Existentialism Is a Humanism
Jean PaulSartre(让·保罗·萨特,1905一1980)
My purpose here is to offer a defence of existentialismagainst several reproaches that have been laid againstit.
First, it has beenreproached as an invitation to people to dwell in quietism ofdespair. For if every way to a solution is barred, one would haveto regard any action in this world as entirely ineffective, and onewould arrive finally at a contemplative philosophy. Moreover, sincecontemplation is a luxury, this would be only another bourgeoisphilosophy. This is, especially, the reproach made by theCommunists.
From another quarter we arereproached for having underlined all that is ignominious in thehuman situation, for depicting what is mean, sordid or base to theneglect of certain things that possess charm and beauty and belongto the brighter side of human nature: for example, according to theCatholic critic, Mlle. Mercier, we forget how an infantsmiles.
Both from this side and fromthe other we are also reproached for leaving out of account thesolidarity of mankind and considering man in isolation. And this,say the Communists, is because we base our doctrine upon puresubjectivity – upon the Cartesian “I think”: which is the moment inwhich solitary man attains to himself; a position from which it isimpossible to regain solidarity with other men who exist outside ofthe self. The ego cannot reach them through the cogito.
From the Christian side, weare reproached as people who deny the reality and seriousness ofhuman affairs. For since we ignore the commandments of God and allvalues prescribed as eternal, nothing remains but what is strictlyvoluntary. Everyone can do what he likes, and will be incapable,from such a point of view, of condemning either the point of viewor the action of anyone else.
It is to these various reproaches that I shall endeavour toreply today; that is why I have entitled this brief exposition“Existentialism is a Humanism.” Many may be surprised at themention of humanism in this connection, but we shall try to see inwhat sense we understand it. In any case, we can begin by sayingthat existentialism, in our sense of the word, is a doctrine thatdoes render human life possible; a doctrine, also, which affirmsthat every truth and every action imply both an environmental and ahuman subjectivity.
The essential charge laid against us is, of course, that ofover-emphasis upon the evil side of human life. I have lately beentold of a lady who, whenever she lets slip a vulgar expression in amoment of nervousness, excuses herself by exclaiming, “I believe Iam becoming an existentialist.” So it appears that ugliness isbeing identified with existentialism. That is why some people saywe are “naturalistic,” and if we are, it is strange to see how muchwe scandalise and horrify them, for no one seems to be muchfrightened or humiliated nowadays by what is properly callednaturalism. Those who can quite well keep down a novel by Zola suchas La Terre are sickened as soon as they read an existentialistnovel. Those who appeal to the wisdom of the people – which is asad wisdom – find ours sadder still. And yet, what could be moredisillusioned幻想破灭的than suchsayings as “Charity begins at home” or “Promote a rogue and he’llsue you for damage, knock him down and he’ll do youhomage”?
We all know how many common sayings can be quoted to thiseffect, and they all mean much the same – that you must not opposethe powers that be; that you must not fight against superior force;must not meddle管闲事in matters thatare above your station. Or that any action not in accordance withsome tradition is mere romanticism; or that any undertaking whichhas not the support of proven experience is foredoomed tofrustration; and that since experience has shown men to beinvariably inclined to evil, there must be firm rules to restrainthem, otherwise we shall have anarchy. It is, however, the peoplewho are forever mouthing these dismal proverbs and, whenever theyare told of some more or less repulsive action, say “How like humannature!” – it is these very people, alwaysharping唠叨upon realism, who complain that existentialism is toogloomy a view of things. Indeed their excessive protests make mesuspect that what is annoying them is not so much our pessimism,but, much more likely, our optimism. For at bottom, what isalarming in the doctrine that I am about to try to explain to youis – is it not? – that it confronts man with a possibility ofchoice. To verify this, let us review the whole question upon thestrictly philosophic level. What, then, is this that we callexistentialism?
我们都很熟习许多可以这样引用的老话,它们的意义大抵相同—— 你不可反抗现实,你不可违反权威,你不可逾越本份,干涉他人。或者说,任何不依从一些传统的行为都只是浪漫主义;或者说不根据过去经验的行为,都注定要失败的;并且由于经验显示出人总是不变地倾向于罪恶,所以必须有严厉的规则来约束,否则我们就要陷入无政府状态了。然而,直到现在仍然有人咀嚼着这些丧气的老话,每当他们听到一些讨厌的行为时,就会说:“多么象人性呀!”——就是这些重弹现实主义老调的人,在抱怨存在主义对事物的看法太过于阴郁。的确,他们那些过度的抗议倒使我怀疑触怒他们的不是我们的悲观,而是我们的乐观。因为追根究底,在我正要向你们解释的学说之中振聋发聩之点在于:人有选择的可能性,难道不是吗?为证实这点,我们必须在纯哲学的水准上,把它重新研究一番。那就是我们称为存在主义的这个名词,到底是什么?
Most of those who are makinguse of this word would be highly confused if required to explainits meaning. For since it has become fashionable, people cheerfullydeclare that this musician or that painter is “existentialist.” Acolumnist in Clartes signs himself “The Existentialist,” and,indeed, the word is now so loosely applied to so many things thatit no longer means anything at all. It would appear that, for thelack of any novel doctrine such as that of surrealism, all thosewho are eager to join in the latest scandal or movement now seizeupon this philosophy in which, however, they can find nothing totheir purpose. For in truth this is of all teachings the leastscandalous and the most austere: it is intended strictly fortechnicians and philosophers. All the same, it can easily bedefined.
The question is onlycomplicated because there are two kinds of existentialists. Thereare, on the one hand, the Christians, amongst whom I shall nameJaspers and Gabriel Marcel, both professed Catholics; and on theother the existential atheists, amongst whom we must placeHeidegger as well as the French existentialists and myself. Whatthey have in common is simply the fact that they believe thatexistence comes before essence – or, if you will, that we mustbegin from the subjective. What exactly do we mean bythat?
If one considers an articleof manufacture as, for example, a book or a paper-knife – one seesthat it has been made by an artisan who had a conception of it; andhe h as paid attention, equally, to the conception of a paper-knifeand to the pre-existent technique of production which is a part ofthat conception and is, at bottom, a formula. Thus the paper-knifeis at the same time an article producible in a certain manner andone which, on the other hand, serves a definite purpose, for onecannot suppose that a man would produce a paper-knife withoutknowing what it was for. Let us say, then, of the paperknife thatits essence – that is to say the sum of the formulae and thequalities which made its production and its definition possible –precedes its existence. The presence of such-and-such a paper-knifeor book is thus determined before my eyes. Here, then, we areviewing the world from a technical standpoint, and we can say thatproduction precedes existence.
When we think of God as thecreator, we are thinking of him, most of the time, as a supernalartisan. Whatever doctrine we may be considering, whether it be adoctrine like that of Descartes, or of Leibniz himself, we alwaysimply that the will follows, more or less, from the understandingor at least accompanies it, so that when God creates he knowsprecisely what he is creating. Thus, the conception of man in themind of God is comparable to that of the paper-knife in the mind ofthe artisan: God makes man according to a procedure and aconception, exactly as the artisan manufactures a paper-knife,following a definition and a formula. Thus each individual man isthe realisation of a certain conception which dwells in the divineunderstanding.

In the philosophic atheismof the eighteenth century, the notion of God is suppressed, butnot, for all that, the idea that essence is prior to existence;something of that idea we still find everywhere, in Diderot, inVoltaire and even in Kant. Man possesses a human nature; that“human nature,” which is the conception of human being, is found inevery man; which means that each man is a particular example of auniversal conception, the conception of Man. In Kant, thisuniversality goes so far that the wild man of the woods, man in thestate of nature and the bourgeois are all contained in the samedefinition and have the same fundamental qualities. Here again, theessence of man precedes that historic existence which we confrontin experience.
Atheistic existentialism, ofwhich I am a representative, declares with greater consistency thatif God does not exist there is at least one being whose existencecomes before its essence, a being which exists before it can bedefined by any conception of it. That being is man or, as Heideggerhas it, the human reality. What do we mean by saying that existenceprecedes essence? We mean that man first of all exists, encountershimself, surges up in the world – and defines himself afterwards.If man as the existentialist sees him is not definable, it isbecause to begin with he is nothing. He will not be anything untillater, and then he will be what he makes of himself. Thus, there isno human nature, because there is no God to have a conception ofit. Man simply is. Not that he is simply what he conceives himselfto be, but he is what he wills, and as he conceives himself afteralready existing – as he wills to be after that leap towardsexistence.
Man is nothing else but thatwhich he makes of himself. That is the first principle ofexistentialism. And this is what people call its “subjectivity,”using the word as a reproach against us. But what do we mean to sayby this, but that man is of a greater dignity than a stone or atable? For we mean to say that man primarily exists – that man is,before all else, something which propels itself towards a futureand is aware that it is doing so. Man is, indeed, a project whichpossesses a subjective life, instead of being a kind of moss, or afungus or a cauliflower. Before that projection of the self nothingexists; not even in the heaven of intelligence: man will onlyattain existence when he is what he purposes to be. Not, however,what he may wish to be. For what we usually understand by wishingor willing is a conscious decision taken – much more often than not– after we have made ourselves what we are. I may wish to join aparty, to write a book or to marry – but in such a case what isusually called my will is probably a manifestation of a prior andmore spontaneous decision. If, however, it is true that existenceis prior to essence, man is responsible for what he is. Thus, thefirst effect of existentialism is that it puts every man inpossession of himself as he is, and places the entireresponsibility for his existence squarely upon his own shoulders.And, when we say that man is responsible for himself, we do notmean that he is responsible only for his own individuality, butthat he is responsible for all men.