I had the privilege to work forMr. Ron Clark's lecture in China. Ron Clark's anAmerican educator who's known for his ability to teach difficultchildren and raise their test scores. He's made two appearances onthe Oprah Winfrey Show and won multiple accolades for his dedicatedwork. A movie was made about Ron Clark - the RonClark Story, starring Matthew Perry, best known for his role asChandler in "Friends"

I worked inside thesimultaneous-interpreting booth the whole time.It was inspiring to watch Ron Clark in action onstage.
Ron Clark is extraordinarilyarticulate, animated, charismatic, and passionate. And he's oneheck of a performer who knows how to engage students and a bigaudience. Ron Clark has unique methods to turnseemingly dry subjects into something interesting forstudents.
Aside fromhelping students raise test scores, Ron Clark also makes a point ofteaching good behaviors, good values and leadership skills to hisstudents. It's indeed a fresh breath of air tomeet a teacher who goes out of his way to helpstudents.
Ron Clark and hisstudents
Ron Clark andme
It was a great delight to work withRon Clark, a charming and exceptional teacher, with endlesspassion!
非常高兴能给美国名师Ron Clark的演讲做同传。很有魅力和激情的一位好老师。
Ron Clark and his students- Ron Clark和他的学生
Ron Clark having a demo class onstage -舞台上的示范课
The inside of the simultaneousinterpreting booth - 同传箱内部
The outside of the simultaneousinterpreting booth - 同传箱外部
A full house - 座无虚席
专家讨论 - Paneldiscussions
The Ron Clark Story, based on a truestory, starring Matthew Perry(由《老友记》里面的Chandler 饰演 RonClark, 根据Ron Clark的真人真事改编。个人觉得Ron Clark 真人比Chandler帅)
Ron Clark's speech wasextemporaneous and spontaneous. No scripts were provided t————otheinterpreters beforehand. To do a good job, Iwatched the Ron Clark Story movie to learn more about Ron Clark andhis teachingmethodology. And Iwas tremendously inspired by themovie.
Ron Clark是现场即兴演讲,不用讲稿的。也没有什么资料提供给翻译,为了做好这场会,我还专门在会议前看了关于Ron Clark的电影 - theRon Clark Story (中文译名《热血教师》)
Click here to watch the Ron Clark Story movie online -点击在线观看《热血教师》
pictures from themovie
我的自白-DoWhat You Love!