Letter of Authority fromManufacturer
To: (name of the TenderingAgent)
We (name of the Manufacturer), a manufacturerduly organized under the laws of (name of country) and having itsprinciple place of business at (address of Manufacturer), herebymake, constitute and appoint (name of Trading Company), a companyduly organised under the laws of (name of Eligible Source Country)and having its principle place of business at (address of TradingCompany), to be our true and lawful attorney in fact to do thefollowing:
(1) To represent and bind us in the People’sRepublic of China for the Tendering Agent’s Invitation for Bid(IFB) No. for supply of the Goods proposed in the bid which wemanufacture or produce.
(1)代表我方在中华人民共和国办理贵方第 号投标邀请要求提供的由我方制造的货物的有关事宜,并对我方具有约束力。
(2) That, as a manufacturer, we bind ourselves asco-maker of the bid and are jointly and severally responsible forthe compliance of the said bid.
(3)That we hereby give and grant to the said(name of Trading Company) full power and authority to do andperform all and every act and thing whatsoever, requisite,necessary and proper to be done in the premises, as fully, to allintends and purposes as we might or could do, with full power ofsubstitution and revocation, hereby ratifying and confirming allthat (name of Trading Company) or its duly authorizedrepresentative shall lawfully do, or cause to be done by virtuehereof.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF We have hereto signed thisdocument on . Acceptedon
我方于 年 月日签署本文件,(贸易公司名称)于 年 月日接受此件,以此为证。

Name of Trading Company Name of IssuingManufacturer
贸易公司名称 制造商名称
Position of duly authorized representativePosition of duly authorizedrepresentative
签字人职务和部门 签字人职务和部门
Name of duly authorized representative Name ofduly authorized representative
签字人姓名 签字人姓名
Signature of duly authorized representativeSignature of duly authorizedrepresentative
签字人签名 签字人签名