Scotland. Prince William and his wife will travel inthe Asia-Pacific region later this year. Other royals will visitother countries in the 54-nation Commonwealth as part of theQueen's Jubilee celebration.
TheCommonwealth tour is designed to continue to raise the popularityof the British royals in the eyes of the public.
Word Bank
Themonarch is the mostimportant person in the kingdom.
throne(n) 王座(引申为登基);王权
The queen sat on herthrone and received visitors.
The king has reigned overhis kingdom for more than 50 years.
numerous(adj) 为数众多的
Jack has had numerouschances to change jobs, but he hasn't.
More Information
passaway(phr v) 去世
Talk About
*Are kings and queensimportant in the world today?Why or why not?
*What changes has QueenElizabeth II seen in her 60 years on the throne?

Key Point
*___________Elizabeth IIis___________60 years on the ________of Great_____________.
(suggestedanswer:Queen,celebrating,throne ,Britain.)
Chat Room
Pass away跟pass out一定要分清楚。pass out 是昏倒、不省人事;passaway是死亡。今天的课文里讲到:Elizabeth became queen when her father, George VI,passed away, on February 6 1952.也许你会问“死亡”不是“die”吗?这是因为pass away是一个所谓euphemism,也就是委婉的说法,就像中文讲“过世”、某某人“走了”都是死亡的euphemism.除了pass away也可以讲pass on.在基督教的追思礼拜中常常会听到某某人:has gone to met hismaker(去到他那个创造者那里),或是:he is in a betterplace.(去到一个更好的地方。)