Bailey: What dowe got?
Paramedic: KatieBryce, fifteen-year-old female, new onset seizures, intermittentfor the past week, I.V. lost enroute,started grand malseizing as wedescended.
Bailey: Allright, get her on her side, Izzie, ten milligrams Diazepam I.M. No,no, the white lead is on the right, righty whitey, smoke over fire.A large bore I.V. Don't let the blood hemolyze, let'sgo!
Burke: So Iheard we got a wet fish on dry land?
Bailey: Absolutely Dr. Burke.
Burke: Dr.Bailey, let’s gonna shotgun her.
Bailey: Thatmeans every test in the book, CT, CBC, chem-seven, tox screen.Cristina, you're on labs, George, patientworkups, Meredith,get Katie for a CT, she's your responsibility now.
Izzie: Wait,what about me?
Bailey: You -honey, you get to do rectal exams.
Vocabulary & Phrases
1.Paramedic n. 急救医务人员
2. Onset n. 起始,开始发病,病初期
3.Seisure n. 癫痫
4.Intermittent adj. 间歇性的
5.descend v. (飞机等)下降
6. Milligram n. 毫克
7.Diazepam n. 安定
8.Hemolyze v. 发生溶血
9.Rectal adj. 直肠的
10.I.M. 肌肉注射
11.CT X射线电子计算机扫描

12.CBC (=Complete Blood Count)全血细胞计数
13.Chem-7 生化7项(包括血钾,钠,氯,血碳酸氢根,肌酐,尿素氮,血糖)
14.Tox screen 血液毒理检测
15.White lead 碱式碳酸铅
16.en route (法)途中
17.Grand mal seizure 重度癫痫
18.Patient work-up 看护病人(work up原为词组,加连字符成为一个单词)
1.What do we get? 病人是什么情况?(此句字面意思是,我们得到 了什么,因为面对的是病人,引申一下,便成了病人怎么样。这句话可以用在不同场合。比如,查看信箱时,可以翻译为,我们收到了那些信;打开冰箱时,可以翻译成,冰箱里还剩什么,如此。)
2.Get her on her side. 让她侧过身来。(“侧身睡觉”是sleep on one’sside;”仰着、趴着睡觉”是sleep on one’s backor front.)
3.So I heard we got a wet fish on dry land? 听说我们有一个等待抢救的病人。(这里用的是中文里比喻的修辞,将等待急救的病人,和在沙滩上的鱼比较,十分形象的用法,也显得生动有趣。)
4.let's gonna shotgunher. 让我们拯救她吧。(gunshot原意为“用枪射杀”,这里因为前文将病人比作”沙滩上干渴的鱼”,射杀鱼,即使其脱离苦海,进入极乐世界,在这里便引申为“拯救”。很奇妙的用法啊,不过这么奇特的比喻也侧面表现出Dr Burke的傲慢。)