During the two weeks of preparing formid-terms, I chose the fifth book of the Pretty Little Liars seriesto reduce pressure. I was looking forward to more drama, andthat’s exactly what I got. Though Pretty Little Liars mayseem immature and shallow in comparison with some of the otherbooks I enjoy, but as bizarre as this may sound, it is writtenpretty well.
In this novel, a newAappears after Mona dies, the four girls mistake the new messages tobe sent by A copycats, but soon realize there’s someone in town outto get them. Ian is still accused of having killed Alison a fewyears ago, but he’s absent to his trial. Two days later at thebenefit held at Spencer’s house, the four girls discover him to bedead, and an Atext: He had to go.
Hanna gives in when Katereaches out to her and convinces her to believe the possibility ofthe two of them becoming the queen of Rosewood Day. They join thetwo girls who Hanna had hated before, and the four of them ruletheir school. Hanna suspects Kate to be A,and tells everyone Kate has herpes for revenge, only to be dumpedby her boyfriend Lucas, and grounded by her father. Spencer’sgrandmother dies without leaving her heritage, soon revealingSpencer’s chance of being adopted, she signs up at a website tofind her birth mother, and succeeds at doing so close to the end ofthe book. Emily is frightened and confused when she meets Isaac (aboy) and feels attracted. She’s caught between Isaac’s charm, herfriends’ questioning and A’sconstant threat ening to tell Isaac about her secret of being alesbian. Aria’s mother meets a male artist after her divorce,surprisingly the same artist Aria had met the night before at anopening. Aria is in shock when her mother Ella and Xavier become acouple, and her brother Mike doesn’t show disapproval. Awarns the four girls not to tell anyone about the messages they’vebeen receiving, and kills Ian after they tell the cops about thenew A.

I don’t think there is amain moral of the story, and even if there is, it doesn’t have thatmuch to do with the story itself. But it’s exciting enough withouta message, so why force a deeper meaning to Aand his/her troublemaking? Some things should just be about fun andfun only.
I think the four girlsare absolutely hilarious. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t stress meout reading about them, it quite fun actually. They spend half oftheir time creating secrets for Ato use; a quarter worrying about A;and another quarter acting like paranoid geniuses, once in a whilerevealing something that is worth looking into. All in all, thesebooks are for pure relaxation, and they have servedwell.