The mostthoroughly studied intellectuals in the history of the New Worldare the ministers and political leaders ofseventeenth-centuryNew England. According to thestandard history of American philosophy, nowhere else incolonialAmerica was “so much importance attachedto intellectual pursuits.” According to many books andarticles,New England’s leaders established thebasic themes and preoccupations of an unfolding, dominant Puritantradition in American intellectual life.
1. Theauthor holds that in the seventeenth-centuryNewEngland____.
[A]Puritan tradition dominatedpolitical life.
[B]intellectual interests wereencouraged.
[C]Politics benefited much fromintellectual endeavors.
[D]intellectual pursuits enjoyed aliberal environment.
根据题干中的seventeenthcentury和NewEngland我们不难定位到文章的第一段,选项A中的Puritantradition(清教传统)在倒数第一句中出现,但是倒数第一句是这样说道:“大量的文章和书籍都记载道,新英格兰的领袖们确立了美国知识生活中的基本话题,其最关注的就是一直在知识生活中占据主导地位,并不断演进的清教传统。”文中明确说到了inAmerican intellectual life.而不是选项A中的in politicallife,可以直接排除A。同样,C选项说:政治从学术活动中受益匪浅,而整个段落没有提及学术活动对于政治的影响。同样可以轻松排除。而B和D却相当难排除了。一个说“学术的兴趣被鼓励”,一个说“享用宽松自由的求知环境”。两个选项和段落中所涉及的知识生活话题都有关系。文中只有这样的相关叙述:“somuch importance attached to intellectualpursuits.”“知识的追求是如此的受重视”。而就这点来讲我们分别认为B和D都对也是合理的,但是当B和D放在一起的时候,我们就必须重新理清我们的逻辑思维链条了。我们首先承认的是:知识的追求是受到重视的。如果要选D的话,那么我们必须先承认B,也就是说,要是没有B就不可能有D。在这种情况下我们就很容易得出一个结论:当一个选项是以另一个选项为前提的时候,只能选后一个选项。也就是你必须首先承认的那个选项。用公式来讲就是:因为A所以B,选A不选B。
What isthe real relationship between education and economic development?We have to suspect that continuing economic growth promotes thedevelopment of education even when governments don’t force it.After all, that’s how education got started. When our ancestorswere hunters and gatherers 10,000 years ago, they didn’t have timeto wonder much about anything besides finding food. Only whenhumanity began to get its food in a more productive way was theretime for other things.
34. Theauthor quotes the example of our ancestors to show that educationemerged________.
[A]when people had enoughtime
[B]prior to better ways of findingfood
[C]when people on longer wenthungry
[D]as a result of pressure ongovernment
因为不挨饿,有 了足够的时间。
It is said thatinEngland death is pressing,inCanada inevitable andinCalifornia optional.Smallwonder. Americans’ lifeexpectancy has nearly doubled over the past century. Failing hipscan be replaced, clinical depression controlled, cataracts removedin a 30-minutes surgical procedure. Such advances offer the agingpopulation a quality of life that was unimaginable when I enteredmedicine 50 years ago. But not even a great health-care system cancure death -- and our failure to confront that reality nowthreatens this greatness ofours.(2003年passage 4)。
56.Whatis implied in the first sentence?
[A]Americans are better prepared for death than otherpeople.
[B]Americans enjoy a higher life quality than ever before.
[C]Americans are over-confident of their medicaltechnology.
[D]Americans take a vain pride in their long lifeexpectancy.
因为C对应文章:Failing hips can be replaced,clinical depression controlled, cataracts removed in a 30-minutessurgical procedure.
而D对应文章:Americans’ life expectancy hasnearly doubled over the past century.
Dr.Myers and Dr. Worm argue that their work gives a correct baseline,which future management efforts must take into account. Theybelieve the data support an idea current among marine biologists,that of the “shifting baseline.” The notion is that people havefailed to detect the massive changes which have happened in theocean because they have been looking back only a relatively shorttime into the past. That matters because theory suggests that themaximum sustainable yield that can be cropped from a fishery comeswhen the biomass of a target species is about 50% of its originallevels. Most fisheries are well below that, which is a bad way todo business.(2006年passage3)
35.Theauthor seems to be mainly concerned with most fisheries’________.
[A]management efficiency
[B]biomass level
[C]catch-size limits
[D]technological application
35题为文章的最后一题,我们在做题的过程中习惯的把目光投向了最后一段,如果有阅读过我上一篇文章《做正确的事和正确的做事》的同学应该知道最后一段实际是没有这个题的答案的,因为问题问的是作者主要关心的是什么?最后一段却没有出现过作者的观点。都在谈论Dr.Myers and Dr. Worm关于捕捞限制的问题。这样答案就指向了C,但是B选项也是在最后一段谈到的。乱象丛生啊!

HongKong’s fall had brought Liusu Victory. But in this unreasonableworld ,who can distinguish cause from effect? Who knows which iswhich?Did a greatcity fall so that she could be vindicated .