Sherlock-A triumph ofreimagination
Posted by Jess on13/08/10 under Articles& Reviews | No Comments
Tags: BBC,sherlock,television,USnews
Aug 13, 10
by Paul Kerton,12/08/10, tvOvermind | Read Original
Steven Moffat does itagain. Over the years he has achieved some remarkable televisionfeats. Not only did he essentially sell his UK version of Friendsback to the United States (as Coupling), write the best episodes ofDoctor Who during the Russell T. Davies era and eventually takeover the running of the show himself, snubbing Spielberg in theprocess, he and Mark Gatiss (The League of Gentlemen, Doctor Who)have now reinvented Sherlock Holmes for the 21st Century inspectacular fashion. Note to Guy Ritchie. This is how its done.
这部BBC新版《福尔摩斯》又是史蒂文·莫法特的力作。多年来这位电视界大师已经为我们奉上了多部经典佳作。他不仅成功地将英国版《老友记》(即《冤家成双》)打入美国市场,还撰写了《神秘博士》——theRussell T. Daviesera中最好的台词,并最终一手接管了该剧。如今他和马克·盖提斯(作品有《天降奇兵》、《神秘博士》)联手力压斯皮尔伯格,共同打造21世纪的时尚大侦探——夏洛克·福尔摩斯。这一切还要归功于盖伊·里奇这个人物。
The old adage in entertainment is thattwo similar vehicles come along at roughly the same time. Forexample, when Armageddon was released in 1998, we also had DeepImpact. When The Illusionist was released, we also had ThePrestige. Antz and A Bug’s Life, Dante’s Peak and Volcano, IronEagle and Top Gun. I could go on. Sherlock Holmes is no different.However, the contrast between the two productions couldn’t be anystarker.
‘Sherlock’ is the latest productionfrom BBC Cardiff and stars Benedict Cumberbatch (‘Hawking’, ‘TheOther Boleyn Girl’ and the upcoming ‘War Horse’) as Sherlock Holmesand Martin Freeman (‘The Office UK’, ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide To TheGalaxy’) as Dr John Watson, in a thoroughly modern remake. Thehorse drawn carriages have been replaced by taxis, Sherlock prefersto communicate via text message than converse on the telephone, andWatson is returning home from Afghanistan instead of the Boer War.Every detail of the Holmes story is handled with care and clarity,and has clearly been written by two men who very much love theoriginal stories. They even very cleverly handle the suggestionthat Holmes and Watson may have been closer than friends, somethingthat comedians have noted for a while, including this sketch byLook Around You co-creator Peter Serafinowicz.
The entire cast is a revelation. Eversince his stunning and mesmerising performance in Hawking back in2004, Benedict Cumberbatch has been an actor to watch, and he isperfect as Holmes. His breakout performance of a slightly conceitedarrogant and somewhat sociopathic Holmes is more like the booksthan any production since the sad death of Jeremy Brett in 1995. Hestill takes drugs, he is sexless and has no interest in makingfriends. Martin Freeman was an inspired piece of casting forWatson. His fame comes mostly from The Office playing Tim (thecharacter that became Jim in the US version of the show) and ArthurDent in H2G2, and I was worried that he would essentially transposethose two similar “every man” characters into Watson. Luckily,whilst Watson is an every man character, he isn’t Tim or Arthur. Heis a complex individual, affected by war and his desire to seeaction beautifully performed with subtlety by Freeman. Thesupporting cast is also excellent, with Rupert Graves’ (The Madnessof King George, V for Vendetta) Inspector Lestrade and Una Stubbs(Worzel Gummidge) playing Mrs Hudson standing out inparticular.
同时该剧的演员阵容让人耳目一新。本尼迪克特·科伯巴奇在2004年的《霍金》一剧中有完美迷人的表演,从此跻身为值得一看的演员,如今他饰演的福尔摩斯堪称完美。这位大侦探有点自负,有点傲慢,甚至还有点反社会人格。他吸毒、性冷淡、也没有兴趣交朋友。科伯巴奇饰演的福尔摩斯是1995年之后最贴近原著的一位(那一年,亲爱的JB离开了我们)。让马丁·弗里曼饰演华生医生也是神来之笔。弗里曼成名于《办公室》和《银河系漫游指南》,他分别在剧中扮演了Tim和ArthurDent。他饰演的这两个角色很相似,都是“平凡人”类型。一开始我很担心他把这种特点也带到华生医生身上。不过很幸运,虽然华生医生确实有平凡人的特质,不过弗里曼饰演的华生绝不是Tim和ArthurDent的翻版。该剧中的华生医生个性复杂,一方面受战争影响,一方面又期待目睹更多“战事”。弗里曼精湛的演技微妙地表现了华生的特点。配角们的表现也相当精彩。RupertGraves饰演的类似特拉德警长和Una Stubbs饰演的哈德森太太尤其出色。
The three 90-minute episodes blastthrough at a fast and furious pace. The second episode isunsurprisingly the weakest of the three, taking the least influencefrom the original books and presenting a story that feels long andunceremoniously sandwiched between a beginning and an end. However,the first and last episode are so impressive with the writing beingboth fresh and deferential to both the books and the Basil Rathboneand Jeremy Brett productions that you can’t help being mesmerised.There are references all over the place. Just try and find them,your brain will ache.