From todayon, I decide to keep some blog diaries in English.
Though theremay be many mistakes, I think it does not matter for the beginner.Just try to do it. I write down on my notebooks in Chinese, thentranslate them into English. Only in this way can I further improvemy English. Actully, man————y words are taken form many English songs.To a great extend, my future perspective depends on the level of myEnglish I can get. I will endeavor to learn Englishwell.
Day afterday, time pass away quickly. Everything is changing. I felt verysad yesterday, I had a very bad yesterday. But I raised myself uptoday once again. After communicating with her, I knew her got anew boyfriend. I told her I would quit when her got boyfriend inthe past. She said we were just friends again and again. And shealways regards me as her male friend, not the boyfriend. I promisedher that I would not interfere her any more, and I would notmention that any more. And I would really do that as Isaid.However, it did not mean I would not love her. If I let hergo, I will never know what my life would be. No matter what shewould think of me, I still not gave up on her. Adversity was justthe essential nutrition for every people's growth.
My lovedetermines my love. I trust the Old Father Time. Only time iscapable of understanding how valuable my love is. True love is justlike the sunshine and the breeze. It really does not need thereturn.
Just runwild and free, I am following through every dream and need. I am soyoung now, so young then. As is she. I will take it easy, brightand breezy. Everything is so beautiful.

It is a newworld, it is a new start everyday. It is a new day, it is a newplan everyday. I have been waiting for her. Now there is nothingstanding in my way. Here I am. This is me.
I have notgone running for two days because of my depression. I will resumeit tomorrow.