老挝人民怎么看待中国赌场在老挝遍地开花 老挝赌场网站

【翻译截止日期】:2011-01-21 16:06:00


A new casino complex is supposed to transform poor Ton Pheung intoa ‘Macau on the Mekong’. But some locals are already nervous.
一个新的赌场综合设施正在老挝热火朝天地建设中。这一综合设施有望把贫困的TonPheung 转变为“湄公河上的澳门”。但一些老挝当地人却相当担心。
A large golden dome dominates the Laotian landscape on the otherside of the Mekong River. From Chiang Saen, the ancient capital ofthe Lanna kingdom and now a Thai port, visitors board boats at alanding stage built by a Chinese trading company. Every 15 minutes,visitors are picked up by fast launches and whisked across theriver.
Landing on the Laotian side, they’re ushered into a pompous domededifice emblazoned with Chinese dragons on the stairway that housesthe immigration arrival hall in the casino zone of Ton Pheung inLaos’ Bokeo Province.
Yet getting to stamp a 14-day free entry stamp into visitors’passports is about the only remaining semblance of authority stillexercised by the host Laotian government in this Chinese-runSpecial Economic Zone (SEZ).
Along the waterfront, high-powered boats disgorge Chinesebusinessmen, investors, gamblers and tourists. Some have made theirway here not through the popular route via neighbouring Thailand,but directly from Yunnan Province in China, while others arrive byland along the vastly improved road from the Chinese border atBoten.
This may be Laos, but the 4-star hotel, restaurants, shops and thecurrency are all Chinese. In every direction there’s the buzz ofongoing construction in this 3000-hectare entertainment and tradingzone. The resulting atmosphere jars with the country’s usual lazycharm, Buddhist culture, rich ethnic diversity and the communalvillage traditions of the province. Indeed it feels much more likea commercial enclave of China. But it’s an enclave that seemsbeyond the normal jurisdiction of its weak host state. In the wordsof one casino executive: ‘We have our own government inside thezone.’
A group of Chinese investors are trying to transform the GoldenTriangle’s traditional image as a mecca of the international herointrade to a ‘Macau on the Mekong’ by luring gamblers, tourists andtraders. When the complex is completed at the end of next year, itwill boast two golf courses, karaoke bars, massage parlours,swimming pools, hotels, a clinic and shopping centre. But it’s noaccident that the first building in place is the casino. After all,gambling is illegal in both Thailand and China.
The first phase of construction, which includes a road to thenearest town of Ban Houei Xay, will cost between $200 million and$300 million. The total undertaking, meanwhile, is expected to costabout $2.25 billion dollars, with over 50 projects to be completedby 2020.
工程的第一阶段,包括一条通往最近城镇—Ban HoueiXay的公路,预计耗资2亿到3亿之间。与此同时,预计到2020年完成包括50个项目工程后,总耗资将达到22.5亿美元。
The company behind all this is little-known Dokngiewkham,registered in Hong Kong and also known by the English name The KingRomans Group. Its investors are said to hail from Hong Kong, Macauand Yunnan Province, although the group has declined to divulge thenames or details of their backers.
This mega project’s strategy is based on rapid regional integrationand the construction of an ‘Asian highway’. Road improvements havegreatly improved road access from Yunnan through Laos to the Thaiborder at Chiang Khong on the Mekong, while railway links are alsoin the works that will link northern Thailand through Laos toChina.
Laos’ communist government has signed over 10,000 hectares toDokngiewkhamon a 99-year lease basis. A prime ministerial decree inFebruary, meanwhile, set out the guidelines for ‘the establishmentand management of the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone’ with3000 hectares designated as a duty-free SEZ. The rest has been setaside for eco-tourism, with the government to share the profitswith the developer.
老挝的共产主义政府已经签订了1万公顷土地给 Dokngiewkhamon,基本租期为99年。与此同时,2月一份主要的部长法令宣布,老挝将制定以“建设和管理金三角经济特区”的指导方针。这一指导方针将划定3000公顷土地为免税经济特区,其余作为老挝的生态旅游区,政府和开发者共享利润。
Yet despite the fact that China is the biggest investor in Laos,with a plethora of rubber plantations and mines, an influx ofChinese settlers is fuelling growing anti-Chinese sentiment in thislandlocked nation.
Laotian farmers already complain they’ve been pressured by localauthorities to sell land for excessively low prices to fastexpanding Chinese rubber plantations. The casino project, with itsplans for a new city of more than 50,000 people—a prospectiveChinatown in the Golden Triangle—are therefore almost certain tofuel more local resentment.
The mood isn’t helped by the fact that an older Chinese-run casinoin Boten has acquired an unsavoury reputation for being rife withdrugs, kidnappings, blackmail and murder. China has warned itscitizens to stay away and claims to have asked the Lao governmentto close it down. But it remains open, still firmly in the hands ofprivate Chinese investors who employ their own security force,which many say acts with impunity.
E. Abbas a Dokngiewkham executive, admits the group’s previousexperience is limited to operating casinos in Mongla, aChinese-dominated border town in Special Region No. 4 of Shan statein Burma. Built among the ethnic hill tribes of northern Burma,Mongla has a reputation for being a hotspot of laundering for theprofits of the region’s drugs trade, all under the supervision oflocal warlord Sai Leun, aka Lin Ming Xian.
E. Abbas,Dokngiewkham的一位主管,承认本集团以往的经验仅限于经营湄公河赌场,一个位于缅甸掸邦4号经济特区以中国为主导地位的边境小镇的运营。作为修建在缅甸北部的山区部落民族,Mongla已经成为以洗黑钱来获取利润的地区毒品交易的热区,所有一切都是在当地军阀SaiLeun,又名Lin Ming Xian的监督下运行的。
It’s only a short trip from Mongla across the Mekong to the casinocomplex in Ton Phueng. Already, there’s a fleet of SUVs and astretch limousine parked outside. Yet Dokngiewkham’s website, forone, gives no clue at all as to the identity of the main investorsin this lavish project.
横跨湄公河,从Mongla 抵达位于TonPhueng的赌场是一场短距离的旅途。在赌场的外面已经停有许多越野车和一辆超长豪华车。然而,像Dokngiewkham这样的网站没有给出任何线索,指明这项奢侈工程的主要投资者。
Chao Wei, the chairman of the SEZ management committee, who is saidto have good connections in Macau, is keeping his financial backersa close secret. Is Mongla kingpin Lin Ming Xian, known to frequentthe Ton Pheung casino, among the investors? No one will say.
据传已经与澳门建立良好关系的ChaoWei,特别经济特区管理委员会的主席,对于他的资金支持者秘而不宣。是否Mongla的中心人物Lin MingXian,在投资者中间,已经被Ton Pheung 赌场所熟知呢?没有人知道。
Thai businessman Pattana Sittisombat, president of the Committeefor the Economic Quadrangle and a key figure in economiccooperation between northern Thailand, Laos and Yunnan Province,says he’s worried about where all the money is coming from.
泰国商人 PattanaSittisombat,经济四合院委员会的主席,同时也是泰国北部,老挝和云南省经济合作的关键人物,担心投资资金来向何方。
I’m absolutely concerned about the possibility that illicit fundscould be attracted to this project, and that it could provideopportunities for money laundering,’ he says.
Abbas, though, is dismissive of such talk. ‘I can offerreassurances that our casino doesn’t tolerate any illegalactivities or money-laundering.’ Arguing that the region’s opiumheydays of the 1960s through 1990s are a thing of the past, Abbasadds: ‘It’s part of our project to be a Golden Triangle themepark.’
While Afghanistan has long overtaken Burma as the world’s largestsource of opium cultivation and heroin production, the Burmesenarcotics trade has recently seen a resurgence. Indeed, althoughSpecial Region No. 4 has supposedly abandoned narcotics, thedominant military force in this remote region of northern Burma isstill the UWSA, one of theworld’smajor drug-traffickingmilitias, which operates in the adjoining Shan State region No.2.
Laotian people are already victims of the rampant smuggling of ‘YaBa’ (the local term for amphetamines), which are manufactured insmall laboratories just across the Mekong by USWA forces. With thisChinese enclave effectively operating outside the sovereignty ofthe host country and shrouded in mystery with its unknown cashflows, hidden backers and secret investment partners, unrest amongordinary Lao seems bound to escalate.
Asked who he thought was in control of the complex, one villagerliving just outside the construction zone pointed in the directionof the casino. ‘Over there, it’s no more Lao,’ he said simply.‘That’s China.’

Jim December 31, 2010 at 4:58 am
“Because the natives in Laos have been growing, producing, andsmuggling opium and heroin since early-20th century. Much of thedrugs eventually flow into China so China has an incentive inchanging the economic situation in Laos.
Gambling is much better than drug production.”
If you read the history of drug use in SE Asia and throughout theworld opium was largely seen as less harmful than alcohol. It’sbeen scapegoated because it’s a natural painkiller and medicinethat the pharmaceutical industry can’t make any money off. Read thehistory of it in Peter Singer’s “Opium Culture”. In the future thepeople of Laos will be subjected to the same fate as people in the3rd world suffering from painful illneses – having no option but tobuy the pharmaceutical companies extortionate pain reliefmedicines

Jerry December 30, 2010 at 7:16 pm
Forget the propaganda, Laos was open for business, the EU and theUSA ( the west ) for too long looked the other way, had far toomany conditions (strings attached) and blew the opportunity. Nowremember the Chinese come with more strings but in a much morepleasant way. Whereas the US and the EU have foreign corruptpractices acts to contend with. China has zero.
If the west wanted to help the Laotian people, they needed to geton the horses and ride in. The Western embassies, stationed in Laoand Thailand, for far too long reported bad intel on Lao,which madethe Chinese jump in with two feet.
If China was smart enough to capture Lao then so be it.
Just two years ago China was leasing all of Downtown Vientiene fora 99 year lease.
America with its carrot and sticks, Nobel peace prize presidentObama and
Secretary of State Clinton, are no better for Southeast Asia thanany other
democratic administration. They consistently send the wrong peopleto work the
region and give false hope to the people of the area.

john December 30, 2010 at 1:03 pm
eventually laos is going to be governed by the chinese gamblingmafia who has their “own government”. it is so sad that laotianleaders are shortsighted and so corrupted that they technicallypawning their country just for a handful of dollars (yuans).

Jerry December 30, 2010 at 7:22 pm
Your comment may be so, but what else were they to do with allthese offers?
No one from the west who wanted the democracy, came to offer anybetter. If they had the Lao government was waiting with open arms.China is doing this around the globe, with no one giving themcompetition. If the west is to compete there
is no way with all the laws and regulations. You are going upagainst a modern
day Mob ( gangsters )with bottomless, bank accounts, and agovernment to back them. So whats the issue? It is that the westerngovernments look the other way.
The sad part is once again the people of Laos, who fought communismare now
destined to be poor for another 100 years.

john January 4, 2011 at 2:15 pm
what else is there to do? don’t they know how to say no to drug andgambling? that’s what i was taught growing up. if they loved theirmotherland more than dollars/yuans they could have said no. it doesnot matter who made an offer. laos is a country of six millionspeople. it is rich in resources per capita. i totally supportingthem building dams for electricity to export. that and tourismshould be able to provide basic need for its people if income ismanaged honestly. i really don’t care if the westerner also camewith an offer to build casino. gambling is not a solution for ahealthy society. it is the breeding ground for crimes and badcharacters. now the chinese had built their casino palace on laosoil, it is like a cancer. this is a cancer that even their kidscan not remove. that is why it is so sad.

BernieMc December 29, 2010 at 10:58 am
At the moment, the dog is wagging its tail, but once theinfrastructure has been completed, industry has been developed,schools and hospitals built and the people educated, I think thatthe tail will start to wag the dog.

DengXaoXao December 26, 2010 at 10:50 pm
It seems to me that the Chinese are doing the same thing in Burma,Cambodia, and Vietnam as well. It is a pattern ofexpansionism.

Jerry December 30, 2010 at 7:27 pm
Yes you are absolutely correct. Indirectly they ( China ) are alsoinvolved in Thailand.
The present so-called non corrupt government has struck more dealswith China
after kicking out their so-called China man Thaksin from thecountry.
If you watched closely the crackdown in Thailand last year, youwill see
the signs of a very close knit monitored, chinese style crackdown.Rumor had it this was also assisted by the chinese training theThai in military exercises which were no more than a cover forcivilian unrest crowd control.
Burma has already ceded monetary control as well as resourcedevelopment to china.

sombatr December 26, 2010 at 3:15 pm
Lao will be conqure by both vietnam and China. So where was thePatha Lao fought for, was it because of colonyzation or it is nowthe biggest colonyzation?

Hum December 26, 2010 at 9:19 am
How is economic activities spilling across your own nation a“necessity”? You have one of the largest nations in the world, andyour own enclave for gambling (Macau) but yet somehow you manage tosneak into a small neighboring country to develop a casino? Ahotel? Restaurants? I never understood the reasoning to createsomething, that you can build in your home country, in anotherplace, and go to it.

Historian December 28, 2010 at 9:37 am
Because the natives in Laos have been growing, producing, andsmuggling opium and heroin since early-20th century. Much of thedrugs eventually flow into China so China has an incentive inchanging the economic situation in Laos.
Gambling is much better than drug production.

Khong Siphandone December 25, 2010 at 2:11 pm
It’s Chinese all around in Laos… Rubber plantations, cementfactories, gambling center, a new China Town, small Chinese shopsaround big cities, you name it… All point to Chinese…

Huang December 25, 2010 at 9:37 am
China’s economic activities within China itself and spilling outaround the neighboring nations is a reality and a necceessity andthey will some times create negative sentiments. On its part,it isnecceessary for China to minimize or prevent negative impacts tothe local people and maximize efforts to improve the mutualunderstandings between China and neighboring nations. It is in theinterest of Chinese investors to maintain trusting relations(fairand practical) with neighboring people so that Westernjournalists(spies or instigators)will fail in their efforts to drawan ugly picture when ever they write about Chinese investments inAsia or other regions. Chinese medias do not go around seeking ormaking up bad stories about others and this does not mean Chinesemedias should continue to allow these crooked journalists to getaway with their crimes.

ASEAN December 26, 2010 at 12:09 am
Blah, blah, blah… These so-called “crooked journalists” wrotenothing that many who live in the region haven’t already known.Your calling them “crooked” actually meant they didn’t follow theofficial Chinese line, which in the real world is calledpropaganda.

mahasila December 26, 2010 at 12:31 am
you are right, today all around the world medium picks on somethingthat touches people mind so the intelligent will spread. but to myunderstanding, chinese and vietnamese in laos(my former nativeland) never attempt to rebuild the country or land where theyintrude. simply, rob and deteriorate its prestine culture andvalue, turn into a monsterous image possess a evil which will becontagious all over the country.

typhoonq January 3, 2011 at 8:12 am
I don’t think Huang is making propaganda for China. Apparently,when some Chinese stand up against biased Western media reports,you people just allege it is Chinese propaganda. On the contrary,you are being brain washed by your own media.
What the Chinese doing in border Laos is a Win-Win situation forboth countries.
On one hand, it has help to discourage the farmers from growingopium by creating jobs opportunity all round. In actual fact, theWestern countries also benefited indirectly when lesser heroin arebeing smuggled out of the country.

john January 4, 2011 at 2:46 pm
there is no saint on this earth so i am not going to say which raceor person is better than the other. i don’t want to fault thechinese, the american, etc.. since we are all human.
if i became a drug addict so i should be blaming the people whomade drug? if i shot and kill someone with a gun so i will beblaming person who made a gun? to say that farmers who grew opiumso that they can subsist in the harsh environment is the root causeof drug addiction in the world is a blame game. to say that thechinese built casino caused gambling addiction is a blame game. theblame however is for the lao people who allowed the chinese build acasino in their land. the blame is for lao leaders who are selfish,corrupted, and stupid. this is a no win-win situation.


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