

作者Josephine Chu是美国驻华大使馆的“e-实习生”(e-intern)--Virtual Student ForeignService

你好!我是Josephine Chu。我是个三年级的美国大学生。我家在新泽西州,在纽约市的南边。我的大学是AmherstCollege。我的学校离波士顿两个多小时。我是政治和经济的双专业,也上了很多中文课和中国文化课。








Hello! My name is Josephine Chu, and I’m from New Jersey in theUnited States. I live about an hour south of New York City, nearthe shore. Right now, I’m a junior at Amherst College, a liberalarts college in western Massachusetts that’s about two hours awayfrom Boston. I’m working towards a double major in PoliticalScience and Economics, but I’ve also taken a lot of classes inChinese and China in general.

My school is extremely small, with a student population ofroughly 1,700. It’s located in a very rural area; there’s a bisonfarm right down the road. It’s not exactly the type of excitingenvironment that some students prefer, but it’s really a greatplace!

I chose to attend Amherst College, because it’s one of the topliberal arts colleges in the United States. Liberal arts collegesare schools that focus on a comprehensive undergraduate academicexperience. Students are required to take classes in a wide rangeof subjects, in addition to their major. These types of collegesgenerally also have a strong emphasis on theory, writing, and thedevelopment of a student’s mind (as opposed to purely technicalknowl edge). For example, my college actually didn’t offerengineering as a major until very recently, because it wasoriginally believed that the study of engineering wouldn’t helpdevelop the way a student would think!

Many liberal arts colleges in the United States don’t offergraduate schools, so professors place more emphasis on teachingundergraduate students- instead of focusing on research withgraduate students! That means that a lot of these colleges arequite small, and you really get to know everyone on campus. Once, Iran into the same friend five times in one afternoon!

My school really values writing, which means I have to writequite a few papers every semester. Some weeks, I have to writeseveral four-page papers in one week. Other weeks, I have to writeone long twelve-page paper. The work is really manageable, though,so I get to do some extracurricular activities.

A lot of American students like to participate in sports, orsome kind of activity where you can make friends and get exerciseat the same time. Last year, I joined our Ballroom and Salsa Club,where we learned different Latin and classic ballroom dances everyweek. The year before that, I took ice-skating lessons that wereoffered by my school. I also go to the gym, a couple times a month,to work out. Besides these activities, I’m also part of the AmherstCollege Debate Society and the Amherst College Political Union.

I have attached two pictures: one is of me (in a cable car inHong Kong, actually) and the other is of the grounds of AmherstCollege.

Throughout the year, I’ll be writing in more detail about thesedifferent aspects of my life at college, and the life of anAmerican student in general, as well as other topics related to anAmerican university. I’m very excited about this opportunity!



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/25101016/285256.html


转 张炎夏:我的父亲

转引自:张炎夏的天涯博客《我的父亲》_张炎夏_天涯博客张炎夏http://zhangyanxia.blog.tianya.cn [RSS订阅]上海小人眼里的中国个人信息 张炎夏张炎夏 今日访问:51 总访问量:15606 开博时间:2009-11-15博客排名...blog.tianya.cn/

张立宪——博客是我的情报站(10.10.8) 张立宪油画


泰戈尔在我心中——我的大学与缪斯之旅 祖国在我心中演讲稿





